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P for Physicists III
Day of birth: 10. March 1957
Studied at: Kerala University
Professor at the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Wikipedia.org
Born in India 1937.
"Pati has made pioneering contributions to the notion of a unification of elementary particles – quarks and leptons – and of their gauge forces force: weak, electromagnetic, and strong. His formulation, carried out in collaboration with Abdus Salam, of the original gauge theory of quark–lepton unification, and their resulting insight that violations of baryon and lepton numbers, especially those that would manifest in proton decay, are likely consequences of such a unification, provide cornerstones of modern particle physics today."
- Wikipedia.org
Day of birth: 24. October 1876 (Trinity, North Carolina)
Day of death: 12. August 1958 (Swarthmore, Pennsylvania)
George Braxton Pegram was an American physicist who played a key role in the technical administration of the Manhattan Project.
- Wikipedia.org
"Sir Rudolf Ernst Peierls, (June 5, 1907, Berlin – September 19, 1995, Oxford), was a German-born British physicist. Rudolph Peierls had a major role in Britain's nuclear program, but he also had a role in many modem sciences. His impact on Physics can probably be best described by his obituary in Physics Today: "Rudolph Peierls...a major player in the drama of the irruption of nuclear physics into world affairs...""
- Wikipedia.org
William Prout was born in Horton, Gloucestershire on January 15, 1785 and died in London on April 9, 1850.
"Prout contributed to the improvement of the barometer, and the Royal Society of London adopted his design as a national standard.
Prout wrote the eighth Bridgewater Treatise, Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Function of Digestion, considered with reference to Natural Theology.
The unit of nuclear binding energy, Prout, equal to 1/12 binding energy of the deuteron, or 185.5 keV is named after William Prout."
- Wikipedia.org
Aleksandr Mikhailovich Prokhorov (July 11, 1916 – January 8, 2002) was a Soviet/Russian physicist born in Australia.
He was born in Atherton, Queensland, to a family of Russian immigrants. He and his parents relocated to the Soviet Union in 1923.
In June 1941, he started to serve in the Soviet Army. He took part in the Second World War. He was wounded twice. After his second injury in 1944, he was demobilized.
Prokhorov (also known as Alexander Prochorow, depending on the spelling system) was a physicist and professor at the Moscow State University. In 1964 he received the Nobel Prize in Physics, for his pioneering work on lasers and masers. He was also the chief editor of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia since 1971-1990. Since 1973-2001 Prokhorov was a Chairman at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology[1]. In 2001 he was also honoured with the Demidov Prize.
He died in Moscow. After his death the "General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences" was renamed the "A. M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences."
- Wikipedia.org
Day of birth: 14. October 1801
Day of death: 15. September 1883
"He conducted extensive studies of soap films and formulated Plateau's laws which describe the structures formed by such films in foams.
Fascinated by the persistence of luminous impressions on the retina, he performed an experiment in which he gazed directly into the sun for 25 seconds. Consequently, he lost his eyesight later in his life. He died in Ghent."
- Wikipedia.org
Year of birth: 387 before Christ.
Year of death: 312 before Christ.
"Like the Pythagoreans Hicetas and Ecphantus, Heraclides proposed that the apparent daily motion of the stars was created by the rotation of the Earth on its axis once a day. According to a late tradition, he also believed that Venus and Mercury revolve around the Sun. This would mean that he anticipated the Tychonic system, an essentially geocentric model with heliocentric aspects."
- Wikipedia.org
"John Henry Poynting (September 9, 1852 – March 30, 1914) was an English physicist. He was a professor of physics at Mason Science College (now the University of Birmingham) from 1880 until his death.
He was the developer and eponym of the Poynting vector, which describes the direction and magnitude of electromagnetic energy flow and is used in the Poynting theorem, a statement about energy conservation for electric and magnetic fields. This work was first published in 1884. He performed a measurement of Newton's gravitational constant by innovative means during 1893. In 1903 he was the first to realise that the Sun's radiation can draw in small particles towards it. It was later coined the Poynting-Robertson effect.
In the year 1884 he analysed the futures exchange prices of commodities using statistical mathematics."
- Wikipedia.org
Bernhard Philberth was born in 1927 in Munich, Germany.
"Together with his brother he has been granted in excess of one hundred patents for inventions in various areas of physics (inter alia "Philberth-Probe", "Philberth-Transformer") and is the author of numerous technical publications on nuclear energy, energy management and patent law."
- Wikipedia.org
Day of birth: 2. February 1845 (Hrymayliv village)
Day of death: 31. January 1918 (Prague)
"As a result of experiments into what he called cold light Pulyui is reputed to have developed an X-ray emitting device as early as 1881. Pulyui reputedly first demonstrated an X-ray photograph of a 13-year-old boy's broken arm and an X-ray photograph of his daughter's hand with a pin lying under it. The device became known as the Pulyui lamp and was mass-produced for a period. Reputedly, Pulyui personally presented one to Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen who went on to be credited as the major developer of the technology."
- Wikipedia.org