Through the Myths of Time
King of the Greek gods, ruler of Air and Sky. Hurls his thunderbolts down from high atop Mount Olympus.
Norse god of Mischief, Strife, and Fire. Known for being quick and agile, both physically and mentally. Also the half-brother of Thor.
The Greek goddess of Victory.
Egyptian god and guardian of the Dead.
Greek Goddess of Wisdom in Combat.
Greek hero of legend. Reported to be indestructible (excpet for that darned heal of his) and a great warrior.
Greek hero, equal parts human and god, possessed of great strength and abilities.
Fabled giant and warrior from the Bible.
Fabled hero of the Bible that slew the giant Goliath.
Big Guy
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Legendary Titan that was said to hold the world on his shoulders.