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Wight Vikes
<img src=http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/2442/imagesqz2.jpg><b>*1/24/2507 Island Breweries Player of the match</b> Against Total Headache.
Jim: "So Logan, as chief Lineman for the Vikes how do you see your chances in the Wight Violence League?"
Logan: "av you taken my beer, it was here, there was a full pot and now its empty"
Jim: "No Mr. Logan sir, you drank it now how do you......"
Logan: "I would knows if i'd drunked it, you lyin git, come here"
Jim: "no....no.... arghh...ow."
Jim: "So you are the number 2 lineman for the Vikes how doe it feel to be so far up the ranks?"
Jurgen: "I'm best Logan has had his chance should've frown im overboard on trip down here"
Jim: "this sounds very strong aggresion against another member of your team is there a reason for this?"
Jurgen: "He owes me a pint from way back and bugger never pays up."
-Son of Gloin recently discovered, whilst playing the Barcelona Raging Bulls, that Bull Centaur heads make a louder and more satisfying crunch than goblin heads but you do tend to get more squishy stuff stuck to your boot.
-If its green and laying on the floor it is quite likely that he will walk over it several times, clearly he wouldn't meen to, it would just happen, he would also, purely by accident jump up and down on the green thing until it stops breathing. Its not that hes nasty he just doesn't like green things very much it started in his youth when he was forced to eat vegtables and quorn mince instead of whale meat like his friends.
<img src=http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/2442/imagesqz2.jpg>
<b>*1/25/2507 Island Breweries Player of the match</b> Against the Big Yellows.
<b>*1/24/2507 Island Breweries Player of the match</b> Against Green Spawn of Doom.
<img src=http://img235.imageshack.us/img235/75/smaxeql1.jpg><img src=http://img235.imageshack.us/img235/75/smaxeql1.jpg> <b>2Touchdown</b>
argh the voices leave me alone...leave me alone...must drink to drown the voices...make them stop argh.
To keep Yorvik's voices under control he must drink at least 6 pints of Skull splitter before going to the pitch this means that he is some times a little err absent minded when on the pitch.
Jim: "So when was it decided that you would be the Thrower for the Vikes?"
Chucken: "When i was the last one to turn up for practice and we were out of armour"
Jim: "Does your name not relate to your throwing capability?"
Chucken: "No it relates to my throwing up capability, I can re fill a tankard from 2 yards, 3 yards when going down wind."
Jim: "So you are the Vikes star Catcher, when did you learn the talent?"
Hans: "I didn't, i just have a very big hand and the team thought it would be a laugh if they made me the catcher."
After watching an episode of pimp my cart Donner has decided to paint 'go faster' stripes on his boots this does seem to of had a possitive effect on his performance.
Jim: “Donner, you must be proud to be picked from your village for the top Blitzer sport for the Vikes, how do you feel about this?”
Donner: “Fight?”
Jim: “No I’m here to interview you..”
Donner: “Nah come on outside now lets go.”
Jim: “no really I’m an interviewer I’m not here for a fight”
Donner: “tough” *thump*
<img src=http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/2442/imagesqz2.jpg>
<b>*1/28/2507 Island Breweries Player of the match</b> Against the Barcelona Raging Bulls
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Blitzen has grown to absolutly hate Colin Maxius Truebone of the Big Yellows, when asked why he simply replied "coz he wont stop breaving owever ard i hits im. "
<img src=http://img235.imageshack.us/img235/75/smaxeql1.jpg><b>1Touchdown</b>
Nah nah n nah nah I scored a touchdown..hic.................................hic.....Oh bugger i gots to excited n gave me self ic ups, must have another beer.
I have to keep drinking its what keeps my nose red.
First i take Flegm's place and now he is watching over me as assistant coach, really don't need the extra pressure. Must get drunk right away.
I drinks because my Mummy used to beat me wiv a broom and I frows a bawl because... I've forgotten. Is it pitch or pub tonight?