Razor Sharp Claws
Side Step
As you probably can guess, Strider was named for the famous ranger of the Lord of the Rings series of books, over a decade before the movies were filmed. Strider was my first ever character, and lasted a reasonably long time, until he was possessed by an evil spirit and forced to commit crimes against his will. Upon regaining control of himself, Strider was so racked with guilt that he retired from adventuring, devoting himself to protecting the forest from his most hated enemy, orcs, who try to cut down the timber to make war engines.
During his younger days, Strider was a dangerous warrior, wielding swords in both hands and fighting off multiple opponents at the same time. When the danger became too great, he could slip unseen into the surrounding terrain, only to strike again from the shadows when an opportunity presented itself.
*** Top 10 Alert!!! ***
It only took 9 games, but already Strider's in the top 10! As of 28 Jan 08, was ranked #4 most cas by an active gutter runner...and after 14 games, he broke into the top 10 for most cas by a gutter runner ALL TIME!!
On 11 Mar 08, in his 37th game, Strider proved himself a true legend by refusing to age despite his advanced skillset.
It finally 38, an absurd cas-fest that saw 5 rats MNG or worse, Strider got niggled by a blitz. I've been planning to use the potion on him, but without a team around him, there's not much point...
As of 7 Mar 08...
#3 Best Blocking Gutter Runner Ever
Expected skill progression:
Normal rolls:
Side Step--Check!