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Bronze Saints
Sure Hands
Block (20k)
- Seiya's natural fighting abilites exceed that of a normal human being: he can throw powerful <b>BLOCK</b>s!
+AG (40k)
+MA (30k)
Dodge (30k)
- Shiryu's hard training at the Five Peaks helped him develop his dexterity to an innatural extent, gaining him extra AGILITY!
- After fighting many battles versus different opponents, Shiryu's Cosmo grows to an incredibly powerful level, allowing him to move and strike at light speed: he has gained 7th Sense like a Gold Saint, and is now able to DODGE enemy blows!
- As he grows more attuned to 7th Sense, Shiryu becomes able to MOVE far more quickly than an ordinary Saint.
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Tackle (20k)
- Hyoga expands his Cosmo, and masters the technique "Diamond Dust". He gains <b>MIGHTY BLOW</b>!<br><br>
- Hyoga is willing to go great lenghts in order to protect his fellow Saints, gaining the ability to <b>GUARD</b> them from harm!<br><br>
- Hyoga's mastery of the cold energies increase after defeating his mentor, Camus, he's now able to summon ice rings to hinder and <b>TACKLE</b> his foes.
Guard (20k)
Tackle (20k)
- Shun's nature is extremely benevolent and peaceful, and in combat he prefers to <b>GUARD</b> his friends, rather than injure his foes.<br><br>
- By mean of his chain, Shun is able to <b>TACKLE</b> his foes by hindering their movements.
- Ikki's muscles are stronger than those of any other Saint's, granting him superior <b>STRENGHT</b>
Block (20k)
Mighty Blow (30k)
Tackle (20k)
- Jabu starts developing a powerful Cosmo, and masters the technique of the "Unicorn Gallop", a <b>MIGHTY BLOW</b> that he uses to defeat the enemies of Athena.
- Jabu becomes a fully fledged Saint, and he is now able to throw powerful <b>BLOCK</b>s at his opponents.
- As Jabu grows in experience, he learns how to effectively <b>TACKLE</b> his enemies, to smite them down in the name of Athena.
Block (20k)
Dirty Player (20k)
- Nachi completes his training as Saint of Wolf, and is now able to <b>BLOCK</b> his enemies effectively.
- Not being as gifted as some of his teammates, Nachi decides that he can possibly help the team better by learning the art of the <b>DIRTY PLAYER</b>.
Block (20k)
Dirty Player (20k)
- Ban completes his training as Saint of Leo Minor, and is able to <b>BLOCK</b> his enemies effectively<br><br>
- It might not be honorable, but someone has to do it: Ban learns how to make sure downed enemies stay on the ground, honing his abilities as a <b>DIRTY PLAYER</b>
- Despite his bulk, Geki's movements are nimble and quick, granting him extra <b>AGILITY</b><br><br>
- With the completion of his training of Saint of Ursa Minor, Geki learns how to <b>BLOCK</b> his opponents with skill.
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team-Mate
- Shadir's battle suit bestows him a super-human dexterity, gaining him extra <b>AGILITY</b><br><br>
- With experience Shadir hones his battle skills, and is now able to better throw and resist enemy <b>BLOCK</b>s
- Benam's battle suit endows him with a <b>STRENGHT</b> that exceeds that of a normal human being