Insists that he is a dwarf painted with green body paint and is consequently always the first to volunteer for the LoS.
Of course no one but the trolls believes him, and when confronted with the fact that he lacks a beard he says he lost it in a traffic accident. The squeaky voice, he claims, is the result of too many kicks to vital parts (as if there is such a thing as too few). The red eyes? "I'm mad all the time - like all real dorf's - an' everyone 'nows that dorf's get red eyes when they are angry".
1:st game: Knocked out a halfling early in the game and while he stood there admiring himself for a job well done - or at least decent, by dwarf standards - another halfling snuck up on him and bashed him with a rock making him spend the rest of the game in the dugouts.
Game 2: Used his earnings from the last game to buy a potion of strength, actually making him a decent blocker for this game (of course, he would say he was great). Spent most of the game getting pushed around, and occasionally pushing someone else around at the LoS. Near the end of the game he made a run for it with the ball but was promptly halted and ended up in the mud. Of course no one does that to a dwarf, even if there are three of them! He got up and ran over to the skaven with the ball, kicked him where it hurt sending him off to the dugouts for the rest of the game, much to the fans amusement! Celebrated this feat of his very first casulty by falling over laughing and making mud angels while the skavens ran off with the ball. The game enden badly for him though, when he ended up with a broken everything. The team witch doctor managed to patch him up again.
Game 3: Spent most of his time running around like an idiot taunting his opponents until a blitzer got tired of him and knocked him out near the end of first half. The dugouts weren't bad so he decided to stay there for the rest of the game drawing smiles, beards and angry eyebrows on his unconscious teammates.
Game 4: He trained hard before this game to increase the power of his blows. It didn't work as well as he hoped so he brought a rock instead. On top of his new weapn he could smell fear this game. And not just from his teammates, but from his opponents too! "Everyone knows elves fear us dorfs!", he shouted while chasing elves. Until somone got sick of it and knocked him out. He stole his rock too.
Game 5: Showed everyone what a tiny inferior brain he's got by walking up to a Nurgle beast at the start of the game, looking it in the eyes(?) and saying "Come on ya' pansy, give it you'r be... uh.. second best shot!". The Beast responded by picking up the twitching gobling and breaking his neck like a dry twig, making him do an impression of a poorly built house in an earthquake.
Game 6: Spent the the game on the bench braggin about how tough he is since he survived his neck twister in the last game.
Game 7: Single handedly won the entire game by being an obnoxious little bugger making the elves focus on bringing him down at any cost, letting the gobbo with the ball run off to score. Spent most of his time being pushed around by elves at the LOS and waving his fist at elves the troll were about to block, pretending he was knocking them down. Being at the LOS he was, sometimes, knocked down. Course he says he stumbled every time. "Pansy elves can't knock down a dorf!"
Game 8: Opponent conceded. No doubt because the awesomeness of the team dorf!
Game 9: Got knocked out failry ealry - by a pansy elf! The shame, the humiliation! Was up and about by second half to be pushed around some more at the LOS but didnt accomplish anything noteworthy.