Some Folks I'd Like to Boot
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team-Mate
I'm a loyal Cardinals' fan and I can't stand his "holier-than-thou" attitude
+MA (30k)
Dodge (30k)
What kind of tool matches the color of his tie and his highlighter? Seriously!
+AG (40k)
Guard (20k)
"It's just awesome baby! I mean, this kid is a big-time PTPer in my books! Dipsy-doo and watch him throw it down with authority. He's a sure diaper-dandy!"
... I can't wait once March is over b/c I've had enough of Vitale's screeching metaphors!
Guard (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Another ESPN personality that needs to go! Something about his smug little smile makes it seem like he's talking down to us all.
Its not cheating unless you get caught, right Coach? Dude's a cheat and an ass, what more could ask for in a football coach.
Block (20k)
Side Step (20k)
Sprint (20k)
Just shut up and play, you big baby!
+AG (40k)
+AG (40k)
This former prosecutor just gets on my nerves. Is it possible for her to carry on a conversation without yelling?
Sure Hands
+AG (40k)
Block (20k)
Not sure what it is about Vedder, but he and Pearl Jam have always annoyed me. And he gets his nose in the politic BS when he shouldn't
Sure Hands
Block (20k)
The guy has one of the most droll and boring styles I have ever seen on television. His knowledge is lacking, softballs his guests,and certainly has dated himself over the last few years. Revered by many and hated by more, he was recently reported to have a 46% approval rating compiled by the Rasmussen Reports... I just think he's dull!
Dumbass Programming Director that destroyed the only sports talk radio station in STL with a decent signal. Poor KFNS, I feel for you!
Who WOULDN"T want to boot him!? You can't love Blood Bowl and not want to give good 'ole Carrot Top a foot while he's down!
Easily the worst General Manager/Coach/CEO of any sports franchise out there... except maybe Al Davis. Davis is atleast old and delusional, he gets a pass from me.
I'm sure somebody has to agree with me here. Creed blew and Stapp was the reason.