Forest Lawn Grave Diggers
He may be on his last leg, elbow, knee, ancle, neck and back but if this guy gets his hands around your neck your DONE!
Sure Hands
Dump Off
Strong Arm
Scott Ross a former full time grave digger was forced to lose 50 lbs and give up his day job to become the Grave Diggers star thrower for there Foot Brawl team in the newly created North American Foot Brawl Association. At 49 years of age this over weight smart mouthed thrower is sure to surprise any spectator.
After 13 games as the teams only thrower Scott continues to keep his arm in top throwing condition. Even experts are amazed that this just shy of 50 year old man has the arm he does but not only that he still seems to be getting even better.
As soon as the game is done he is off to the taverns. Because like this boy always says "Any port in the storm!" Even Fat girls need facials too.
Sure Feet
Brett, Brent, Brad, Bryan or Bill what ever you wanna call the Grave Diggers STAR it will make no difference. Brett has been a driveing force behind the Grave Diggers even when after being brutaly beaten to the gound lowering his pain thresh hold(AV)this man continued to lead the players on the feild with his touch down records and off the feild as there boss at the cemetery.
This kids just so frickin big we had to let him on the team for spectator draw alone.
Just a nother under paid undertaker looking for some thing to do in his spare time.
Hunting, killing, shooting and sibling "loving" are the main past times for this hick from Bruce County but a good old game of Foot Brawl will do as long as his sister is allowed to cum with him.
Out after completeing 1 year in a detox/rehab center Steve has been released into the custudy of the Grave Diggers with the hopes that the sport of Foot Brawl will keep him stay out of trouble.
Big Guy
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Multiple Block
"BIG MAC" "TINY" or what ever you wanna call him do to the fact that not even his former co-workers/NAFBA team mates know his real name. This boy is BIG and DUMB! But what this guy lacks in smarts he more then makes up for in pitch presence with his in your face tactics. Even when "MAC" is Bone Headed he still manages to be in the way (for both teams).
A mouthy self proclaimed stock market guru (really a flop couldn't pick if his life depended on it) that bugged and pestered the cemetery grounds crew untill they let him on the squad. Mark has been put onto the same diet that help shave star thrower Scott Ross down. It does not seem to be working!
The boy responsible for the term "MUNGEONED". One night after heavy drinking with the boys from the bone yard the group was jumped by a gang of lowley East Enders from the bad part of London. James filled with his liquid courage released a flurry of fists on there attackers. When the dust had settled all but one of the gang members was KNOCKED out cooled by the previously unranked teenager. Hence the term to be "MONGEONED", the face takes two hits with only one punch thrown. One from a fist the other from the ground.
Trained by his father, Or'Ryn-Raine has become possibly one of the most watched NAFBA players.
Diving Catch