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Pompei Plunderers
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As Captain of the Plunderers Kron has not done very well. He suspects that Da Fast Boyz (Blitzers) and Da Fist Boyz (Blockers) are planning to have him "replaced". The Son of Krunk's appetitie is quite well known, either he will get the TD's in soon or he'll end up in the toilet with that longbeard.
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Igor's game has been steadily improving this season but with a team that can't hold the opposition there is only so much a Thrower can do. There are rumours that he has been doubling his training practice with Da Fist Boyz too.
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Kron assures the fans that Horton's rage bouts are legendary yet they have yet to show on the pitch.
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Crazy Krim has been working hard to develop his skills and is now officially a Blitzer the Nuffle officials will not make it official but he is one of the fast-boyz now!!
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The rivalry between Crazy Krim and Jar Clevalots is reknowned within the team, however Krim has beaten Jar in the Blitzer race so fans are unsure in which direction the star will go.
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
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Pompei Plunderers suffered a terrible blow when Cavemouth Krunk choked to death whilst trying swallow an entire Dwarf lineman in one go. Miraculously the dwarf survived. In a shocking turn of events, two weeks later, longbeard bit were found in the toilet the Son of Krunk had just visited during the half time break.
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Kikor Da Nuhta was thought dead after facing a particularly beardy dwarf team. However it turns out that the teams Waagh-Doc had eaten weird mushrooms and performed a dance in the shape of an 8-pointed star. Not only is Kikor alive but he is faster than eva! He now is a member of da fast boyz.