13 coaches online • Server time: 06:05
Shhh 'Ahm Hunting LoA's
Will this "Daddeh" of the Black Orc Race manage to father more BOB's for my wonderful team?
This muppet from Bristol never stops spewing the vile slurs at me, so he must die....can you kill him????
So scared of playing his nemesis that he sat in his own shadow shivering with fear....instead he went off and signed up on some internet dating sites preying that Synn never found out about it....
A social outcast hating mankind..... he does love his goats though!!!
His behaviour is somewhat suspicious and he arouses strong feelings...well in the depraved anyway..... he can be seen skulking around in the shadows and his behaviour gives him his name!
Been there, done that, tamed the pussy cat in the Ten Gallon Hat
...ooo thats fightin'talk :D
Probably the most suitable cause of death for this raving lunatic :D
Do I really need to explain what happened to Naama :P
Old ancient man what can I say...aged on his first roll -1MA
Sure Hands
Being the founder of WIL and yet a disgusting denizen of LoA he is a social pariah, is it any co-incidence he stopped playing in WIL when he started getting beat by Russo upon the latter's arrival :P
Jeez this guy never shuts up, but then if I were a member of LoA neither would I!!!
There are some dubious rumours going round about Qaz....they say he cries when a WIL member threatens to beat him... they also say other things too despite all Synn's denials
As the resident math teacher within the LoA he is often found in dark corners pythagorating.....if you are not sure what that is watch him and you will see!
No not because he has been able to father any children, but because of his avuncular ways with all newcomers on the site. Sadly "Avuncular Purplegoo" does not sound right so I opted for "Paternal" :P
Tesifonte never seems to show up when you need him...he claims he has a busy sex life that interferes with his League program, but when I saw him pimping the female monkeys at the Zoo, I knew my first instincts were right......he IS a Dodgy Spaniard :P