Pro Orcland Airguitarists
Block (20k)
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Block (20k)
Side Step (30k)
+AG (40k)
+AV (30k)
+MA (30k)
This blitzer was getting left behind on the skilling fromt so after much dedication he bacame our 2nd speedy blitzer (If you dont count Jeff as a blitzer)
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Tackle (20k)
An agile young orc prooving to be very helpfull along with George and Jeff
Oh no George has a permanent injury and jeff has retired. What shall become of him???? NUFFSTA
At last the team has a dedicated fouler 11 games in, might have to be cannon fodder 1 last time though
Sure Hands
Accurate (20k)
Always Hungry
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team-Mate