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Warpstone Speedsters
Mighty Blow
Strip Ball
Talon's claws are great for causing injuries but actually hinder his range of motion. Talon found it impossible to take down quick opponents because his claws and armor made him too stiff to react when they bobbed and weaved. In a daring move to improve his game he removed some of his armor and dedicated himself to the destruction of quick opponents.
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Prehensile Tail
Wild Animal
Break Tackle
Multiple Block
Gummi Bear is filled with pent up rage. He usually spends half the match howling in anger and the other half brutally bashing opponents into the turf.
<A HREF="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&op=view&id=2172285">Blood Stained Altar</a>: Gummi's first kill was <A HREF="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&player_id=5458236"> Rogatyj </A>.
<A HREF="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&op=view&id=2252928">Khorngor Goats</A>: Gummi went apeshit against the Goats and had 4 casualties including the death of <A HREF="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&op=view&player_id=5405745"> Tex </A> one of the original star goats.
Pass Block
Fitz is the "Enforcer" of the Warpstone Speedsters. If you kick one of his pack while they are down you can expect him to seek retaliation.
The first opponent that dared to break the peace cowered in fear as the "Enforcer" was unleashed. Fitz racked up 5 fouls enforcing his own brand of justice against these <A HREF="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&op=view&id=2174497">lizardmen</A>. A skink by the name of <A HREF="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&player_id=5177612">Beate</A> opened the hostilities by ending the career of <A HREF="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&op=view&player_id=5453914"> "Coach" Mac</A>. But it was Fitz the Enforcer that exacted sweet revenge with the death of this <A HREF="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&player_id=5183481">git</A>.
Fitz had to lay down the law 4 more times in <A HREF="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&id=2252680">this bloody match</A> against a Skaven team. Both teams managed to get the ref to start the 2nd half and <A HREF="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&op=view&player_id=5453922"> Brooks</A> was the first one to suffer the consequences. Fitz stalked <A HREF="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&player_id=5618460">Zebi IV</A>, his massive enforcer counter part, and quickly neutralized the threat to his pack mates. Fitz also took out the claw carrying <A HREF ="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&player_id=5498729"> PetezUIFinal </A> after he mangled a Gutter Runner. The apothecary was able to reach him in time to prevent his death.
Fitz was unleashed yet again in this match against <A HREF="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&id=2252928"> Chaos</A>. He struck 4 times to prevent his pack from being sacrificed to the Goat God and inspired his brother <A HREF="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&player_id=5453913"> Fitzgerald, the shy kicker </A> to follow in his footsteps as an Enforcer.