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Linemen to Legends
Side Step
+ST (50k)
Guard (30k)
Leap (20k)
Strip Ball (20k)
Who sayd pirate captains never died? Well probably with Carion they where right as after facing sure death from a vicious Chaos Warrior he returned from the morgue with not even a scratch in his body... and a strange resemblance to former team doctor Pau. Nobody has seen the doctor since then.
Nerves Of Steel
Block (20k)
Nerves Of Steel
Block (20k)
Dodge (20k)
No ones knows where Carion got this player from, only that he came from a shadowy place. He showed himself to be a DIRTY PLAYER early on in his carrer.
Block (20k)
Diving Tackle (20k)
Tackle (20k)
UNsatisfied with his job at the building site in Beniburg he decides to show how strenght can get you to legend. After a match against some cunning Wood Elves he learns how to BLOCK his opponents with his arms. His encounter with some sleazy skinks shows him how to TACKLE down his opponents. After some stressing match against some Dark Elves he reallises he is over doing it and decides to DIVING TACKLE his oponents to kill them.
+AG (40k)
Mighty Blow (30k)
Comming from Tulsa this nightmearish dream rises magestically from the night to fall upon the bloodbowl pitches. Be prepared as after a match against some brutal Orcs Amanda shows her MIGHTY BLOWS to the rest of the world. On a tought run against the legendary bucaneers he passed with AGILITY to bring nightmare everywhere.
Dauntless (20k)
Dodge (20k)
Greta was an acrobat in Littletown who reallised her agressive art would be more accepted in the pitches of blood bowl. After her match against some angry Dark Elves she shows her skills to DODGE in an impresive way. After a memorable match against some dirty Norse the fans finally admire her DAUNTLESS attitude as she faces everything bloodbowl brings to her.
From the farms of Shenzhen comes Carlos to reach the legend through the hard work of his hands. After a bad defeat against some sneaky skavens he practice hard his TACKLE so this never happens again.