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Calamari Knights
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<img src="http://fumbbl.com/teams/198534.jpg " alt="Endor Champ - S4 ">
+AG (40k)
Block (20k)
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Kit Fisto took Bant as his Padawan after her first master, Tahl, was killed. Being of the Mon Calamari species, Bant liked to be around water, and the atmosphere of her quarters at the Jedi Temple was always kept misty and humid. In 44 BBY Bant was nearly killed by Xanatos, Qui-Gon Jinn's first apprentice who had turned to the dark side. Xanatos ordered his disciple, former Jedi student, Bruck Chun, to chain her to the bottom of a pool, but her life was spared due to Obi-Wan's timely intervention.
After Bant became a Knight, Fisto never took another apprentice. During the Battle of Geonosis, Bant flew her Jedi starfighter in the space battle that raged above the planet, alongside Adi Gallia and Adi's former Padawan Siri Tachi. Bant continued to serve the Galactic Republic until she was presumably killed during the Great Jedi Purge. Indeed, Bant would be one of the Jedi Obi-Wan wistfully recalled during his exile on Tatooine.
Block (20k)
Claw (20k)
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Nahdar Vebb was a male Mon Calamari who served as the Jedi Padawan of Jedi Master Kit Fisto prior to the Clone Wars. Nahdar lead his group of Clone troopers along side Commander Fil. After achieving the rank of Jedi Knight, while on a mission to Vassek Moon with his Master, Vebb confronted the famed Jedi killer General Grievous and like many other Jedi during the war, died at his hand.
Nahdar was headstrong and apparently started to use power for most things including things as simple as turning Gunray's chair around. He had a strong attachment to his clone troopers, showing extreme anger when his clone troops were killed by Grievous. Nahdar also had a strong bond with his master saying he was missed.
Wounded in the Arena, Nahdar Vebb underwent a Jedi healing ritual with the assistance of fellow Padawan Cilghal. Unfortunataly, though the ritual restored Vebb to his former fitness, it also stripped him of many recent memories - such as how to avoid going down to an opponent, and where in the galaxy it was that he'd put his lightsaber... but he recovered that memory after a game against the Shadow Clan, and now stands armed with his Lightsabre once more...
+AG (40k)
Block (20k)
Guard (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Cilghal was a Mon Calamari Jedi Master and New Republic senator. She was one of the first students at Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum and a skilled healer. Tekli, a young female Chadra-Fan, was Cilghal's Jedi apprentice. Cilghal was later a member of the Jedi High Council and the most skilled member of the Order in the healing arts.
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Wild Animal
Claw (20k)
Devilsquid were a species of cephalopod that dwelt within the deepest regions of the oceans of the planet Dac, such as Devil's Crevasse. They were far larger than an adult human and known for being aggressive predators.
In 137 ABY, Master Treis Sinde of the Imperial Knights used the Force to command a large number of Devilsquid to attack a Sea Leviathan, a creature created by the Givin scientist Vul Isen of the One Sith to bring about the extermination of the Mon Calamari. The squid overpowered the monster, and pulled the beast into their lair where they subsequently devoured it.
This one, however, has been trained both in the force and to play Blood Bowl.
Block (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Onoma was the Mon Calamari captain of the MC80B Star Cruiser Mon Remonda. He led the warship in the First Battle of Coruscant, where he captured the Imperial Star Destroyer Triumph.
Onoma was in command of the Mon Remonda during the campaign to hunt Warlord Zsinj up until its destruction at the Battle of Mon Calamari at the hands of Silencer-7. He, along with the rest of the crew, perished.
Block (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Block (20k)
Tackle (20k)
<img src="http://fumbbl.com/teams/198534.jpg " alt="Endor Champ - S4 ">