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Beware of the Zzabur
Razor Sharp Claws
Sure Hands
This beastman is known by his teammates as <a href="http://fumbbl.com/~all-grain">all-grain</a> because his diet consists of 100 % grain. Most beastmen eat mostly flesh and meat, so they can grow big muscles and horns. As all-grain only eats grain he does not receive much protein and has the smallest horns of anyone on the team.
With such tiny horns all-grain does not like blitzing and instead prefers to kick people when they are lying down! In fact all-grain has become quite good at kicking the ball from his experience with kicking faces.
Picture supplied is the mini that is totally gettable from <a href="http://fumbbl.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=13591">here</a>
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
When <a href="http://fumbbl.com/~Qaz">Qaz</a> was little he drove his bicycle into a volcano. As a result his body was severely scorched. The beastmen had to build a crane to get him out. With no skin left on his body they placed him inside a metal armour and poured moisturising cream inside that now oozes from the armour for every step Qaz takes. Doing chaos school <a href="http://fumbbl.com/~JanMattys">Jan Mattys</a> and others would make fun of him because he used expensive girly skincare products. Later thou he discovered that he excelled at blood bowl and his talent landed him a commercial contract with Elisabet Orken "Elisabet Orken for greener skin."
As he now had money he decided to get back on Jan Mattys, who he discovered was wandering aimlessly around in the badlands. But no one was there to laugh at Jan Mattys' misery. So Qaz left a suit of Chaos Armour in the badlands for Jan to find he then bribed some people to let Jan play for a newly created blood bowl team even though he lacked the talents of a true Chaos Warrior. Qaz himself then joined the team in order to show how Blood bowl was played so every one could see how bad Jan Mattys was. Thus getting his revenge when Jan is humiliated in front of thousands of fans every week.
A Khorne woshipping barbarian of the North, <a href="http://fumbbl.com/~Zaghrog ">Zaghrog </a>became a Chaos Warrior after numerous battles, in which he sought his patrons approval. He has always had a knack for the BloodBowl pitch, and now he can finally dedicate himself to Khorne the way he always wanted to: by spilling blood and taking skulls on the gridiron!