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Rattus Bollocki MkII
Sure Feet
Very Long Legs
Having learnt to run before he could say "oops" was an omen that things were not right with Glass. Tripping more times than Jimi Hendrix at a festival has become a way of life. Early success was inspite of Glass' speed, but after his third bollocking for using team re-rolls, and the docking of his wages, he finally learnt to stay on his feet more often.
Hopefully he will now be able to wow the crowd with his undeniable speed, whilst refraining from thinking it's rugby and diving just as he reaches the end zone.
Sure Hands
Safe Throw
A strange one Glass-gloved. Was into playing chess at the developmental stage, until his teacher saw him lob a brick through the science-block window. Rather than give him a detention, he gave him a trial for the school team, and so impressed the coach that he got his first game. The chess background probably gave him the foresight to lob to the best player set for a TD. Pity his schoolmates were too crap to catch the ball as it unerringly flew to them. He also got a beating, as the current thrower had a big brother in the upper sixth. Slapped him stupid. But this trial by fire didn't stop Glass-gloved, as the girlie rats loved team players, and he produced his first litter of ikkle rats before the end of his 1st season. Just a pity his season's winnings went on formula milk and nappies.
Looks like he might have to become a pro chess player, cause the 5th game stopped a little short, and the niggle will certainly mean a drop in wages: with so many ikkle rug rats running around, it's gonna be a lean time from now on.
Side Step
Glass-soled's brother suffers the same inherited trait of falling over at will, however rather than spending time on the running machine, Teflon has concentrated on free weights. Whilst now he can pump as much iron as an octagenarian elf with one arm and arthritis, he's pretty buff for a runner. Let's hope he's a bit smarter than his bro, and can think about getting the ball in the oppo's half from time-to-time.
Sure Hands