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Mausoleum Mongrels
Awright, this 'as t' be said, 'cause I been 'earin' rum'rs tha' I ain't being friendly enough wif all the lads. I ain' nev'r liked Brent when 'e was alive, I thought 'e was nuffin bu' an effin' git, but 'e dif'ren' now and tha's all tha' needs t' be sed. B'sides, 'e's a dam' fine Bowl player.
Tragic, 't is, jus' tragic. Efan wuz jus' on the point of makin' the majors when 'e got pull'd into brawl wif fans'o the [Lowdown Rats] and 'e ended up in our cemet'ry. Good luck f'r us tho', cause 'e's wif the lads now!
No doubt abou' it, Derek's wus always a fam'ly man. Ev'ry night 'e's 'ome 'e goes t' visit 'is kids, and nev'r you mind the screams, they loves it.
If James ev'r asks y' t' play cards, I'm tellin' y' now, turn 'im down. 'E's a real shark tha' one, nearly cleaned me out las' week. No, seriously, don't let 'im outta y're sight or y're like t' fin' y're coin purse in 'is pock't.
Don' et me wrong, I like them <i>ghouls</i> jus' as' much as the oth'r lads, but somethin' jus' ain't right wif them, y'know, <i>in the 'ead</i>. They don' talk much, but Bitey 'ere got 'is name from the sizeable chunks he like t' bite out o' the oth'r teams men when 'e knock's 'em down. 'E answers to it all right too, showin' tha' big goofy grin every time I call 'im t' the pitch.
I'd never say as much t' the lads, but I thin' tha' the ghouls like eatin' odd fings a little <i>too</i> much if y'ask me. All the time I'd be sayin' "Don't eat tha'," 'r "Don't put tha' in y're mouth" 'til this one start'd t' ans'er t' it. "Don'eat'that" just stuck, and if you ask me, <i>it fits.</i>
Jeri's a right gent. 'E din't know a thin' abou' Blood Bowl bu' e' <i>does</i> know a <i>lot</i> abou' 'itting fings, so 'e caugh' on pretty quick. Back 'ome we use 'is 'ouse as a team 'all. 'Is missus don't get up much, so she don't mind.
Stand Firm
Thick Skull
Now, y'might fink wif a name like 'Stitches' i' wuz on account o' 'is mann'r of <i>assembly</i> so to speak, but no, the guy's a regul'r <i>comedian</i>. Breaks me up 'e does, wif tha' dead-pan d'livr'y o' 'is. Really, 'e's me mate, and I'm glad t' 'ave im wif me on this tour.
One o' the mos' arrogan', stuck-up, pissant Wolfies aroun', Silvaback is. 'E's eaten more local fans than 'e can e'en count, bu' they love 'm anyway. Fancy that. One o' these days it'll bite 'im in the arse, but until then I'm 'appy t' see 'im tear int' the opp'sition's line.
Gnasher 's one o' Bloodfang's by-blows if y'know wha' 'm sayin'. Young, bu' they grow 'em quic' 'n th' Wolfie tribes. I gave 'm a chanc', on account'o 'is pop, but 'e's prett' big, so 'm sur' 'e'll do jus' fin'.
Archie 's Jerry's closes' neighb'r, an' he's b'n re'l keen on playin', even shined up 'is old arm'r t' look 'is bes'. See'n as w' 'ave an op'n'n I tho't we'd le' 'im play.
'manda's join'd 's fr'm th' ranks o' th' Florestica Brigade, where she fell t' one o' th' boys 'ard blows. She w's up an eag'r prett' qui'k, 'eadin' onto th' pitch t' 'elp 'n th' las' bit o' th' match.
Poor lad, got lef' on th' field all lonely-like. Me Master took pity on 'im an' raised 'im, an' seein' as 'e already 'new the rules, I figured t' let 'im play a bit. We'll see 'ow 'e mingles wif th' res' o' th' lads.