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Cologne Riverdivers
Strip Ball
12-08-2008 - Petit managed to be my first wardancer ever to finish his first two games without a SINGLE SPP. Hall of shame candidate anyone? :P
20-08-2008 - Manasseh lost some AV due to an injury from the game vs. <a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&op=view&id=2311292">Knick Knack Paddywack</a><br />
Side Step
The oldest player in the team, Matthias used to be an expert riverdiver back in Athel Loren. Always considered to have no more than mediocre Bloodbowl talent, he is a very loyal team player and very popular amongst the fans. His speed has always been his biggest advantage, first noticed when he was able to outrun a mass-fight on training provoked by Aleks Mitreski.
Rumours say that he was heard reciting the famous song 'Run Awaaaaaay!" during his escape, composed by the famous halfling musician I.R.Coward.
Known and hated among his teammates for his ability to avoid being pushed over.
Personal best is a training session in which he was known to endure pushes and tackles for more then 3 hours after which the team decided to test a piling on action, injuring 7 players in the progress, only to notice Matthias had - in the meantime - safely made it to the dresser room and was enjoying a pint at the clubhouse.
Kevin is pretty young for an elf, and his talent is not easy to asses at such a young age.
Yet, he found his place in the team, due to his fact to resist even the most brutal assaults on his health and his ability to produce more touchbacks than Milivoje was able to score TD's so far.
Deal is that every time he produces a touchback, the whole team gets to practice their kicking skills for an hour with Kevin as ball.
15/08/2008 - Aleks learned how to guard his teammates
15/08/2008 - Aleks got older and lost some AV in the progress
Aleks is considered reponsible for upkeeping the good atmosphere and good reputation of the team. So far he's provoked at least a dozen training mass-fights between the Riverdiver players and has been blacklisted in at least 58 inns, taverns and pubs. Furthermore he's been declared an outlaw in 3 provinces and has at least 2 known assassination contracts placed on his head (the wanted dead and dead only type of contracts that is). A rumour goes that even the Riverdiver's head coach and several of it's players have kill-contracts ongoing against him, but it is - of course - firmly denied. "We would never even consider such a thing, would we boys?!"
Side Step
03/08/2008 - Milivoje decided to have power training.
09/08/2008 - Milivoje decided to become faster
21/08/2008 - Milivoje got older and got niggled in the process
Likes to drive his forest dragons in drunken condition, usually scaring the holy crap out of the local patrols in the middle of the night in Athel Loren Forest - after which his Dragon driver licence got claimed a few times already by the authorities. Decided to improve his lifestyle after the most recent escapade in which he pissed off his dragon so much that it ran around half the forest for days with Milivoje stuck in it's mouth, tossing him up several meters, while catching him just before he hit the ground. "Best AA treatment I ever got" according to Milivoje.
Fabrice likes w(h)ine, cheese and - to the opinion of his teammates - ridiculously long bread. Furthermore he likes females a lot (ogres and orcs excluded, but that's it).
Tried his luck at several of the bigger bloodbowl teams, but got rejected most of the time. In the end, the Riverdivers just picked him up along the road so he would finally stop complaining to the coach of getting an opportunity to prove himself. Fabrice was known to have been stalking the Riverdivers for more than 6 months.
Famous quote: "Passez-moi le ballon chérie" after which he got smacked up to the elbows in the ground by the treeman.
Officially voted most innocent looking player of the team, Marvin is everything except innocent. Often sent to shower early at training sessions, his hard behaviour on the pitch is something which didn't pass unnoticed. As such, his team mates prefer to have him with them on the pitch rather than against them in training.