11 coaches online • Server time: 04:00
Moot Invaders
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Stand Firm
Take Root
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Old Oakie is one of the gate keepers on the border of The Moot and as such who would be better to protect the flings on the pitch.
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Stand Firm
Take Root
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Tall Pines is the friendly neighbourhood tall fella there to help the short flings whit daily chores, thank god for Tall Pines.
Tommy issent realy a Blood Bowl player at all but Master Chef wanted him there anyway due to Tommy being the best there is at stumbeling around after a good meal pre match, and what better to have than a fling who makes the team feel right at home.
Ricky once fell down from high up on Tall Pines shoulder picking apples and since hes had a nasty limp in his leg.
Fat Dave Hungerhorn is a spoiled little fling who gets served by his wife whenever he blows his ivory horn.
Lennys is most often to stuffed to even make it out on the pitch but when he does there aint a more unstabel person walking out there.
Ale and Pudding is what this little fella likes.
Winner of the annual burp contest 10years running.
You wont find a smaller fling anywere ans as such hes the favourite trown object the Blood Bowl Treemen have.
Poor Obus cracked his head flying of a Treemans fist!
Tully dont like Playing ball he enjoys the sideline view and puffing on his pipe.
Right Stuff
Diving Tackle
Ange is the prettyboy of the Moot Invaders, winner of the Moot Beuty contest last year.
Right Stuff
Diving Tackle
Arnold is the Suicide fling sent to retrieve the ball of the oponents half of the field.
Right Stuff
Diving Tackle
Liams dream is to one day make the succesfull blitz, to this day it has not yet happened.
Straight out of Wheelhill a little fling called Manny!