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Herculean Effort
Interviewer: What's your prediction for the fight?
Clubber Lang: My prediction?
Interviewer: Yes, your prediction.
[Clubber looks into camera]
Clubber Lang: Pain!
And so a Herculean Hero was born. Having caused more casualties than any lineman for a long time in the history of the team, Clubber Lang has quickly achieved notoriety not just for his stats but for his in-your-face style of doing things. One of the more intense members of the squad, his anger propels him beyond the place his talents should take him.
In prison "Chopper" showed a lot of aptitude for the game and negotiated a conditional release through his agent. A host of clubs lined up to take the player, never ones to shy away from some cheap publicity, but in the end Herculean Effort was the way Reed wanted to go. He now knows that he will remain a free man, with supervision of course, as long as he is fit to play.
As the saying goes "John Cena - There is none cleaner"... A firm believer in getting results from hard work, he puts in more gym time and training than anyone else in the Effort squad and is reaping the rewards. A Herculean in the truest sense, his fitness and strength are invaluable assets to both the offensive and defensive setups.
They said he was too small to be a blitzer, but they were wrong. always one to let his fists do the talking, his blitzes are best described as "inventive" and "brutal". Although people tend to underestimate him due to his size his statistics speak for themselves and he has the self belief to go on and become a true Hall of Famer.
Sure Hands
This grizzled veteran is one of the oldest players in the current squad and despite his many, many injuries he somehow seems to keep on trucking. Although many of his body parts are close to shot, his eyes are as sharp as ever and he has a good arm to back it up. Hard to ever see this player retiring, his body will go before his will does.
Sure Feet
One of the bright hopes from the Effort's youth policy, David is a clinical finisher who has progressed to the senior team after two seasons as top scorer in the junior squad. He can score, but whether he is physically ready for the rigours of first team bowl is another question. Having already spent lengthy spells out with injury, he currently finds himself battling back from a fractured skull. However his natural flair and attacking focus has made him a huge favourite with the fans and as a local lad he will look to reward their faith by continuing to run in the touchdowns. If he can stay injury free he is one to watch.
Big Guy
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Break Tackle
Piling On
One of the more intelligent Ogre Bowl players, Dre graduated with a doctorate in Thuggonomics while playing at college. With such proficient knowledge of dispensing pain at his disposal he is the bedrock of the Effort's defence and a popular player with both his team mates and the fans alike.
From the fiery Latino line of the Asprillas, this is the son of the late Faustino Asprilla Snr who was torn to shreds by an angry crowd early into his Herculean career. The number 11 shirt seems to be cursed; those who wear it meet with an untimely death, but young Faustino won't let that phase him too much in his bid for glory.
"Yeah, I was a brother on the streets doing a lot of things most people look down on but it did pay off. Then I started playin' bowl and that shook up the powers that be. But I got my message across big time, and everyone started paying attention to the boys from the hood."
Eazy isn't always easy to get along with, work with or even understand but he loves the game and the fans love him. Let's hope all that lovin' don't take him down a dark path.