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Flarg's Smackums
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
Gonna Bash comes from the waste heap gardens of Flarg's mountain den. He was originally a bit of an absent-minded thug, but Flarg sees potential in all species (as long as they're not Humanz, anyway), and found a good place for him.
Gonna Bash likes to Bash.
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
Gonna Gnash is in no way related to the other prominent Trollean on the Smackums. Rather, Gnash was a thug, pure and simple, and he proved his skill at random cruelty by gnawing on anything he could get in his mouth from his earliest days. His contact with Flarg came after Flarg's official team proklamation.
Gnash likes to Gnaw rather than Gnash, but Gnaw or Gnash, his teeth get exercise.
After assuming command of his own den, Flarg began to want something more to his life beyond raiding and pillaging and groveling for it. So, he sought it out, raiding and pillaging some more until lo and behold, he spot a group of Humanz playing a strange but brutal sport.
He raided with some allies and took these humanz prisoner, and had them explain what they were doing, and thus the idea crept into his mind to pass it on to the remote goblins who lived near his den. In his first game after getting what he could of the rules, he thinks he may have lost. He's still not sure on that account, but the humanz lost after the game anyway, so it's not really a concern to him.
Fast forward several months and Flarg announced his current team: The Smackums.
They have a legacy to create.
A Goblin Legacy.
Mika is not renowned among the Flargian den for his skills and talents (what goblin ever is?), but rather for his inability--to decide! It is viewed as a merit for this goblin, for it was his indecision on which way to run following a spectacular failure to raid that allowed him the chance to overhear the location of Humanz' supply caches.
Passing that information on to Flarg hisself got Mika the promotion of status he had sought, but not in the position he desired...
"Blobby the Gobby" they always called him, as he was a heavier goblin even in his youth.
Made light of in all typical goblin activities (he's not so bad in scent as most, for instance), he threw himself (wobbled, really) into Bloodbowl, and Flarg, who sees value in fodd...er, in undisciplined, untalented potential, took him on.
Henk, short for Henky, gained his nickname from a memorable itching powder incident that left his feet permanently itchy.
Hence the name.
A penal colony survivor, Skrog was given the choice between a return to the colony (the latrines and waste network outside the waste heaps of Flarg's den) or joining the Bloodbowl team. He was sent to the colony for cowardice under Flarg. Only time will tell if history will repeat.
"I'm huuuungry," is the familiar cry of Hambone, a local celebrity known for his unsatisfiable appetite. Flarg took him on as part of a political deal on his wife's family's side.
Yugo is the projector of a belch so loud and terrible and foul that his reputation garnered him a spot on Flarg's team.
However, in order to play non-goblin teams, Flarg had to have the breath issue checked, and so now Yugo is forced to rely on his skills rather than his breath to keep himself on the team.
A fan of Kobold Trek, a Kobold-program that travels through the goblin dens in the remote mountain regions. Fan is being light with the term, of course.
Winner of the "Strongest Scent" award in Flarg's den 4 years running, Rigga is a master of olfactory punishment. It remains to be seen if his reputation (which got him in) will cover more than his foul stench.
He was sentenced to the Smackums for trying to rip off numerous goblins in Flarg's community. Hopefully he finds some fans soon.
Outta da way! Grugg's comin' thru!
An up-and-coming Bloodbowler, Grugg's potential is just starting to be tapped now that he's made it to Flarg's team.