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Bloody Fists
Sure Hands
Dump Off
Hail Mary Pass
Wheeeeeeeeeee! is the cornerstone of the Bloody Fists (mainly because he is the only player sober enough to be relied upon).
Wheeeeeeeeeee! had perfected his aim over the seasons by throwing handfulls of snotlings in the general direction of RAAAAAAAAH!'s mouth this while providing an entertaining distraction from actual training has had the adverse reaction of actually improving his aim.
Puny elf and skaven throwers stare in amazement as one perfectly aimed long bomb after another sair over their heds and the fists cheerleaders, players and fans shout: Wheeeeeeeeeee!
As one of the older members of the team Wheeeeeeeeeee! has suffered the results of old age, as all eventually must. However when his 'niggling' injury plays up he still supports the Fists for the comfort of the cheerleaders stand, perfecting his erm... ball skills.
Very very angry. most teams learn to stay out of Gomer's way. Rumoured to have developed his trademark manic rage after his jockstrap was coard with Halfling Hot Rub (TM) before the Bloody Fists debut game.
No one on the team has managed to calm him down since but the frequent piles of coaching staff bodies show how many have tried.
Involved in a Snotling Steroids (TM) scandal shortly after he joind the Bloody Fists. Globble Bonechewer was aquited when evidence came to light that he had only been taking the Fists cheerleaders supply rather than his opponents.
Mighty Blow
Mighty Blow
Mighty Blow
Piling On
Strip Ball
Gribble earned the name Stinkbot due to the effect his piling onto other players has. Few players (especially whiney elves) ever get up again after Gribble has had a nice relaxing lie down on them. Currently the Bloody Fists team captain he serves as an example of orcish perfection to his team mates.
His recent engagement to Bloody Fist Cheerleader Mad Dok Greeble was featured in an expose by Spike! Magazine.
Strangely though rather than staying at home with his new wife he seems more eager than ever to get onto the Bloodbowl field.
Gribble also enjoyes Halfling tossing and abusing Snotlings
Grom was trying to avenge the untimley demise of his twin brother against the weak and cowerdly Norse. He has fulfilled his task with the massacre of Stillborn Survivors with 2 dead and 3 serious injuries (no assistance from the feeble Norse apothecary).
With revenge against the hated Norse out of the way grom can continue with next weeks vendetta!
Ug? is particulaly stupid even by orcish standards. Spike! Magazine attributes his niggling injury to his tendancy to wander off and get lost before a match.
Frequent blows to the head have exacerpated his condition which frequently results in Ug? actually forgetting that he is on the pitch.
This however has its advantages as other teams forget he is there too and fall over him trying to score.
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
RAAAAAAAAH! never really contributes much to the post match team talks at which the assembled fists debate how to kill more players next game. Has a tendancy to try and eat the cheerleaders. Not very clever really especially when you consider what orc cheerleaders look like!.
Greeble unfortunatley suffers from a nervous tic that causes him to stamp repeatedly. The Fists have found this to their advantage however as when left to his own devices by enemy players ther rarely get up again!
The would-be leader of the Bloody Fists, Zug the Stinky is genrally only tolerated by the rest of the team, his powers to inspire the team stem from the common knowlege that the rest of the team get food and cheerleaders first!