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People of The Varden
Islanzadi's mate, Ceranthor, was the king of the elves. When the Rider's fell, Ceranthor died. Since then, Islandzadi has ruled the elves alone. Islandzadi is the mother of Arya the Egg Courier.
Arya is the love of Eragon Shadeslayer, although the feelings are not mutual. She was an emissary of the elves and lived with the Varden. When Saphira's egg was stolen, she took up the role of Egg Courier. During that time, she was captured by Durza the Shade. Eragon rescued Arya from Gilead and got her the poison antidote she needed in time to save her. Arya is also the daughter of Islanzadi the Queen of the Elves
Rhunon the Blacksmith is older than even the Riders. She forged the Riders' swords, but when Galbatorix betrayed the riders, she swore never to make another weapon. Since then, she has been creating armor in Ellesméra.
When Eragon Shadeslayer needed a sword, he went to Lord Fiolr. Lord Fiolr owns a Rider's sword, named Támerlein.
Ceranthor ruled over the elves with his mate, Islanzadi, in the time of the riders. When the riders fell, Ceranthor fought Galbatorix. He was killed in battle, and since then Islanzadi has ruled the elves. Ceranthor is also the father of Arya the Egg Courier
Vanir the Swordsman is an elf who practiced swordplay with Eragon Shadeslayer. Before Eragon's transformation, Vanir easily bested him. Vanir often spoke against Eragon, saying there would be others who were better suited for being a rider. After Eragon's transformation, Vanir lost to Eragon and broke his wrist. He insisted Eragon not heal his wrist, saying that it would be a reminder that he fought Eragon Shadeslayer.
Blodhgarm is one of the twelves elf spellcasters sent by Islanzadi to protect Eragon Shadeslayer and Saphira Brightscales. He is covered by blue fur, and emits a smell that 'gets the ladies attention.'
Also known as Gilderien the Wise
Dusan is one of the two elf children. His sister, Alanna, is the other.
Alanna is one of the two elf children. Her brother, Dusan, is the other.
Strip Ball (20k)
Angela the Herbalist is a secretive, eccentric, witty fortune teller. She seems to always show up where anything interesting is happening. She was last heard pondering whether or not toad exists or if they were actually all frogs.