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[B]attlestar Galactica
Side Step
+AG (40k)
Dodge (20k)
Frenzy (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Admiral Adama knows how to best evade dangerous situations (Dodge)
He will still ruthlessy pursuit his goals (Frenzy)
He also knows how to best bring down his Opposition (Tackle)
Side Step
Diving Tackle (20k)
Dodge (20k)
President Roslin has time and again proven her skill in finding the right way out for her fleet. (Dodge)
Brendon is a reliable wing-man (Guard)
Felix is very determined to serve the best he can (+1 Strength)
He is also proficient in blocking opposing attempts to infiltrate the BG-1 (Block)
Nerves Of Steel
Block (20k)
Dodge (20k)
Ensign Anders has proven his evasive skills in aerial and close combat (Dodge)
Nerves Of Steel
Block (20k)
Dodge (20k)
Gaius can evade the trickiest situations with his eloquence (Dodge)
His cunning often helps him in any fight (Block)
Nerves Of Steel
+ST (50k)
Dodge (20k)
Starbucks unorthodox approach lets her get around many obstacles (Dodge)
Kara is a force majeure not to be dealt with lightly (+1 Strength)
She is suffering from drug abuse (-1 AG)
She has a complicated leg injury (-1 MA)
Accurate (20k)
Block (20k)
Dr. Cottle is a renowned doctor with high precision (Accurate)
He can use drugs to much efficiency (Block)