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Ye Gods!
Being named after Nuffle, the god of chance, Blood Bowl and whoopee cushions, was hard on a young goblin, but he was determined not to play the game no matter what anyone said.
So young Nuffle went to school, became a lawyer and began to get a taste for screwing people over. After a particularly tough case involving a goat charged with treason agianst the Snotling Empire Nuffle went on a rampage and brought half the courtroom to their knees.
Sensing he would be subsequently excused from the bar, Nuffle decided to satisfy his blood lust through the only way his senses were urging him and formed a Blood Bowl team out of the largest blokes he could find at the time.
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Named for the Norse god of Thunder, Thor takes his Blood Bowl very serious and delights in smashing people smaller than him into a pulp with his right hand, which he has nicknamed Mjolnir after Thor's legendary hammer.
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Mars always thought he was named after a tasty chocolate bar until recently discovering it is also the name of a planet, the Roman god of War and a rover. Very nice.
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Quetzalcoatl cannot pronounce his name and prefers to be known simply as "Bill". However he is fully aware of the Quetzalcoatl of Aztec legend and demands the same tributes, namely seven nubile young human virgins sacrificed to him before each game or he goes off in a huff, sticks his fingers in his ears and shouts "Lalalalalalalala I'm not listening!" and refuses to play.
Quetzalcoatl accepted his MVP award against the Chaos team saying "about time!". When pressed by the press as to why he thinks he deserved it for just 9 blocks whereas Sekhmet pulled out a mighty 10 blocks, Quetzalcoatl rushed at the reporters like a wild animal only to forget where he was and wander away aimlessly - what a Bone Head.
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Upon finding out he was named for the Egyptian warrior goddess, Sekhmet was quite annoyed having previously thought he was named after some sort of Egyptian snake demon, but he was thoroughly cheered up when he found out she had the head of a lion (although he still doesn't know it was actually a lioness).
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Named after the pagan water goddess Sul and renamed a more effeminate sounding Sulis by the Romans, this Goblin is angry, angry, angry. He hates Romans but not as much as he hates that bastard King Bladud for having a better known story than Sul's as well as having plenty of tasty piggies to eat.
Nurgle is the Chaos god of despair, personified by stagnation, entropy, disease and decay.
More recently however Nurgle has been reincarnated as a Goblin with bad breath and crooked ears. To add to Nurgle's worries he picked up a broken jaw in Ye Gods' first ever match against the much fancied Amazon team Clausara's Sister. The doctor on call unfortunately set it badly and now Nurgle's jaw does not close causing him to drool constantly.
Nurgle is in high hopes his new look will bring him lots of action with the ladies.
Khorne is the Chaos God of blood, hatred, violence and war.
More recently however he has been reincarnated as a timid, peace loving Goblin bullied into playing Blood Bowl by his peers and 5 giant goblin-loving ogres.
Danu is a primodial Hindu goddess and is the personification of liquid (rain, river that sort of thing).
Danu the Goblin however likes long walks in the park, sunsets and holding hands and WLTM someone for friendship and fun.
After 4 rushes and 2 blocks Danu graciously accepted his MVP award against the Amazons and thanked Nuffle heartily he survived to pick it up.
Lemminkainen is one of the Heroes of the Kalevala, where his character is a composition of several separate heroes of oral poetry. He is usually depicted as young and good looking, with wavy yellow hair.
Of course this Goblin is nothing like the Finnish deity and prefers to eat his own faeces when he thinks people aren't looking.
Jurupari is a South American deity who is the nasty son of the sun and Ceucy. He tried to make a totally male-dominated world but failed.
Jurupari the Goblin would also like a completely male world, although for purely perverse reasons...
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Like the Hindu diety of the same name, Vishnu also has 4 arms and blue skin, but unlike the god Vishnu keeps his extra pair of arms in his locker and only takes them out after games to slap the buttocks of the other atheletes.
Vishnu believes in reincarnation... we'll soon see.