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Angels of the Forest
Side Step
Mighty Blow
<i>Angel of the Divine Plan</i>
watches over spiritual evolution and reveals the next steps of our path
<i>Angel of New Beginnings</i>
angel of awakenings and higher consiousness who holds domain over the rising sun.
Side Step
Strip Ball
Sure Hands
<i>Archangel of Death and Transformation</i>
<i>Angel of the Forests</i>
guards the inhabitants of the forests and encourages us to protect them
<i>Angel of Courage</i>
protects while inspiring enthusiasm for adventure
<i>Angel of Invention</i>
Suggested to the rebels that they set fire to heaven but before they carried it out they were sent to the bottom of the abyss
Nerves of Steel
<i>Angel of Meditation</i>
watches over those who retreat from doing and practice being
<i>Angel of Inventions</i>
friend to those who have original ideas. Guides and inspires.
<i>Angel of Just Causes</i>
protecter and defender of the defensless
<i>Angel of Prayer</i>
Radiates comfort to those afraid, hurt or grieving. Assists in the development of the human heart
<i>Angel of Imagination</i>
Transforms our lives and the world around by guiding us through visualisation
<i>Angel of Power</i>
Guides us to experience what we need to in order to find and release the fears that prevent us from claiming our personal power
<i>Angel of Writers</i>
Inspires them with original thoughts and ensures they see their works through to completion