18 coaches online • Server time: 04:05
Jagged Alliance 2
Mighty Blow (20k)
Stand Firm (20k)
Igor Dolvich
Following in his uncle's footsteps won't be easy for Igor. His uncle Ivan Dolvich is legendary. Igor may be new to A.I.M. but he is by no means new to armed combat--he developed his abilities for stealth while in action in Chechnya. Most importantly, his bloodline speaks volumes about his potential. Igor and Ivan are already being referred to as the Russian "I-Team."
Additional Info:
* Russian accent.
* Has had plenty of exposure to alcohol, though not a drunk.
* Uses odd expressions, which sometimes come off as strange and funny.
* Admires his uncle, Ivan, but probably lacks the fortitude and discipline to be like him.
Ivan Dolvich
Ivan, a former highly decorated Red Army Major, joined the organization over three years ago on a freelance assignment. Despite serious difficulties communicating in English, he took the mercenary world by storm, breaking all kill-rate records and tallying up the kind of stats that perhaps only he himself is capable of breaking. In order to improve his relationship with commanders, Ivan has enrolled in an "English as a second language" course.
Additional Info:
* Dialogue a blend of Russian and English.
* Struggles for words in English, tends to fall into Russian during tense moments.
* Very direct and unemotional.
* Uses Russian to make private comments and take stabs at the player.
Helmut "Grunty" Grunther
Helmut has moved through the ranks of this organization quicker than any other mercenary and is now a firmly established seasoned professional. Grunty's attitude and approach continues to be exemplary, making him one of our most popular mercenaries. Grunther has shown a strong interest in heavy weapons and night maneuvers.
Additional Info:
* German accent.
* A go-getter, someone eager who takes his job seriously.
* A hint of ego, though not conceited.
* Has something to say about everything.
Mighty Blow (20k)
Stand Firm (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Monica "Buns" Sondergaard
The prim and proper Monica Sondergaard may seem to be an unlikely candidate for the rough and tumble mercenary life, but she more than meets the minimum requirements. Before settling on A.I.M., Buns explored a number of careers: kindergarten teacher, geriatric nurse, Danish sharpshooter at the Atlanta Olympic games, and professional soldier.
Additional Info
* A prim and proper, prude.
* Believes herself better than anyone else.
* Has a sense of superiority. She's a merc because she wants to, not because she has to.
* Puts her feelings before logic.
Fidel Dahan
Due to numerous employee complaints concerning his refusal to follow orders, Fidel "Leave me alone, I'm busy!" Dahan was recently suspended for a thirty-day period. Promising a changed attitude, he was returned to active duty by A.I.M. though because he is so proficient with both firearms and explosives. Fidel hasn't quite been himself lately.
Additional Info:
* Aggressive, slightly psychotic.
* Has a comical ruthlessness to him. Conveyed by a short, heavy, Cuban accent.
* Usually mad about something, shows hints of a softer side but even that is tainted.
* Extremely impatient. Type of guy that would force a square into a circle while blaming the square for his frustration.
Charlene "Raven" Higgens
Former L.A.P.D. SWAT team sharpshooter, Sgt. Charlene Higgens left the force for A.I.M. so she could work alongside her husband, Ron Higgens. They prefer to take assignments together since operate with the precision of a solitary unit. If you listen to them though, you'd never realize they're married; they rarely acknowledge their personal lives during work. Raven is qualified in night operations.
Additional Info:
* A female version of her husband. They belong together.
* Less obsessive about being in charge.
* Lighter, more prone to humor
* More open and outgoing.
Carl "Reaper" Sheppards
Otherwise known as The Assassin, if you come face-to-face with Carl Sheppards, chances are you're on your last breath. The Reaper takes pride in his patience. He strides silently and uses his stealth skills to gain easy access to his victims. Carl also gets a kick out of looking them in
the eye just before they die. One of his former CO's described him as "potentially too dangerous even for A.I.M. service."
Additional Info:
* A loner, though not anti-social.
* Sees death and killing as something spiritual.
* Carries himself as if living on another plane of existence.
* He's almost spooky, has an unsettling calmness.
Sidney Nettleson
Whether it's sharing a spot of tea with British blue-bloods or putting a .38 slug into an unwanted nuisance, Sidney does it with poise and dignity. Sidney combines the mannerisms of the upper crust with the lighting quickness of a Wild West gunslinger. Years of avid cricket-playing have also given him a much-feared throwing arm.
Additional Info
* Snob, prim and proper.
* No matter what the situation, he never loses his dignity.
* Formal British accent.
* Cheerful, polite, optimistic professional.
Always Hungry
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team-Mate
Guard (20k)
Multiple Block (20k)
Edgar "Nails" Smorth
Edgar Smorth traded in his bike, leathers, and vest to become a full-time A.I.M. mercenary. In the year he's been with the organization, Nails has taken advantage of his knowledge about car bombs to become a military explosives expert. Despite his career change, he hasn't lost his combative edge or substantial belly he developed as a renegade biker. Edgar has a knack for getting into inaccessible places, just as long as they aren't too small and narrow.
Additional Info:
* Ex-biker, tough guy.
* Voice: Heavy, deep and raspy.
* Takes a jovial pleasure in killing.
* Likes let out a sick laugh when he's having fun.
* Calls people Scooter; a friendly put-down.
Sure Hands
Accurate (20k)
Strong Arm (30k)
Rudy "Lynx" Roberts
Rudy Roberts is one of the most dependable veteran sharpshooters in A.I.M.'s line-up. Wishing to expand on his already impressive resume, Lynx took various training courses in basic electronics, advanced mechanics, night operations, and first aid and the treatment of battle casualties.
Lynx asks that he not be placed on assignment with Buzz Garneau.
Additional Info:
* A handsome pretty boy, who's starting to age.
* Slightly flippant, yet cautious as he goes about his business.
* Well-defined, old-fashion attitude about woman.
* Casual with a strong underlying work ethic.
* The ex-boyfriend of Buzz Garneau.
Sure Hands
Accurate (20k)
Ice Williams
The Iceman is back. After a short yet disastrous stint with one of our competitors--and we use that term loosely-Ice gained insight and wisdom on the merits of dealing with a professional organization. Williams owes a debt of gratitude to Magic for getting him reinstated. Ice's patience and friendly demeanor make him an ideal instructor. His choice of weapon is automatic.
Additional Info
* Cool, laid-back, patient and friendly.
* Never gets overly excited. He's always got it covered.
* Lives life for the moment, by the moment.
* Conversation has a street corner, rather than combat zone, feel to it.
Ernie "Red" Spragg
This mad, mumbling Scotsman is from the old school of explosives where your instructor would fly by in pieces and you quickly moved up the ranks. Spragg is a survivor. With many years of experience under his wire cutters, he takes pride in teaching those military college kids a thing or two about detonation devices. Don't be thrown by Red's frantic ravings; the situation is rarely as dire as he likes to believe.
Additional Info
* Easily excitable. Goes off rants. Bit of a hothead
* Pessimist. Sees situations for their worst.
* Heavy Scottish accent.
Bobby "Steroid" Gontarski
The transition from fighting fires to fire-fights has been quite the success for this ex-fireman from Warsaw. His knowledge of mechanics kept the outdated and under-funded Polish firehouse running. Reputed for his eagle-eyed vision and pumped-up persistence, he's now using these talents to keep enemies on the run. Gontarski refuses to submit to urine testing.
Additional Info:
* Type of guy who hangs out at the gym staring at himself in the mirror.
* Impatient, prone to outbursts in certain situations.
* Full of himself.
* His stilted command of English and lack of intelligence can be comical at times.
Cyntia "Fox" Guzzman
Initially trained as an emergency room nurse, Fox Guzzman was recently featured in "Babes and Bullets," a prestigious monthly mercenary magazine. Her article on controlling hemorrhaging while on the battlefield was almost as highly praised as her centerfold layout.
Guzzman has recently spent a lot of time on the firing range and it has paid off handsomely.
Additional Info
* Dialogue makes reference to sexual innuendo.
* She is extremely conscious of her looks and uses it to her advantage.
* Voice is extremely sexy, with a hint of sweetness.