17 coaches online • Server time: 05:59
Supah Iros!
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
He was an happy spoon, he had a place to call home, a lovely wife (Fork Lady) and a sharp son (Knife guy).
But THEY had to ruin their life, and so they took Fork away.
Not for long.
Because he's back and he'll eat REVENGE for dinner!
Italian Version:
Era un Cucchiaio Felice, aveva un luogo da chiamare casa, una moglie amorevole (Donna Forchetta), ed un figlio acuto (Ragazzo Coltello).
ma LORO dovevano rovinare le loro vite, per questo rapirono forchetta.
Ma non per sempre.
Perche' lui e' tornato, e mangera' VENDETTA per cena!
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
He was a child, and THEY killed mommy and daddy.
He was rich, so he left the western society and went to learn kung-fu.
But he was overweight, and with a bad personal hygene, so he had an illumination, he would become Fatman, the Dark Stench, and mommy and daddy will get their REVENGE.
He had a twin.
He didn't knew both of them were born with an extraordinary superpower.
But a day THEY came, and teached their brother how to use it.
They didn't told him the consequences though.
And so, now he's roaming the world, looking for them and for REVENGE!
He was a clock,
a SWISS clock.
But THEY didn't cared and sent him to war.
Hiroshima wasn't a nice place to visit in those days,
as they will learn when it will be TIME FOR REVENGE!
He was an Agility Skill, and Noone liked him,
But a day he met Nawbie,
They fell in love at first sight,
And they were happy.
Until THEY came and convinced Nawbie to abandon him,
And now he wanders around, lost in his dreams of REVENGE!
10110010 10101110 11011010 10101001 11101101 10110110 110100110 001010101 10100110 10100110 10101010 10010101 01111101 10101011
but THEY...
0?101?01 1?011101 0111101? ?1000010 10?0110? 01000110 101010?1 ?0101?01 01011?01 011???11 0?100100 0001?111 1?100010 ?0101?01 01?0100? 110?10?1 0?110?10 101?010? 00?10?1? ???111?0 110?101? 011?00?1
And he's back for REVENGE!
Right Stuff
Diving Tackle
THEY said they were dirty and always late.
THEY said the service was horrible.
THEY said the tickets were expensive.
And THEY were right.
But now the trains are back, and they're looking for REVENGE!
(*dlin dlon* Revenge is expected to arrive on track 4 with a 15 minutes delay)
Right Stuff
Dirty Player
He was an umbrella like the others, he did his job faithfully, protecting his beloved children from the umpleasant weather of rainyland.
Until THEY came.
They took away his young companion, they took away his integrity, they took away everything he ever stood for, but he's back and he's screaming for REVENGE!
He was sharp.
Now he's not.
THEY will pay.
Time for REVENGE!
THEY got served by these gauntlets for years, and what did they get for it?
Absolutely NOTHING!
So, the gauntlets decided to strangle their last owner, cook him for dinner, and join our Super Heroes, because REVENGE is a dish best served cold, and boys,
They're good at dishes!
he had a story, but he's too stoned to remember it.
so now he wanders around, wondering who to blame, and what to do.
you know the answer.
He's Dirty, He's Mean, He's Vegetarian!
And he will eat them alive if THEY don't believe him!