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Crumpton Hairy Underdogs
Grab (20k)
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Archibald Gracetripsy is the son of Crumpton's elected Mayor, Ferdinand Gracetripsy. As the son of a politician and some day a likely heir to the "throne", Archibald needed to find a good steady, socially acceptable job.
With a smashing debut in his first game where he killed two people in a most spectacular manner, Archibald is well on his way to the hearts of the village's voters and bloodbowl fans all around.
Dodge (30k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Bjorn Toobiewild was sadly orphaned at an early age when his father Pruben Toobiewild attempted to jump through a burning five centimeter thick armored concrete wall on a motorcycle at 120 km/h while drinking beer. Pruben had already defeated a 3cm and a 4cm wall in similar stunts, however something went amiss this time and he passed away in a blaze of glory.
His mother, Asume D. Toobiewild passed away in a fireworks explosion during Pruben's memorial service.
Bjorn has exceptional reflexes and has inherited the fearless nature of his parents.
He firmly believes that the dead should <a href="http://www.fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&op=view&player_id=6533113">stop moving</a>.
Jack Wabbit inherited one of the village's mines from his grandpa. He enjoys going there on weekends and working with the power tools, it makes him feel alive. If he lives long enough to become rich and famous on the bloodbowl field, he shall reopen the mine as a tourist attraction where everybody can come and see his machinery at work.
Guard (20k)
Tackle (20k)
When Smaug punches you, you'll see fire in the sky. You will see tweeting stars wihrling around your head, and then you might just go for a nappy nap.
Smaug was an amateur boxer until he found out he was supposed to stop flailing when people fell down. He hopes to see broader horizons in bloodbowl.
When Dmitri was called a "silly-head" by a classmate in sixth grade, he lurked on the three-story schoolhouse's roof until the classes ended for the day and with an mildly unaccurate leap, landed in front of his nemesis. The classmate visited him in the hospital and promised never to call him a silly-head again.
The injuries sustained in the fall render Dmitri unable to feel pain. Considering that and his severely reduced life expectancy from the event, he figured he might as well play Blood Bowl.
Pedro joined the team because he thought it was a drinking competition, with big bowlfuls of bloody maries.
Pedro has decided to express his frustration in mindless violence, leading his teammates to think he might be worth something after all.
Kimontheus Jungblawd is only nineteen years old but thanks to a quaint time anomaly has already spent twenty eight years in prison for six cases of assault. Although a bit of a lightweight, he packs a lot of punch, as proven in his debut game where he knocked over a treeman all by his lonesome. In the team's second match he proceeded to murder a Dark Elf Blitzer with great gusto.
Grigori is alright, but his arsovich is bad. Don't mess around behind Grigori's back, or it might get you.
+AG (40k)
+MA (30k)
Dietrich Sweengboutzie is faster than the wind, and about as difficult to catch.
Ruben grinds to dust, his teeth and opponents alike.
Sure Hands
Accurate (20k)
Block (20k)
Dump-Off (20k)
During practice sessions, bloodbowl rookie Paul Herndlar proved himself to be incredibly gifted in Picking Up a Ball. This exceptional control over his opposable thumb and four fingers granted him the position of a thrower.
At first he was reluctant to Let Go of the Ball after so righteously claiming it. A few sessions of "kick all balls" have done wonders for his team spirit and generosity.
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team-Mate
+AG (40k)
Guard (20k)
Brick is big.
Words fail to describe how vastly, hugely big Brick is.
If the universe were the size of a breadcrumb, Brick would be the size of a brick.
Brick's parents were also big.
They were Manual Ore Extraction Specialists in one of Crumpton's mines.
They would take big pieces of earth and rip them apart with brute force
looking for shinies.
Brick has inherited his parents' instincts of Extracting Things.
With no mine to work in, he has to make do by looking for shinies
inside people he doesn't like, also known as people.