Thor's Bilskirnir Warriors
Sigurd Ring was a hesistant man, when he first joined Thor's Bilskirnir Warriors, but after having felt the rush of adrenaline and the spirit of Thor on the field he blosomed in his second match, where he killed one of his opponents, who tried to tackle him.
With this kill he was celebrated as the player of the day on his team, and though they lost the match they drank heavily that night, for what was the game really about? Winning? Or killing!
After his 4th match, he decided that the best way to kill more people would be to learn how to avoid agile opponents to dodge past him.
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Wild Animal
Asterion's father had aqusitioned a labyrinth, which Asterion would inherit. It was a good labyrinth, with many turns, many a traveler died here.
But alas, Theseus disrupted Asterion's dream of owning the labyrinth. Theseus killed Asterion's father and the labyrinth was taken as a spoil of war. Asterion vowed to get his revenge. Many years later he killed Theseus and got his revenge, but alas the labyrinth was no more, so he could not claim what was rightfully his.
After wandering the world a bit, searching for some meaning in his life, Asterion finally joined the team Thor's Bilskirnir Warriors to wreak mayhem upon the playing field!
Sturlaug joined Thor's Bilskirnir Warriors as many other young norsemen in tribute to the mighty thundergod Thor!
When there were no raids being prepared in the homeland, the only way to prove that you were a man, was on the field.
And it was on this field Sutlaug got his first kill, and in his very first game. He faced a fierce warrior woman, she was worthy to be a shieldmaiden and thus it was not a shameful act to send her to Asgard.
And in this battle he learned some dirty tricks indeed, and he was sure he would be able to use these tricks many times on the playing field in the future.