20 coaches online • Server time: 02:57
Doktor Doktor!
Thick Skull
[23:05] <@BowlBot> *** PleaseDontHurtUs2Bad 1 vs 2 Heart of Antharas ***
[23:05] * Antigono (~creled@60.Red-83-58-5.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net) has left #Fumbbl
[23:05] * Icedealer82 (~Icedealer@HSI-KBW-082-212-059-028.hsi.kabelbw.de) has joined #Fumbbl
[23:06] * GreenTe4 (~benjaminh@dslc-082-083-241-174.pools.arcor-ip.net) has joined #Fumbbl
[23:06] * Afro (~blabla@f054083014.adsl.alicedsl.de) Quit (Quit)
[23:06] <soultoken> bb d6
[23:06] <@BowlBot> soultoken: Rolled 1
[23:07] <soultoken> bb general skill
[23:07] <TheBot> soultoken: Pro (5)
[23:07] * SvenS (~SvenS@d83-183-108-100.cust.tele2.se) Quit (Quit: Lämnar)
Sure Feet
Thick Skull
Strip Ball
[20:25] <soultoken> i have to do a roll for my Bull now
[20:25] <soultoken> 1-3 General 4-6 Strength
[20:26] <Jarvis_Pants> general
[20:26] <soultoken> 2 so its general
[20:26] <Jarvis_Pants> dp
[20:26] <Jarvis_Pants> dp
[20:26] <Jarvis_Pants> nice
[20:26] <soultoken> strip ball
[20:26] <Jarvis_Pants> <soultoken> bbd6
[20:26] <Jarvis_Pants> <@BowlBot> soultoken: Rolled 2
[20:26] <Jarvis_Pants> <soultoken> bb general skill
[20:26] <Jarvis_Pants> <TheBot> soultoken: Strip Ball (7)
[21:37] <soultoken> bb d6
[21:37] <@BowlBot> soultoken: Rolled 1
[21:37] * User_ is now known as Lascivious_Rexford
[21:37] <@shadow46x2> keep it
* SillySod is now known as SillyAway
[21:06] <@BowlBot> *** Squeeakston Oilers 0 vs 1 Heracy ***
[21:06] <soultoken> bb generalskill
[21:07] <soultoken> bb general skill
[21:07] <TheBot> soultoken: Pro (5)
[21:07] <Royston|STD> Nice.
[21:07] <Royston|STD> Pro Hobbo all the way!
[21:07] <soultoken> :)
[22:25] <soultoken> bb general skill
[22:25] <TheBot> soultoken: Strip Ball (7)
[22:25] <Royston|STD> Nice skill.
[20:22] <soultoken> i got a hobbo who has just rolled a normal skill, so all i need to do is the skill roll
[20:23] <Jarvis_Pants> sure
[20:23] <Jarvis_Pants> nice
[20:23] <Jarvis_Pants> <soultoken> hobbo skill
[20:23] <Jarvis_Pants> <soultoken> bb general skill
[20:23] <Jarvis_Pants> <TheBot> soultoken: Shadowing (6)
[21:10] * Hollaender (~njaksfnk@p57B16D8F.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #Fumbbl
[21:10] <soultoken> bb general trait
[21:10] <TheBot> soultoken: Frenzy (2)
[21:10] * Vurner_Vinckler (~opera@dslb-188-097-240-155.pools.arcor-ip.net) has left #Fumbbl
[21:10] <Royston|STD> Sweet.
[21:10] <Chewie> bblast paulhicks
[21:10] <@BowlBot> Chewie: paulhicks was accessing the website 1 hour, 17 minutes ago.
[21:10] <soultoken> ;0
Sure Feet
Thick Skull
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate