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Hack' Bestiary
Block (20k)
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Ashikaga Takauji was a daimyo of the Minamoto clan who
joined forces with the Go-Daigo to defeat the Hojo armies.
Later when Go-Daigo attempted to reduce the powers of the
samurai clans he rebelled against him. He defeated Go-Daigo
and established the emperor Komyo on the throne. Go-Daigo
eventually escaped and established another government in
the town of Yoshino. This period of dual governments was
known as the Nambokucho.
[ Samurai - The Story of a Warrior Tradition, by Cook ]
Block (20k)
Guard (20k)
The Irish Leprechaun is the Faeries' shoemaker and is known under
various names in different parts of Ireland: Cluricaune in Cork,
Lurican in Kerry, Lurikeen in Kildare and Lurigadaun in Tipperary.
Although he works for the Faeries, the Leprechaun is not of the same
species. He is small, has dark skin and wears strange clothes. His
nature has something of the manic-depressive about it: first he is
quite happy, whistling merrily as he nails a sole on to a shoe; a
few minutes later, he is sullen and morose, drunk on his home-made
heather ale.
The Leprechaun's two great loves are tobacco and whiskey, and he is a
first-rate con-man, impossible to out-fox. No one, no matter how clever
has ever managed to cheat him out of his hidden pot of gold or his
magic shilling. At the last minute he always thinks of some way to
divert his captor's attention and vanishes in the twinkling of an eye.
[ A Field Guide to the Little People ]
Close Calls<ul><li><a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&id=2679360">2009-05-20</a> -- Reduced to 0 hit points via Block
<small><i>"But wait... Leprechaun's medallion begins to glow!
Leprechaun looks much better!
The medallion crumbles to dust!"</i></small>
Block (20k)
Foul Appearance (20k)
Croesus (in Greek: Kroisos), the wealthy last king of Lydia;
his empire was destroyed when he attacked Cyrus in 549, after
the Oracle of Delphi (q.v.) had told him: "if you attack the
Persians, you will destroy a mighty empire". Herodotus
relates of his legendary conversation with Solon of Athens,
who impressed upon him that being rich does not imply being
happy and that no one should be considered fortunate before
his death.
This giant variety of its useful normal cousin normally appears
in small groups, looking for raw material to produce the royal
jelly needed to feed their queen. On rare occasions, one may
stumble upon a bee-hive, in which the queen bee is being well
provided for, and guarded against intruders.
Dirty Player (20k)
Kick (20k)
<p>A domestic animal, the _tame dog_ (_Canis familiaris_), of which
numerous breeds exist. The male is called a dog, while the female
is called a bitch. Because of its known loyalty to man and
gentleness with children, it is the world's most popular domestic
animal. It can easily be trained to perform various tasks.
Conan cried out sharply and recoiled, thrusting his companion
back. Before them rose the great shimmering white form of Satha,
an ageless hate in its eyes. Conan tensed himself for one mad
berserker onslaught -- to thrust the glowing faggot into that
fiendish countenance and throw his life into the ripping sword-
stroke. But the snake was not looking at him. It was glaring
over his shoulder at the man called Pelias, who stood with his
arms folded, smiling. And in the great, cold, yellow eyes
slowly the hate died out in a glitter of pure fear -- the only
time Conan ever saw such an expression in a reptile's eyes.
With a swirling rush like the sweep of a strong wind, the great
snake was gone.
"What did he see to frighten him?" asked Conan, eyeing his
companion uneasily.
"The scaled people see what escapes the mortal eye," answered
Pelias cryptically. "You see my fleshy guise, he saw my naked
[ Conan the Usurper, by Robert E. Howard and L. Sprague de Camp ]
No one knows how old this mighty wizard is, or from whence he
came. It is known that, having lived a span far greater than
any normal man's, he grew weary of lesser mortals; and so,
spurning all human company, he forsook the dwellings of men
and went to live in the depths of the Earth. He took with
him a dreadful artifact, the Book of the Dead, which is said
to hold great power indeed. Many have sought to find the
wizard and his treasure, but none have found him and lived to
tell the tale. Woe be to the incautious adventurer who
disturbs this mighty sorcerer!
Creatures Slain:<ul><li><a href="http://www.fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&id=2792652">2009-08-17</a> - <a href="http://www.fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&player_id=6805332">Baron Rolore</a> Via Blocking
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Wild Animal