19 coaches online • Server time: 02:40
Random Body Parts
Stand Firm
Thick Skull
No film reference just another painful attempt at a play on words by me :)
{Dalfort} bb general trait
{TheBot} Dalfort: Dauntless (1)
{Crazy_Lemur|IG} congragts
{Dalfort} ty
Stand Firm
Thick Skull
The classic narrative of the golem tells of how Rabbi JudahLoew of Prague (known as the Maharal; 1525-1609) created a golem to defend theJewish community from anti-Semitic attacks. But eventually, the golem growsfearsome and violent, and Rabbi Loew is forced to destroy it.
<a href="http://www.myjewishlearning.com/beliefs/Issues/Magic_and_the_Supernatural/Practices_and_Beliefs/Supernatural_Beings.shtml">Source</a>
{Dalfort} bb d6
{BowlBot} Dalfort: Rolled 1
{Roy|gettingSTD} General skill.
{Dalfort} kool
{Dalfort} do i need screen shot?
{BowlBot} *** Good Omens, Dead Rats 3 vs 1 Fleshy Death and Disease ***
{Roy|gettingSTD} No.
{Dalfort} even better :D
{Roy|gettingSTD} You need to do BB General Skill
*** StrawberryKiss has quit (Quit)
{Dalfort} bb general skill
{TheBot} Dalfort: Shadowing (6)
{Roy|gettingSTD} Haha!
{Dalfort} hahahahahahaha
{Shades|IG|145} lol
*** srjuanone has quit (Quit)
*** Tubby has joined #Fumbbl
{Shades|IG|145} so cool
{UnfriendlyGhost} ah, found the appropriate help :)
{Roy|gettingSTD} Then paste this conversation.
first werewolf from the American Werewolf in London
{Dalfort} Ryan?
{Dalfort} bb d6
{BowlBot} Dalfort: Rolled 2
*** Fayden has quit (Quit)
{Dalfort} 2 = general skill
*** Sionis has joined #Fumbbl
{Dalfort} bb general skill
{TheBot} Dalfort: Shadowing (6)
{Dalfort} lol
*** ZeroCool_82 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.10/2009042316])
{ryanfitz} gratz on shadow
Central werewolf character from American Werewolf in London
Skill Roll:
Nuffle Dalfort: A 20 shows on the 35-sided die.
Dalfort sprint
Dalfort better
Dalfort :)
jarvis_pa much more yusefull
jarvis_pa blocks too main stream
jarvis_pa next
Dalfort do i need to cut and paste the txt still
jarvis_pa yep
Name taken from American Werewolf in Paris
Actually ryanfitz's gift to me, first turn kill. Thank-you Ryan :D
His old team : <a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=562606">I Get Random STDs on my Woodys</a> where he was a <a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&op=view&player_id=6760704">Leaping Lineman</a>.
title taken from the Bride of Re-Animator
skill :
Nuffle Dalfort: A 3 shows on the 9-sided die.
Dalfort woohoo kick
jarvis_pa kick
Dalfort :)
jarvis_pa nice
Pass Block
title taken from the Bride of Re-Animator
{Lemur|SaintsRow2} type bb general skill then
{Lemur|SaintsRow2} :D
*** bohm has joined #Fumbbl
{Dalfort|ig} ok then
{Dalfort|ig} bb general skill
{TheBot} Dalfort|ig: Pass Block (4)
*** bohm has quit (Quit)
{Dalfort|ig} lol
{Lemur|SaintsRow2} haha
{Lemur|SaintsRow2} awesome
skill 2
{Nuffle} Dalfort: A 1 shows on the 9-sided die.
{Dalfort} 1 oooh
{Shades_SteelFist} whats 1?
{Dalfort} block
{Dalfort} \o/
{Shades_SteelFist} very nice
title taken from the Bride of Re-Animator
title taken from the Bride of Re-Animator
Skill :
Nuffle Dalfort: A 4 shows on the 9-sided die.
Dalfort lol pass block
jarvis_pa pb
title taken from the Bride of Re-Animator
Skill roll:
{Nuffle} Dalfort: A 27 shows on the 35-sided die.
{Dalfort} lol strong arm
{Shades_SteelFist} 2 and 7 twenty seven
{Dalfort} house
{Shades_SteelFist} on who?
{Dalfort} zombie
{Shades_SteelFist} LOL
{Dalfort} or couls take ma+
{Shades_SteelFist} take the move
{Dalfort} ok i will
{Dalfort} :)
{Shades_SteelFist} str arm useless
{Dalfort} ty mate
title taken from the Bride of Re-Animator
title taken from the Bride of Re-Animator
Central zombie character friend to werewolf David Kessler in American Werewolf in London