40 coaches online • Server time: 13:39
Orcestra of Destruction
Guard (20k)
Juggernaut (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Side Step (30k)
Game #77: Was killed by a foul from a Hobgoblin but he was succesfully Apo'ed.
Game #85: Great Game by the second in command. Four casualties against the Chaos Dwarves of Breach Back Mountaineers. He also made a defensive stop in the first half, grabbed the ball and went all the way for a touchdown. Coach's Choice MVP!!
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Tackle (20k)
<b>Confirmed Kills:</b> 1
Game #73: Declined +Mv to get Guard.
Game #86: Caught a touchdown pass to steal the victory from the jaws of a draw.
Game #87: Killed Larry but the Hobgoblin was healed and the injury was reduced to a serious.
Game #88: Killed Sultan of Slime a Rookie Nurgle Warrior from Win by Attrition 3.
Guard (20k)
Juggernaut (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Game #60: Badly hurt on the 6th turn of the second half as he was carrying the ball, he was Apo'ed. He got the ball back and another Beastman blitz'ed him but he took the attacker down instead (double skulls). One go for it for the win but no rerolls left. Made the Apo of the badly hurt, worth it as he won the game.
Game #83: Seriously injured (Niggling) by Chuky II from Nurgle team, Nasty Killers. Thankfully the Apothecary worked.
Game #87: Seriously injured (MNG) by a Chaos Dwarf from Painsmall.
Game #78: Seriously injured (-MA) during the First Round of Black Cup II by the Orc team, Green Funk. Apo was already used on a niggle Black Orc.
Game #75: Declined +MV for Guard.
Game #83: Failed to take down the ballcarrier by falling over. Reason game was lost. (snakes on gfi)
Game #87: Seriously injured by a Chaos Dwarf from Painsmall (-MV). Apo failed.
Block (20k)
Dodge (30k)
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Game #24: Seriously injured on the first damned turn of the game. (MNG)
Game #40: Declined +Movement.
Game #83: Made some great dodges and prevented the opponent from scoring in the first half.
Always Hungry
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team-Mate
Break Tackle (20k)
Guard (20k)
Game #82: Seriously injured by an Orc Lineman from, Reavers Go Box. Apothecary not used and regeneration failed. (-MV)
Game #85: Really stupid for almost half the game. Fortunately the team didn't need him to get the win.
Game #86: Really stupid block brought himself down (skull,skull,both down). His poor play allowed the other team to score.
Game #87: Another REALLY STUPID GAME FOR THIS SO CALLED BIG GUY. Hurt himself on his own block to add insult to injury (Double Skulls). He plays for the other team.
Sure Hands
Block (20k)
Dodge (30k)
Game #84: Seriously injured himself trying to go an extra step (-AG). Apothecary worked and put him back on the bench.
Game #86: Threw a touchdown pass in the closing seconds of the second half to steal the victory. Coach's Choice MVP.
+AG (40k)
Block (20k)
Dirty Player (20k)
Kick (20k)
<b>Confirmed Kills:</b> 2
Game #23: Niggling injury by a Dark Elf from Top Baddies. He was Apo'ed.
Game #36: Killed Hummer IV, a Beastman with Block/Guard from Klappe die zweite with a foul.
Game #39: Useless waste of a Roster spot. Thrown out for not even breaking armor.
Game #41: Got the Ref. Badly hurt a Troll (Regen'ed), knocked out Ripper Bolgrot, knocked out 5 ST Illegally drugged Black Orc and -ST'ed another Black Orc (Apo'ed) with well placed fouls. The last foul forced the concession.
Game #47: Gained +Agi after the game!
Game #63: Killed the Ghoul, Q-Bert (Block, Sure Hands), from the Necromantic team, Tetnus Shots with a foul.
Game #74: Three fouls and all useless.
Game #84: Played well. Key foul on a dangerous Chaos Dwarf Blocker. Seriously injured the player (MNG) and then thrown out of the game.
Game #85: His single and only foul seriously injured George, a Star Bull Centaur from Breach Back Mountaineers (Niggling). He retired him with that foul.
Block (20k)
Dirty Player (20k)
Wrestle (20k)
<b>Confirmed Kills:</b> 3
Game #51: Killed Erik the Lost a Rookie Norse Blitzer from Ursfjordings with a foul.
Game #60: Killed the Troll, Moss Man 2.0 from the Chaos team, MotB with a foul. Regen failed.
Game #64: Unable to injure anyone with dirty player.
Game #70: Three fouls but only able to Stun even with plenty of assists. Finally thrown out of the game for his incompetence.
Game #72: Killed Muskel, a rookie Longbeard from Double Layer with a foul. Thrown out of the game for it.
Game #82: Committed four fouls in the game and badly hurt a Black Orc from the Orc team, Reavers Go Box, before he was thrown out by the Ref.
Game #88: Two fouls on a CPOMB Nurgle Warrior. One stun and the other an epic failure where he was caught by the Ref (1,1) and thrown out of the game. Put his team in a bad position and allowed the other team an easy touchdown.