+AG (40k)
Dodge (20k)
Sprint (20k)
Sure Feet (20k)
<---Oak Medal Holder--->
A bloodthirstier than average Wood Elf, Kukka brutally hurt one of the Armies of Undeath's zombie linesmen. Kukka's acts of violence continue, badly hurting Fell'offa Dyke, the already injured Goblin Linesman of Rakshar's Rotters! Toward the end of the 2nd half of the Rakshar's Rotters! game, Kukka almost killed Goblin super star Skat'thar. It was only a timely intervention by the Goblin apothecary which kept the little goblin going.
For his brutal work against Rakshar's Rotters, Kukka was awarded MVP. However the coach of T.T.T. spoke to Kukka, and reminded him that this is not a Dark Elf squad. Kukka has taken this as a warning, and has been training his agility in the hope to excel in other parts of the game.
For Kukka's amazing touchdown against the Diode Dodgers, Kukka was awarded MVP. Kukka has now perfected his running game to maximise his agile potential.
Kukka showed his versatility against Rakshar's Rotters! completing two passes, whilst still maintaining his touchdown records. Kukka is showing a great deal of promise and will not be long before he can be counted among the best players in the league.
Despite not earning any fame during the horrific game against Gruumsh's Gougers, Kukka played a fantastic game in all. Any attempt to break through the enemy line was lead by Kukka, and his nimble feet almost secured a draw for the T.T.T.
Kukka's touchdowning continued, the opening score against Gotrek's Bane, a new Skaven Team who challenged the T.T.T.. Kukka put his superior agility to good use, plucking the ball from a tackle zone, to run it home. Thanks to a quick Blitz result on the Kick Off, and an unfortunate block from a Skaven Linesman, Kukka was able to run in and score his second touchdown in a single turn of play. The Skaven coach cursed all the gods he knew...Kukka was awarded his third MVP for this double touchdown, the crowd demanding that such a pleasing player be further rewarded for his efforts! In return Kukka has trained his speed, making him the fastest player on the T.T.T. to further increase the love the crowd have for him.
Kukka's former bloodthirsty side reared its head against Elf team Diode Dodger's. After being blitzed by Elf thrower Parhef, Kukka managed to slam his head into the thrower's back, almost damaging it. The Elven apothecary stepped in and prevented any permanent damage. Kukka was not so lucky, and was knocked out cold.
Kukka put his super speed to good use against Norse squad Asgard Arrows, sprinting with all his might away from the brutal barbarians, to score the opening touchdown of the game.
Kukka's final game allowed him to secure another touchdown, for a total of 6, cementing his position as the second greatest star in the T.T.T.
Kukka showed his agile flair, nipping the ball from under the nose of a Gunpowder Lad's longbeard, and sprinting into the touchdown zone. Quality play.
Kukka continued to impress both fans and his team mates in the concluding game of the series against the Gunpowder Lads. In the second half, after the T.T.T. injuries began to pile up, Kukka snatched the ball from under nose of Dwarven Longbeard Bugman, dodged away, sprinted into endzone, and scored a magnificent touchdown to take T.T.T. into a 2-0. In addition to this glamorous feat, Kukka also threw his own brand of reliable short pass and was one of the five remaining T.T.T. players at the end of the game, earning him the "Oak Medal" for solid service to his squad.
Kukka had an unglamorous game against Pro Elf squad Diode Dodgers, being constantly marked and prayed upon for his "super-elf" status. Kukka was KO'd at the end of 1st half, causing his agile hands to be missed during the vital opening of the 2nd half.
Kukka had one of the best opening halves of his career during a rematch against Pro Elf rivals the Diode Dodgers. When it seemed the Elves were breaking through for a touchdown pass, Kukka initiated an amazing interception. He followed this by charging up field and then badly hurting the original Thrower, Parhef. From this exhibition of skill and violence, it seemed Kukka was destined for the game of his career. Alas, at the opening of the second half his usually skilful feet let him down, as he tumbled to the ground in front of the Pro Elf squad while picking up the kick off. This almost led to a touchdown from the Pro Elves, and reminded Kukka that he was only mortal. The game has confirmed with Kukka that, despite his supreme agility, he needs to work on his dodging. This will protect him from the brutal blocks of less skilful players, while allowing him the kind of seemingly arrogant dodges attempted by Azura and Orian.