17 coaches online • Server time: 05:58
Reticulated Evil Pythons
Scary is not a harsh enough word. Half of the deadly duet of Tezza and Vexxia.
She's in a spot where a lot of people, have been maimed horribly.
Block (20k)
Dodge (20k)
Side Step (20k)
VP, and a comp in her first game!
Punched a werewolf so bad he has -av
Half of the deadly duet of Tezza and Vexxia.
Block (20k)
Dodge (20k)
Tackle (20k)
founding member. Has never missed a game as of 57 games.
Block (20k)
Safe Throw (20k)
Strong Arm (30k)
Sure Hands (20k)
No one is sure why she isn't trowing blocks, or helping in scraps. She's entirely devoted to throwing the ball in "an evil fashion befitting a malicious and devious dark elf." Even her team mates are worried.
Leeyane "Orc Puncher" Bloodeye, is the most shifty, waffling, flaky, streaky passer there ever was.
But, she's come through in the clutch so many times, the coach has to keep her.
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Mighty Blow (30k)
This spot has only ever been previously occupied by Anguia Throatslit. Two Touchdowns and a Completion in her opening game!
The newest blitzer on the R.E.P.s might have her work cut out for her, but the up and coming Baxxia Bloodbone was borne from one of the greatest 'Bowl playing dynsties in the world. She has a lot to learn and live up to.
Dirty Player (20k)
Kick (20k)
A utility player on a Dark Elf might not seem like the best fit, but sometimes you grown up wanting to kick a football instead of people's heads. It's ok to be different sometimes.
+AG (40k)
Dodge (20k)
"Tonight, before a sell-out crowd, playing Blood Bowl for the first time in 6 years, we have a very special player on the pitch tonight. She’s been spending her time away from the game in a Bretonnian prison for crimes against humanity. Fortunately for you, the paying audience, that prison burned to the ground this month, taking everybody inside with it… well, almost everybody!
Weighing in at a sturdy 115 pounds, with an all-time record of 12 touchdowns, 32 knockouts, 8 kills, and 4 still-living dismemberments… the Ravishing Rampage, the Pitch Pugilist, the Scourge of Carpathia… JESKA HEX!" -First Game Introduction
The first assassin hired by the REPs. She has a large backstabbing career ahead of her.