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Memorabilia of Funbbl
Cusi is the reincarnated backbone of the team [Infact, he is the only one with a full backbone]. Most of the zombies here were created by him, after he killed those evil-doers with his claws of justice. However, the evil coach AloneAndBurned raised them as Zombies instead of angels, and corrupted them to the Dark Side. Cusi too became corrupted, and together they set about to making a team to play fort the Death Star, which AloneAndBurned has always craved...
Sure Hands
Putting his own essence into a hardened cadaver, AloneAndBurned ensured that his potent magic would be available off the field and on. His energy sapping powers are left to be seen... however, his Evil[TM] is definite.
Strip Ball
As a punishment for being a Dirty Player, Gorrita was locked up in a crypt for 3 days. Sadly, one of them was Halloween, and when they let him back out, he was no longer human... but a rippling solid mass of power and bone! His energy was immediately replenished by an ecstatic AloneAndBurned, and now he is the strongman of the team...
Once a troll, Peikko went on a hunger strike... well, was forced into one. His metabolism ate his own body, leaving him with nothing but the body of the last human he had eaten... which was naught but some skin and bones, which AloneAndBurned quickly raised, trapping the essence of the troll inside, craving meat after his long break.
AloneAndBurned was passing a battlefield, littered with human and dwarven bodies... So he did the sensible thing and combined the 2 races in a monstrous combination, and called it Mezir.
The man with all the connections, Mnemon was popular... until he forgot his wife's birthday. Sadly, his wife not being the tolerant kind, put an end to his life. AloneAndBurned, always the voice of reason, rebooted it.
Candlejack was one of the first organizers of BloodBowl. He ran several leagues, and was the head of a great organization... however, a few jealous people, who wanted the money for themselves, silenced Candlejack forever. AloneAndBurned, who happened to be nearby, dispersed the would be defilers, and brought CJ back to life... albeit a little rusty on his speech now.
In life, ChickenBrain was always there to help someone when they stumbled, to take over parts left to rot... And now that he was left to rot, he felt that he should stop people from turning like him, and become responsible for their deaths...
After being slain by Eowyn, Indur roamed the world as a spirit until AloneAndBurned found him, and trapped him again in his mortal shell. However, since it had been a while since Indur's body had a soul, it had decayed to nothing better than a zombie, and now he craved nothing but brains...
Evil Necromancer and Coach AloneAndBurned had his eye on Celebrian the Feminine for quite a while... and after earning enough money in the first game, convinced her to join the team and play for him. At first she refused, until he showed her the rotting carcass of her boyfriend, Indur The Twilight-King, she yeilded... And at that moment, AloneAndBurned cast a spell on her, turning her into a ghoul, and tied her will to her beloved better half.
Stand Firm
Thick Skull
N3mesys was at peace with the world. Infact, he had found nirvana. However, as his soul left his body, Evil Necromancer and Coach AloneAndBurned trapped it in a soulnet, and threw it into one of his golems... now he is trapped in the body, but still at peace with himself...
Stand Firm
Thick Skull