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Hell Game
Big Guy
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Piling On
Mighty Blow
<i>The Abomination of the Ammonites. Daemon of Fire. Devourer of the Canaanite Children. Bringer of Plagues. Lord of the Land of Tears. Devil of Pain and Sadness. Knight of the Order of the Fly.
Origin: Like Baal, Moloch was one of the Hebrew's archenemies, and is also most likely a conglomerate of several fire, sun and fertility gods turned into one nasty monstrosity. It might even be that the Punic "mlk" is the word for "sacrifice" rather than a specific god.
Unlike Baal, Moloch never quite managed to come to terms with his Daemonhood, something that has made him slightly unstable. He has, for instance, become quite convinced that humans burned in his honour are somehow transformed into angels. When he does not unleash raging fires (for no reason whatsoever), Moloch will on occasion try to redeem himself. These attempts at redemption have all been spectacular failures: among other things, Moloch has been credited for
unintentionally bringing about the Black Death and the Russian Revolution. Since the early 1930's he has mostly been brooding.
Character: The "sphinx of cement and aluminium" is known for both his lousy temper, fits of mindless rage, and a rather overactive imagination. He is seldom lucid these days.
Symbols and attributes: Fires of all kinds.</i>
Moloch scored an unusually high number of cas early in the team's career. As one of the most skilled Beastmen on the team Moloch has gained a centre field role with his guard and block skills. Having received a niggling injury as well as a -1AG he has always been rather close to retirement, but since the team earns money slowly, he is still needed. In addition, in the bashy-guard role he plays, his AG2 has never really made any difference anyway.
Sure Hands
<i>Grand Duke of the Eastern Regions of Hell. Commander of Thirty-One Legions.
Also Aguares. One of the Order of the Virtues, Agares seem to have
lost any sense of gender over the ages. This bothers some people, but Agares does not care.
Career: Fond of dancing and war, Agares represents the Eastern parts of the world and has been known to skilfully mingle with both Chinese Emperors and Mongol Khans. Acting subtly behind the scenes, it has through the ages protected many warlords and helped them win great victories. Since Agares is hard to spot, its whereabouts is a bit of a mystery, but it is known to have been involved in such later events as the Boxer Rebellion and last century's wars in Indochina.
Character: Agares is a plain character (some would say it has no character at all). It prefers to be that way since it believes that the artist is less interesting than the art.
Symbols and attributes:
Often rides a crocodile. Lizards and hawks are its symbols.</i>
Agares is one of the most important players on the team, and certainly the most important Beastman. It is the only Beastman to have developed +1AG, and since then it has taken on a thrower role, thus regularly increasing its SPP through completions. In addition, the role makes it safe at the back of the team, and it's frequently not deployed for kicking drives. None the less, this also gives it the role of end zone defender, in which its newly aquired block skill comes in handy. It has also recently increased its AG even more, to 5! Due to Agares often safe position it has rarely been seriously injured and has played all the team's matches but one so far.
<i>Marquis of the Empire. Protector of the Gates of Hell. Keeper of Dilmun.
Most people think Naburos (or Nabueiros, or Nabarus) grew out of Hell's ashen soil when Lucifer got bored of keeping track of Hell's sprawling geography by himself. Another theory is that he was a lesser angel trusted with the key to Paradise, but wanted the place for himself and was damned for his selfishness.
Throughout the ages Naburos has been Lucifer’s loyal servant, but
has received little recognition for this. Neither has he amassed a great following, mostly because of his own lack of ambition. He has seldom walked the Earth since few things there seem to attract his attention. The one exception to this is his keen interest in massive bureaucracies. One of his few known escapades on Earth is his involvement in setting up Charles the Bold’s Burgundian dukedom in the late 15th century.
Looking the part of an elegant clerk, Naburos is somewhat withdrawn and always busy with some endless administrative task. He is known
to be fond of dogs and claims to have either created or fathered Cerberos. Most Daemons regard this as a boring clerk’s desperate attempt to make himself sound interesting.
Symbols and attributes: A Raven. Various keys.</i>
Naburos is the team's kicker. This role was given to him after his first skill, and he has since then managed to get -1AG. But for the kicker, AG is ironically not important, and he is frequently placed at the back of the team, as a last defender, to let other more skilled players take up positions along the LOS. He recently developed Tackle, which helps him stop dodgy players running for the end zone. Getting Tackle has greatly increased his chances of staying on the team, as he can now play a clearly defined and useful role.
Mighty Blow
<i>Goddess of Lust and Sloth. Princess of Accusers and Inquisitors. Treasurer of Hell. Commander of Forty Legions. Knight of the Order of the Fly.
Origin: Ashtaroth (Astagoth) is Inanna, the Sumerian Goddess of love and war, later known as Astarte. Corrupted beyond recognition, some misogynistic medieval scholars even made her male.
Career: Ashtaroth is the sister of Ereshkigal and bride of Thamuz. She was very early made a Duchess of Hell and given the title Princess of Thrones. She was intimately involved in the court of the Roman Empire and later enjoyed making monks bury themselves alive to avoid temptation. Being a slothful creature, she has never been particularly active, unless some very interesting summoner has called her. For instance, Madame de Montespan, Louis XVI's mistress, reputedly made human sacrifices to Ashtaroth to obtain influence over the king.
Character: Described as being half black, half white and quite beautiful,
Ashtaroth is most fond of doing nothing.
Symbols and attributes: An eight-pointed star. Venus.</i>
Ashtaroth was the second Chaos Warrior to join the team, and quickly surpassed Sammael as the number one star. Because the team lacked Guard, she was given it as her fourth skill, and has since then been put on LOS duty. This has given Sammael the opportunity to shine once more, and they are now more or less equal. As the second Chaos Warrior to gain +1AG, followed by Block and MB, Ashtaroth is capable of both scoring and bashing, but is currently more interested in the latter.
Mighty Blow
<i>Prince of Demons. Tempter of Eve. Lover of Lilith. Angel of Death.
Sammael is known from Hebrew folklore. He is sometimes mistaken for Lucifer and has consequently been blamed for starting The Revolt. This is giving him more credit than he deserves.
In the beginning Sammael was the highest-ranking Throne Angel, and was therefore given the prestigious job of tempting Eve in Paradise. After playing a prominent role in the events that led to The Fall, Sammael had an affair with Eve's predecessor, Lilith, and fathered a lot of the creatures now inhabiting Hell. Later on, he most likely killed Moses before settling down to a life of excess and the occasional appearance as Judge or Harbinger of Death. He was last seen in London in the late 1890's.
Known be very handsome, Sammael has six pairs of wings. He is devious, charming, totally devoid of morals, and has a weak spot for writers and young, dead men.
Symbols and attributes:
A large sword, dripping of gall.</i>
Sammael was the first Chaos Warrior to join the team, and has since then taken on the roll of striker on the right flank. He is in close competition with Ashtaroth as about who is the main star of the team. He was the first Chaos Warrior to gain +1AG, which, together with his Dodge, MB and Block make him good both at fighting and scoring. He has died several times but has so far always been successfully apoed.
<i>Goddess of Lust. Sister of Kain. Mistress of Succubi and Incubi. Mistress of Lies.
Madam of Hell's Gambling Halls. Inventor of French Fashion. Commander of Seventy-Two Legions.
Asmodeus’ background is shrouded in contradictions. Most likely
she was one of the Seraphim, originally male, and known in Hebrew mythology as Ashmedai, "the destroyer."
Early in her career, Asmodeus was tasked with slaying men who
entered marriage only out of lust. She had a tendency to get carried away, and on one occasion she killed seven men who lusted after a righteous young girl. She later took the role as the prime advocate of lust, inspiring men to betray their wives and brothers to fight to the death over sinful women. She is still active and was last seen in New York in 1981.
Character: Beautiful and charming, and possessing a strange sense of
humour, Asmodeus likes the Fine Arts. She revels in all acts motivated by desire for pleasure.
Symbols and attributes:
Known to use both dragons and swords as her attributes, but has recently taken to use various brands of clothing and perfumes as
her "trademarks."</i>
Asmodeus, being the fourth Chaos Warrior to join the team, has done a good job of catching up with Sammael and Ashtaroth since she was given the role of striker on the left side. Like the other two she gained +1AG early on. She was blessed with the rather unusual mutation of Spikes to make her live longer, and since adding to many claws to the team might scare people off. With hindsight another Dodge might have been better, but armour 10 is handy. Her next skill became Claws, however, as the team had recently played against several bashy Chaos teams, and seemed to lack in bashiness compared to those teams.