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Syphilis Maximus
Urrk's diligence, expertise, and fighting style allow her to assist her teammates at all times - even while the enemy is bearing down upon her!
Kah refined his fury and now poses an offensive threat during blocks and tackles.
Skreeg gained renown among his teammates for his great strength, and he recently wrested the title of Syphilis's top scorer from Fornag. With his great strength he sometimes overcomes Rotters during practice, but curiously the league has never awarded him an MVP.
Krump excels at combat and coordinating offensive power. He utilizes his technique and prowess with abusive force on the field.
Yegresh was bred to complete's Syphilis Maximus' ball-handling needs; his tendency to partake in the addictive mind-altering drug "Rez Neth" makes his rush towards the end zone more enthusiastic.
Pilnok's performance on the field finally matured after what seemed like an eternity. Had his development lagged much longer we would've cut his throat...er...cut him from the team.
Fornag recently lost his title of Maximus's top scorer. But his stellar performance and reliability make him a shoe-in as a starter, and he inspires fear in the hearts of opposing coaches who witness his determined progress down field.
Foul Appearance
Foul Appearance
Heegnoth has become a skilled blocker, thus increasing his ability to lay the smack down.
Foul Appearance
Mighty Blow
Foul Appearance
After a rigorous training effort, Plaaaghroth finally knows how to throw his body around without bringing himself down during a block.
Big Guy
Foul Appearance
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Razor Sharp Claws
Despite his intellect, the mindless Syphilis Maximus I has developed himself into a devistating weapon for team Syphilis Maximus. The lumbering beast also earned himself two Interceptions two games in a row!