61 coaches online • Server time: 22:42
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Random Re-Animators
<captainmalkor> !d 1d9
<Nuffle> captainmalkor: A 8 shows on the 9-sided die.
<captainmalkor> !d 1d35
<Nuffle> captainmalkor: A 30 shows on the 35-sided die.
<captainmalkor> guard
<captainmalkor> !d 1d9
<Nuffle> captainmalkor: A 9 shows on the 9-sided die.
<Nicodemus1> i can see...
<captainmalkor> shoudl be tackle
<captainmalkor> if i did that right
<Royston> I can see it. :)
<captainmalkor> cool thanks boss
<captainmalkor> !d 1d9
<Nuffle> captainmalkor: A 3 shows on the 9-sided die.
*** Markinthepast has quit (Quit)
<ryanfitz> kick it
<captainmalkor> kick...bah already had akicker oh well
Sure Hands
<captainmalkor> !d 1d6
<Nuffle> captainmalkor: A 4 shows on the 6-sided die.
<captainmalkor> must take skill instead of move upgrade
*** belshamharoth has joined #WhiteIsle
<captainmalkor> !d 1d9
<Nuffle> captainmalkor: A 8 shows on the 9-sided die.
<captainmalkor> sure hands
<captainmalkor> !d 1d17
<Nuffle> captainmalkor: A 5 shows on the 17-sided die.
<captainmalkor> pro by the chart
Mighty Blow
Dirty Player
<captainmalkor> bb d6
<BowlBot> captainmalkor: Rolled 3
<captainmalkor> 3 is general
<captainmalkor> bb general skill
<TheBot> captainmalkor: Dirty Player (2)
<Bill_Vestergaard> witnessed
<captainmalkor> thx bill...DP on a muumy, sigh
<Bill_Vestergaard> DP fro you captainmalkor
<Bill_Vestergaard> :D
this skill was rolled in pre-season before the new tables
<captain|std> ok next mummy got agility
<Royston|std> d6
*** belshamharoth has joined #WhiteIsle
<captain|std> !d 1d6
<Nuffle> captain|std: A 5 shows on the 6-sided die.
<Royston|std> Doubles table
<captain|std> skill again : (
<Royston|std> +ag would have been cool.
<captain|std> no GS table for 5,6
<Royston|std> Ah.
<captain|std> !d 1d14
<Nuffle> captain|std: A 1 shows on the 14-sided die.
<captain|std> Blockage : )
<Royston|std> Block.
<Royston|std> Nice.
<captainmalkor> !d 1d14
<Nuffle> captainmalkor: A 5 shows on the 14-sided die.
<captainmalkor> pro...nice
<DonTomaso> sweet stuff.... ...age niggled for this one
<captainmalkor> !d 1d17
<Nuffle> captainmalkor: A 6 shows on the 17-sided die.
<captainmalkor> shadowing
<Jarvis_Pants> nice
<Jarvis_Pants> on a ghoul?
<captainmalkor> yeah
<captainmalkor> !d 1d17
<Nuffle> captainmalkor: A 1 shows on the 17-sided die.
<ryanfitz> whats a 1?
<captainmalkor> block woohoo...course he age niggled
<ryanfitz> heh
<Nuffle> captainmalkor: A 2 shows on the 6-sided die.
<captainmalkor> looks like I get the MV
<soultoken> yep
Beautiful wardancer RE-ANIMATED! in the STD cup final. After a brilliant blitz and stealing of the ball, we decided we had to have her for the team, a good boot to the head later followed by a failed apothecary and this beauty is ours.
Our first RE-ANIMATED opponent!! A risen storm vermin brought over from Experimental Lab Rats! in pre-season play.
<captain|std> and last the rat zombie...got a regular roll
<captain|std> !d 1d9
<Nuffle> captain|std: A 3 shows on the 9-sided die.
<captain|std> kcik
<Royston|std> Kick.
<captain|std> I'll take it
<Royston|std> Nice skill.