Cherrypickers of Chupayotl
+ST (50k)
Block (20k)
Break Tackle (20k)
Frenzy (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Stand Firm (20k)
Kills things and likes it a lot.
Got pissed by emphasy killing more stuff than him and thus picked up Frenzy. Picked up Block by defending himself from the psychatrists hired to cure his "mass-whatevercidial tendencies."
Scored 5 Cas in this game,
using his psychatrist (who, as Tuamadre told me, makes an excellent Bludgeon) as a weapon.
Recently improved his cherry-victim-picking-skills by learning how to break tackle away from Dorf team counteroffers.
After devouring many Cherries, he now got much stronger! Also, cherrys seem to be good for non aging!
Block (20k)
Guard (20k)
Side Step (30k)
Thinks he is a Skink, scores a lot, also got some MVP love. Got Sidestep and block, hopes to get Dodge soon.
+AG (40k)
+AG (40k)
Block (20k)
Break Tackle (20k)
Stand Firm (20k)
After his previous version was all about hurting people, Emphasys date with the Grim Reaper showed him that ball handling is fun too!
Block (20k)
Break Tackle (20k)
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Scores, protectcs Skink Ball Handlers, demands that the Skinks hand off to him in return, recently got tackle to improve his "threaten Skinks to hand off" efficiency.
Consumes many alcoholic beverages in order to get over his LOS Job. Hope to see Synn on the LOS while he isnt one day.
Side Step (20k)
Strives to meet expectations ;D
Mighty Blow
Prehensile Tail
Thick Skull
Break Tackle (20k)
Guard (20k)
Juggernaut (20k)
Got MNGed on his first turn in his first game without doing anything!
Likes Piling himself on AV6 Elfs doing nothing and getting booted off in return!
Dirty Player (30k)
Kick (30k)
Hopes to add many Fouls to the team, since Wuhan and PaulHicks both died.
Would boot Mightypeon if he could.
Clevery sucked out all Calcium from this Witch letting her Age Niggle from Athrites!
Laughed as Mightypeon 1 Died. Hopes to laugh more when Mightypeon 2 will die too!
Diving Tackle (20k)
Side Step (20k)
Shows often that AV6>AV7.