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Ancient Egyptian
Naunet is the female deification of the primordial watery abyss. She appears as a snake-headed woman.
Amaunet is the female deification of the air. Like the other four elemental deities, she appears as a snake-headed woman, but was often depicted with wings.
Kauket is the female deification of darkness and chaos. She appears as a snake-headed woman.
Hauhet is the female deification of the concept of endlessness or eternity. She appears as a snake-headed woman.
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Ptah is the deification of the primordial mound. He was said to have called the whole of creation into being. He appears as a bearded man with a skull cap, or a bull.
Atum is the lord of the Egyptian pantheon of gods, appointed by Ptah to watch over existence. As such he appears as a man wearing a royal head cloth.
Geb is god of the earth, but his name perhaps originally meant "weak one" or "lame one". He is often pictured as a man, but could also appear as a ram, a bull or a crocodile.
Isis is the goddess of motherhood, magic and fertility.
Nut is the goddess of the sky, or sometimes specifically the night sky. Although she usually appears as a woman, she can be represented by a cow.
Osiris is the god of the underworld and the dead. He was often depicted as a green man (representing the hope of rebirth).
Nepthys is known as the "useful goddess", and was a complicated deity. She is normally portrayed as a young woman wearing a headdress of a house.