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Darkside Cowboys'
Dark Elves are generally quite superb Blood Bowl players, combining agility
and amazing athletic ability with low cunning and an evil temperament.
Although best suited to the throwing game, sheer spite makes the Dark Elves
enjoy the running game, especially when a side throws up a remarkable
Blitzer like Jeremiah Kool.
Jeremiah Kool, has returned to the circuit after a long time away.
He assembeld a new and hungry team, that wanted to make a name for themselves, the team is lean, mean and nasty, especialy with Jeremiah Kool as the Team Captain.
The first few games went pretty bad with the Darkside Cowboys´, but Kool is swiftly learning them the ropes of the Blood Bowl Circuit.
Watch out for this up and coming Team.
After scoring and scoring for the Darkside Cowboys´ they meet Christine genious, and that turned into a grudge match when the other coach cravenly stayed put to prolong for a long time, and inflict casualities on the Cowboys´ with gang ups and fouls.
Jeremiah Kool got severely furious and took it to that level with the whole team backing him, he blitzed their star player thrower and sent him to hell where he belongs, next turn he blitzed a veteran lineman and knee bashed him, and left him crippled, the other coach quickly wisened up, and cleaned up his act, but by then it was to late to save the game.
Word to the wise, DONT play un-sportsmenlike versus this team, it will hurt.
Stay tuned if ya want to know more ya Git!
Malthus Beast-Tamer showed his worth in the game where the Darkside Cowboys´met Urskogen, he was the single player to score, and he did it twice!
Sadly his good performance wasen´t enough since Jeremiah Kool had apperently taken a short nap during the game, and did nothing at all.
Anna Blood-Drinker has proven her worth time and time again, and is much beloved of the Coaches of the Old World, probably because she tends to emerge herself in a bucket of blood, after each match...naked.
Since she started this trend she has gotten all MVP´s in the matches she has participated in.
Iakhovas Foul-Blow showed his worth being on this team after seeing a opening in Marvel Superheros defense, and blitzed their star player Dr,Doom, a experinced wardancer, and sending him out of commision with a fractured leg.
Too bad their medic, fixed him up again.
That reminds me Bob, dident that medic show up crucified on a pole outside their home arena?
Yes Gary, he did, probably a hit ordered by Iakhovas since he doesnt like it when his victims stand back up again.
Wyld Kolbathin has shown quite some promise as a wide reciver, since he seems able do do anything well: run,score,block and pass.
Overall quite a good player, we will see how the Coach handles this promising talent, using it to the full and we have a new star player, or just let him sink into obscurity in the shadows of his other star players Kool, and Anna.
This is a person to watch out for since he summoned a demon to posses his body in a match versus the Warpstone injectors, that made him unkillable, and able to score the only touchdown in that game.
Seems he has something against Piip Zoom after that game, so look out for a grudge in their next game.
Agathien Surestrike, is a very determined thrower, what other Thrower would show his staying power driving a cage from the Cowboys´ end zone, on a reciving kick, arriving at the opponents end zone with 3 players left of the entire team!
After that he seemed to like to run with it instead of throwing it with great gusto, but after a stern reminder what a thrower is supposed to do from Kool, Agathien has straigthen´d out his game, and is now throwing like nobody´s buisness.
After Iakhovas Foul-Blow´s humiliating trip on the first go for it to score in a vicous grudgematch, to tie the game on the last turn, Kool got severely pissed and hired in Evin Rancid to boost the team spirit and morale.