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Hell's Waiting Room
Mighty Blow
Block (30k)
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow
Block (30k)
Dodge (30k)
Guard (20k)
Tackle (30k)
Top Secret has always enjoyed the irony of his name and striven to make life as
painful as possible for the opposing teams. Being a giant blocker didn't seem to
be enough of a hassle, so he decided that taking dodge would go that extra mile to
infuriate the opposition. The fans have appreciated his constant effort to paint
the field red and rewarded him repeatedly with mvps. Top Secret never turns down
the chance to show up his little brother, Loosely Wrapped, and show em' how its
Tackle (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Block (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Block (20k)
Pro (20k)
Tackle (20k)
One of the founding members of Hell's Waiting room, Deft Dimwit quickly became an
unexpected star. Its unclear why, but the legions of undead fans seem to love
this shambling everyman and awarded him with 5 mvps. Not only was he one of the
first players to acquire a skill, he was also the first player on the team to pick
up tackle as well. Its hard to see how he plans to run down those blodging ball
carriers with 4 ma, but he some how finds a way seemingly every match.
Sordo was always dirty, smelly, and green, but yet he never really felt complete.
His team mates would always tease him about eating the heads of halflings first.
Everyone laughed as he explained that it was an acquired taste, and commented back
that was being a dirty player such a refined taste as well. Tired of the teasing,
Sordo found a new home where no one would tease him for his love of brains. A
home where he could merrily kick any downed opponent, and do some nibbling while
the ref wasn't looking. A home that could only called, Hell's Waiting Room.
Block (20k)
Dirty Player (20k)
Block (20k)
Sure Hands (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Ramses hasn't been alive for quite some time. In his past unlife, Ramses was a
terrifying mummy for the Sandkings Khemri team. Apparently unsatisfied with his
role, he willingly gave up his formerly intimidating stature for a role as a
zombie in Hell's Waiting Room. Death before dishonor and all that.