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Manmanglerton United FC
Nicknamed 'The Nutbag Enforcer', Ger'ard well... he likes to get into rumbles with anyone he can find! No target is too big or too small for the 'ardman, a sad fact that the Humblington Old Folks Home found out late last year during a goodwill trip around the Old World. Suffice to say the Humblington council were forced into a quick name change of the facility in order to quell potential law suits, and so now Ger'ard makes regular visits to the New Humblington Mortuary as per his good behaviour bond. Lovely to see superstars doing their bit for the country...
A legend with his old clubs, Lethal has the record for the most send offs by a referee in the history of the minor leagues. Not only that, but he is also the only player to have been sent off for biting the leg of a player during their own testimonial game in a friendly match being played to honour fair play! Its even reported he sticks his tongue out at widdle puppy doggies... bastard!
Never before in the Old World has the saying "The devil has red hair" been more true! Scholes is brutal in his pursuit of Bloodbowl immortality, his goal to become the undisputed record holder of the most death in OBBA history!
Knowing that he needed to work on more effective methods of inflicting pain, Scholes has been seen lurking in dark alleyways and opposition stands with his team-mate Cantona, avidly learning the ways of the Sardine Warrior. Overheard once while stalking West Ham supporters, Eric supplied the eager red-haired apprentice his special brand of words of wisdom. "When ze fish do leap from ze water, de circling buzzards wait for the weakest of ze pack. Ze will await ze perfect time to strike, zen mash de fishes face, gouge de eyes and zen deliver de killa blow, a karate kick to de head!".
Words of wisdom indeed. I just pray the Fishmen of Zargia never form a Bloodbowl team...
The babyfaced assassin who looks as innocent as a new born baby, but if truth were told, Solskjaer probably punched his way out of the womb rather than exited quietly!
Known through the club simply as Ole, the product of the Coach pronouncing his name as unorki, the lad was presented to the team with guffaws and sniggers throughout the playing group. It was only when the veteran Black Orc Orgar Orrid thought to make fun of the new blood that his true potential was shown. Lets just say there was no need for the use of pigskins that day as the team had a solid but slightly gristly round object to use for the rest of the day...
Don't mess with Ole on the field or you'll have ample time to learn how to pronounce his full name correctly in traction!
The hard man of the Manglers, Rooney takes on all comers with his deft moves, skillful play and fighting attitude, but mostly he survives on the Bloodbowl pitch for one reason... he's so frickin' ugly even a Rotter thinks twice before touching him!
A tragic story of a young orc with the world at his feet, his game at the peak and the perils of vanity that can destroy a dream!
He had it all... women, gold and above all, a talent for the game of Bloodbowl that was unsurpassed across the known world, but he was restless and behind the scenes, Ron searched for those who would bow at his majesty and brilliance that only he knew he had.
So it came to pass that an offer of adoration and gold surpassed his loyalty, and he did make the move to greener pastures. Only once he had left and the team he forgot continued their success, did the Ron realise his mistake too late, only to forever be remembered as the biggest DOH of the land!
Born and raised under the sweltering sun of Araby, this well travelled orc left his homeland in search of fame, glory and above all, MONEY! He found the fame and glory part quite quickly due to his... well lets say a profound dislike of bathing that led to his current nickname, Diabolical! Need i further explain? The bonus that came with the lack of bathing meant that he had very naturally sticky hands, leading to some truly amazing feats of agility!
After travelling half the known world, Diaby fell in with a rough crowd of similarly bath-avoiding people and soon he was a well known brawler and tough guy. 'Snap him up' the coach said and here he is!
Working as a part time karate instructor specialising in flying kick/punch combo's, Cantona found his mark in Bloodbowl while watching the seagulls circling the docks in his native town. Musing to himself, Cantona said "Ze flockin' nature of zez carions enlighten ze soul within all kinds of insectoids which swellz de bosom of life to further conflict ones view of the mating 'abits of rocks"... speaks for itself really. The man's a visionary after all.
Once Cantona had taken the field, collar raised and his stare able to melt iron, the man was destined to become a legend!
The heart and soul of the Manglers. Giggsie has been around for years and it seems he may be around for many more if the tales are to be believed. It is rumoured that Giggs has made a deal with some rather nafarious and dodgy wizards to 'extend' his playing life, even to the point of offering up the gutted remains of opposition players to the necromantic enchanters.
Once in a while there comes a story of a man so heartbreaking, even the most heartless of men find a tear in their eye. This is such a tale.
Tevez was his name. Born in the image of a monkey yet blessed with the speed of a cheetah and the strength of an ox, this orc worked himself to exhaustion on the pitch, and the fans adored him. But the evil overlord get restless and did cast the golden one from his lands, never to return. But Tevez did meet along the path from the citadel a saviour, and Sparky did resurrect the orc into a godlike creature, forever lost to his true home.
A orc wanted in 3 city states across the Old World for repeated and unprovoked attacks on any long wooden poles he comes across, Killer is also known to rile the opposition crowds up with regular gestures and, more importantly, regular touchdowns! An Aussie through and through, none can stop this boy when the Australian spirit flows within his veins!
This once unintelligible young orc grew from a gangly little lad who, when he spoke sounded like he had spent hours chewing glass, to one of the Old Worlds most gifted athletes. Beckalavski (as he was known) was the pin-up boy of the lower leagues until one day he faced the Orctown Rumblers in a particularly brutal semi-final, where his life changed forever. After scoring early, BeckBLAM was having the game of his life and the crowd knew it, unfortunately so did the Rumblers and from the next kickoff, Becks was jumped on and pounded into the rock solid turf by 3 Black Orcs and a rather nasty little goblin called Squiz. After awakening in hospital, Becks was watching the Cabalvision replay of his 'incident' and spotted 2 important things that to this day rule his life. The first was the big screen in the background flashing the words BeckBLAM as his face was mashed into the ground, and the second was the little green pussball Squiz directing the assault... he vowed never to forget either of those stains to his reputation and to this day seeks his revenge.
A dnagerous lad from the wrong side of the World Mountains, Bustin' Bent has a fiery attitude to the game of bloodbowl with a fuse shorter than Gary Neville! Even the nickname Bustin' Bent comes from a particularly nasty altercation with his now ex gaffer, where he busted and bent the boss mans nose in such a fashion that even the Ogre Apo didn't have the strength to push it back into place! However once Warmaster gave him a stern talking to (and a large sack of gold if reports are correct), Bustin' leaves all his rage and fury on the pitch, along with the dismembered bodies of his opponents!
A madman in all forms of the word, Agga tends to bash first, then tear... crush, smash, rip, mangle and beat to death... and THEN ask questions later. Known as the only orc from the World Edge Mountains to have questioned Azgul the Slaughter's mental capacity and remained alive... mind you Azgul hit his dragon when he mistook the huge beast for Agga but then thats just gossip innit?