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Sheeplove accociation
scored a touchdown due only too a witch elf flooring herself when trying too blitz, leaving the way open...
shouldn'a happened...
The latest of the wenslydale family. This notable upper crust clan have always been raised to veiw bloodbowl as the 'beautiful game', much too the snickering of their peers, and most members of the family soon end up in games.
alas, an upbringing of strong tea and wearing slippers around the house all day a good played does not make so he is, unfortunatly, useless.
recently, his parents - oft confusing him with his sister, lady wenslydale - forced him too a manacurist. Seeing no way out, jervis decided too make the best of it, asking the rather confused stylist too give him nails too kill...
the job, was a success
With his amazing abbility too fit perfectly into any social scene, the minger soon became a driving force for the sheep love accociation.
Unfortunatly, he's so goodat fitting in with everyone, that sometimes he gets confused he's not one of the enemy, and thus often forgets too block at full force...
Ewe wanna try this - so far, the star of Sheeplove accociation, wiht a better in match performance thay anyone else too date
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Wild Animal
though he may look a *little* bit like a cow, sheepataur is actualy a giant sheep. yeah.
looking forward too a career of failing with the sheeplove accociation
The Epic family, much like the wenslydales, are one of the ancient bloodbowl noble families, yet unlike their counterparts, this bloodline has enjoyed a tottaly spiffing measure of success.
It is not recorded when the wneslydales and the epics became such close friends, but it is often such now, where you find a member of the Epic family, you will find a wenslydale in the background