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Bigtown Beasts
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Wild Animal
Guard (20k)
Don't be fooled by the name
Xhue always seemed like some form of mutated human returning from the dead to compeate
+AG (40k)
Block (20k)
Pro (20k)
In all things Charger preferes to run in and take it head on (useualy done without much thought and a lot of physical strength). ever scince that hit on the head he's thought he's part elf (because of his agility). But, he can't bring himself to ditch the armor.
+MA (30k)
Block (20k)
Guard (20k)
beastie always was an interesting child, he never co-operated with other kids, insead he bashed them. now he is the cacher for the "Bigtown Beasts." Unfortunatly because of his niggleing injury his days as a player are numbered however I hope he remains alive long enough to become an assistant coach.
Block (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Plowin' originaly was given his name because his parents hoped that he would be able to plow fields and become a farmer. But, in highschool Plowin' relised he was good at football and plowing through his aponents.
As a child Ripper did not have a stuffed animal that lasted more than a week without being ripped to peices. now he prefers to rip the other team to peices during a game.
Block (20k)
Sure Hands (20k)
Tackle (20k)
ever scince that one fateful day where choppy got his name he was never alowed anywhere near sharp objects ever again.Due to his exelent performence in his debute game he now has shure hands. That's right he'll chop your team and his hands won't shake.
+ST (50k)
Block (20k)
Bashon is not his original name it is a nickname given to him on his first highschool game where after blitzing many other players (authoritys are still unsure if he hit any of his own teamates) the crowd began to cheer "BASH ON BASH ON." scince then that was his name
he was always teased when he was younger, because of this he retreated from most of the out side world secretly training and ploting revenge. he has not gotten revenge though he has goten even by joining a football team and being popular. When I asked him to join the team I found him beating the stuffing out of a punching bag (litteraly!).
+AG (40k)
Block (20k)
Yes he is infact named after the killer dog
Block (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Hired to replace Beastlam, hopefully he dose not follow in Beastlam's path and die during a game after making an amazing pass.
He likes his name but hates it's origens. he was named afeter a christmas lawn orniment (a raindeer). since he was old enough to have A gym membership he has worked out. So, unless you have a death wish dont call him raindeer.
The rookie of the team. I actualy recruited him in a back ally, some thugs had jumped him... and they regreted it. It's not too often you see three vs. one where the three end up in the hospital in intensive care.