Einherjer's of the White Isle
Big Guy
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
<i>Old Norse name derived from a diminutive form of *anuR, meaning "father."</i>
<i>Old Norse name derived from the word egg, meaning "edge (of a sword)."</i>
<i>Old Norse name composed of the elements alfr "elf" and ljótr "ugly," hence "elfin ugly."</i>
<i>Old Norse name composed of the elements arn "eagle" and geirr "spear," hence "eagle spear."</i>
<i>Old Norse legend name of a king who pursued the maiden Álfhidr, meaning "elf."</i>
<i>Old Norse equivalent of Visigothic Alaric, composed of the elements al "all" and rikiaR "rich, mighty ruler," hence "all-powerful; ruler of all."</i>
<i>Old Norse legend name of a dwarf who almost married Thor's daughter Thrud, meaning "all wise."</i>
<i>Old Norse name composed of the elements *anu- "ancestor; forefather," and leifr "descendant, heir," hence "heir of the ancestors."</i>
<i>Old Norse Viking name composed of the elements anu "ancestor; forefather," and undr "to prevail; triumph," hence "triumph of the ancestors." This was the name of a legendary king of the House of Yngling.</i>
<i>Old Norse name composed of the elements an "against" and vindr "wind," hence "against the wind."</i>
<i>Old Norse name meaning "eagle."</i>