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Mr. Worf
Disturbing Presence
Foul Appearance
Mighty Blow
Nurgle's Rot
Really Stupid
Block (30k)
Last Starfleet Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Current position: Federation Ambassador to Qo'noS; previously, strategic operations officer, Deep Space Nine and first officer, U.S.S. Defiant
Full Name: Worf
Date of birth: Earth equivalent: Dec. 9, 2340
Place of birth:Qo'noS,Klingon Empire
Parents: Son of Mogh; foster parents Sergey and Helena Rozhenko
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2357-61
Marital status: Widowed: married to Jadzia Dax, 51247.5 (died 2374)
Children: One son, Alexander, born 43rd day of Maktag (Earth equivalent 2366)
Quarters: Currently relocating to Qo'noS from residence at DS9; formerly, Enterprise Deck 7, Sect. 25B

**Includes summary updates, addenda through SD 52999 (2375)

Starfleet Career Summary

2364 – As lieutenant j.g. in command division, assigned to U.S.S. Enterprise as relief con and tactical officer under Capt. Jean-Luc Picard, later made acting security chief.

2365 – Promoted to lieutenant, named permanent Enterprise security chief.

2367 – Resigned Starfleet commission to fight in Klingon civil war.

2368 – Starfleet commission reactivated, no change in rank.

2371 – Promoted to lieutenant commander. Took detached leave from Enterprise after loss of vessel.

2372 – Transferred to command division for assignment on Deep Space Nine under Capt. Benjamin Sisko.

2373 – On detached leave in command of U.S.S. Defiant and on service with Sovereign-class U.S.S. Enterprise, helped repel Borg temporal invasion. During mission to Gamma Quadrant, captured by Dominion and held captive on Jem'Hadar internment camp until successful escape. Assigned to serve aboard I.K.S. Rotarran under command of General Martok during Dominion occupation of DS9.

2374 – Resumed service on DS9 under Capt. Sisko. Dispatched on mission to rendezvous with Cardassian operative/defector Glinn Lasaran, but abandoned mission to save wife, receiving serious reprimand in service record. Served aboard Defiant during Chin'toka offensive.

2375 – Commanded U.S.S. Defiant for three months during Capt. Sisko's absence. Served as first officer during successful Klingon mission to destroy Dominion shipyard at Monac. Commanded I.K.S. Koraga when ambushed by Dominion patrol near Badlands, forcing evacuation; ultimately rescued by Ezri Dax, but then captured by Breen and held captive by Dominion for execution until released by Cardassian resistance. Defeated Klingon Chancellor Gowron in challenge to death; handed over chancellorship to General Martok. Served as tactical officer aboard U.S.S. Defiant during final battle of Dominion war. Accepted position as Federation Ambassador to Qo'noS.

Psychological Profile: Report of Starfleet Counselor Telnorri, DS9 Service Area
Update to Enterprise File Report by Counselor Deanna Troi

As the only Klingon in Starfleet, Worf has already achieved an illustrious and honorable career aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise as well as played a key role in Empire politics, but he keenly feels the effects of an often tragic life caught uniquely between the two conflicting cultures — immediately evidenced by the traditional Klingon baldrics he wears over his Starfleet uniform. This inner-felt conflict stems in part from his perception of honor as taught but not always practiced by his native people, and is complicated by family relationships which echo his duality of culture in both his personal and public life. Worf has even been put on report.

He was born into a powerful political house on Qo'noS and carries vivid memories of a typical Klingon childhood. On his first ritual hunt before the age of six with his father's friend L'Kor, he attacked a large beast and it mauled his arm, providing a lifelong scar.

However, Worf's life was changed forever in 2346 when his family was wiped out by Romulans at the Khitomer Outpost along their border; he has no memory of his father. The young man was thought to be the only survivor, and was soon adopted by Chief Sergey Rozhenko, a human engineer nearing retirement aboard the U.S.S. Intrepid, which provided the first assistance at the scene.

The next year Worf lived with him, his wife Helena, and their son Nikolai among 20,000 colonists on the farm world Gault and later Earth, where the bigger and stronger Worf had a hard time adjusting to less-violent human culture and the two boys often disagreed. Finally, at the age of 13 while playing in a championship game as captain of his school soccer team, he unintentionally broke the neck of an opponent and the boy died a day later — forever guilting him into a life of restraint among humans. On the other hand, the Khitomer incident instilled in him a life-long hatred of Romulans.

To feed his thirst for his native people's culture, the Rozhenkos consciously exposed Worf to as much as they possibly could — serving him Klingon food, including his favorite rokeg blood pie, and sending him to Qo'noS for his initial Age of Ascension ceremony in 2355, at age 15. As usual, when on the homeworld he stayed with a cousins' family but felt rejected and ran away to the nearby mountains. There, while undergoing the Rite of MajQua in the lava caves of No'Mat, the vision of the original Klingon warrior Kahless came to him, prophesying that Worf would do what no other Klingon had done.

Worf entered Starfleet Academy with Nikolai in 2357, but his impetuous brother left school and returned to Gault while Worf went on to graduate in 2361. The fear of depending on others to protect him had been the prime point of his own entrance exam's psych test.

In 2364 he signed aboard Picard's U.S.S. Enterprise in command division as a junior-grade lieutenant, at the time wearing a century-old Klingon baldric. After the death of Security Chief Tasha Yar, he became acting chief and then assumed the post full-time in early 2365, switching to security full-time n the operations division and gaining a promotion to full lieutenant. His shipmates formally promoted him to lieutenant commander six years later with a ceremonial holographic ocean-dunking on an ancient Earth naval vessel.

Aside from a few weeks of dating fellow officer Deanna Troi in 2370 on the U.S.S. Enterprise, his most serious romance to date involved the half-human Ambassador K'Ehleyr. Worf had ended their initial affair in 2359, during his Academy years, but K'Ehleyr refused to begin anew and take vows after they mated in 2365 during her mission regarding the T'Ong sleeper ship incident.

Worf's family tree took on surprising twists during his U.S.S. Enterprise career, beginning with the trumped-up charge that Mogh had betrayed Khitomer to the Romulans. The resulting probe turned up not only a second survivor and eyewitness to the massacre, his old nursemaid, but a younger brother who'd been left behind on Qo'noS, Kurn. Even when the traitor was proven to be not Mogh but Jared, father of the powerful Duras, Worf later accepted discommendation from Klingon society rather than cause an uproar in Empire politics had the cover-up been revealed.

Worf was shocked to discover in 2367 that his interludes with K'Ehleyr had fostered a son, Alexander, when she accompanied the dying Klingon Chancellor K'mpec while old foe Duras, a challenger for succession, was a suspect. With her mate and son present, K'Ehleyr died after being attacked by Duras when she drew too close to the truth about Khitomer, and Worf in anguish killed Duras on his own ship. His captain was more than understanding, as he had been when Worf refused to donate blood to save a Romulan, but he was put on formal report for his actions.

During the Klingon Civil War of 2367-68 Worf felt compelled to resign his Starfleet commission to become involved, but it was reactivated after the war. During that time he persuaded Kurn to support Gowron against Duras' sisters and their Romulan backers, standing up to the sisters when abducted and tortured. His aid of the victor Gowron eventually restored his family's honor, and Kurn won a seat on the High Council.

Mogh was later rumored to be alive in a secret Romulan prison on Carraya IV, but though Worf's covert 2369 mission found the rumor to indeed be false he did discover — and agree to keep secret — a colony of shamed Klingon survivors from Khitomer, led by his father's old friend, L'Kor, and their Romulans guards who'd resigned to live with them.

Worf dipped back into Klingon politics in 2370 after he questioned his own faith in the teaching of Kahless following the Carraya IV incident. His visit to the caves of Boreth, the legendary site of the great warrior's predicted return, was shaken up when Kahless did appear to return. Although later found to be cloned from ancient relics of the original Klingon warrior by the Boreth clerics, the response of spiritually empty Klingons to his presence led Worf to insist that Gowron accept the cloned Kahless as a returned Emperor and moral leader — in effect creating a constitutional theo-monarchy.

He was even reunited with his foster brother Nikolai in 2370, when the two clashed again over the human's saving of the doomed Borallan village against Picard's orders and the Prime Directive to save his pregnant mate, a native. The two parted more amicably after the incident, however.

After his mother's death Alexander was initially sent to live with the Rozhenkos on Earth, but a year later Helena returned with him to plead that Worf take him back for support and guidance. The two shared a testy relationship at first, but thanks to sessions with the ship's counselor — whom he eventually selected as the boy's foster parent if need be — they fared better. When a shipboard accident left him paralyzed, Worf considered the ritual Hegh'bat suicide until both Riker and Troi talked him out of it, pointing to Alexander's need for a parent; an experimental genotronic spine later restored his health. Shocked in 2370 to find his son returned through a time loop from 40 years in the future, be began allowing Alexander to find his own way — even if it was not the way of a Klingon warrior.

During his U.S.S. Enterprise tenure, he birthed Keiko O'Brien's baby Molly in Ten-Forward during a shipwide crisis in 2368, his only prior experience having been a Starfleet emergency first aid class. He dislikes surprise parties and diplomatic duty.

He also taught mok'bara classes to those interested aboard ship, won a bat'leth tournament on Forkas III in 2370, and for a time tutored Dr. Crusher on the weapon; there is no word that he took her offer to join her acting workshop. He trains with a multi-level holo-program of personal combat "calisthenics," has also played Parrises Squares, and picked up the nickname "Iceman" from his U.S.S. Enterprise poker play. Other interests include Klingon novels, love poetry, and a love of Klingon opera. His favorite beverage, christened as a "warrior's drink" when introduced to it by Guinan, is prune juice.

Following the destruction of the Enterprise and break-up of its staff in 2371, Worf sent Alexander once again to live with the Rozhenkos on Earth and went on extended leave to revisit the Klingon monastery and clerics of Boreth in search of a spiritual answer to the letdown the rapid events provoked. He found their discussions enlightening and considered resigning his Starfleet commission, but in early 2372 he accepted Captain Benjamin Sisko's request to join the Deep Space Nine staff in light of renewed Klingon friction after dissolution of the Khitomer Accords and their short-lived invasion of the Cardassian Empire. He had all but decided to resign and join a Nyberrite cruiser crew when the Deep Space Nine offer persuaded him to stay, having felt that his Starfleet uniform was a disgrace to his own people.

Early on in the assignment Worf admitted to continued bouts of depression over the end of what he perceived as glory days on the Enterprise, and countered it somewhat by taking quarters on the station's starship, the U.S.S. Defiant, and finding a kinship with Dax, who trains with the bat'leth and mek'leth as well.

He soon got the chance to meet Klingon legend Kor, but that honor too was ripped away when image gave way to reality as the two fought over the Sword of Kahless relic they found on a quest.

Worf's public opposition to Gowron's invasion left him largely unaffected until the Empire attempted to frame him for the so-called slaughter of 141 Klingon civilians amid a skirmish; the hoax was revealed only shortly before he would have been extradited for the crime and faced certain death. However, on Qo'noS his house was once again stripped of its honor and properties, including Kurn's seat on the High Council.

His depressed brother showed up on the station asking for his own suicide rite. Only Dax's interruption stopped the ritual Worf was aiding, but after Kurn's unsuccessful death wish as a Bajoran deputy Worf realized his brother had no future and, short of suicide, opted to have his memory wiped and replaced with another Klingon identity, sending him to live with a family friend. Even then he lived with the regret that his actions had been forever tainted by his human-learned values of mercy.

Disciplinary Notation: Captain Jean-Luc Picard, SD 44248

It is with regret that I make this entry in the personal file of Lt. Worf, whom I consider a fine officer. However, despite whatever sympathy I have for his personal reasons and the ways of his culture I cannot condone murder by anyone wearing the Starfleet uniform. The officer in question is spared further disciplinary action only due to the circumstances of the location aboard the Klingon vessel Vorn and the not-unexpected indifference of the Klingon Empire to the incident.

Psychological Profile:
Update SD 50500, DS9 CMO J. Bashir, M.D. recording

Sparked by his spurning by Grilka and his uncharacteristic aid to Quark on wooing her the Klingon way, Worf's immediate friendship with Lt. Cmdr. Dax has now blossomed into full-blown romance; luckily she is one of the few species on the station compatible with the physical demands of the situation. The arrangement with Dax as his Par'machkai has stopped short by mutual consent of the traditional mating step required and seems to be affecting Worf in a positive way, aside from the squabble on Risa when what I perceive as Worf's reactionary tendencies held sway during his brief alignment with some New Essentialist activists there.

Worf has encountered few further difficulties regarding his divided heritage. He had no problem helping to expose secret Klingon mining of the space around outer Bajoran colonies and fighting his brethren of a century ago when time-traveled to Station K-7. He was part of the covert team trying to prove Gowron was actually a Changeling double earlier this year, and sparked a challenge to the death with the chancellor. Although the team helped expose General Martok as a Founder, Worf left with the two still at odds over his defiance of Gowron a year earlier that cost the House of Mogh its official honor.

His biggest qualm has been a quest for privacy, and took quarters on the usually empty Defiant to relieve the edginess he had felt ever since arriving here. I am told he often can be found there listening to Klingon opera blaring over the com system, usually from his favorite singer Barak'karan — not surprisingly, a traditionalist.

He continues to utilize the Holo-programs for recreation, including his combat "calisthenics," commanding the historic Battle of Tong Vey, but has no stomach for zero-G exercises. His posting here has broadened his horizons in at least two ways: he has renewed his study of the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition, and has admitted a healthy respect for native Bajoran beliefs concerning the Prophets based on his own spiritualism.

Personnel Update:
Starfleet Personnel Review Board, SD 50900

Worf commanded the Defiant in Admiral Hayes' fleet against the second Borg invasion ca. SD 50890, and briefly found himself back with his old colleagues on the new Sovereign-class Enterprise when Picard rescued the Defiant's crew and fought off the Borg's would-be temporal sabotage.

Worf's action in recovering a new Jem'Hadar vessel intact ca. SD 50050 has already been duly noted in the record.

Disciplinary Notation: Starfleet Intelligence, SD 51604

Under the temporary command of Major Kira Nerys, Lt. Cmdr. Worf and Lt. Cmdr. Jadzia Dax were assigned to rendezvous with a Cardassian operative, Glinn Lasaran, who had been passing military intelligence to Starfleet for two months. Lasaran requested a face-to-face meeting with Starfleet representatives at coordinates in the Badlands, in order to personally convey information about the whereabouts and activities of Founders in the Alpha Quadrant. As was learned later, in exchange for the information, Lasaran desired immediate assistance to defect from the Dominion, in fear for his life.

Worf and Dax attempted to rendezvous with Lasaran on Soukara, outside a Dominion base. During a two-day hike through the planet's jungle, Dax was injured by a Jem'Hadar patrol. An anti-coagulant rendered Dax untreatable. Worf then opted to abandon the rendezvous in order to return Dax to a Starbase for surgery. Lasaran was killed attempting to re-enter the Dominion base after a two-day absence.

The information Lasaran had to offer would likely have brought the war to a swifter end, thus saving millions of lives. Jadzia Dax is highly valued by Starfleet, but every officer puts his or her life on the line every day for the common good. Worf was aware of his duty, and the consequences of failure, and nonetheless deserted his mission for strictly personal reasons.

Therefore let it be noted that Worf is reprimanded for his conduct of SD 51597-51600. No formal charges shall be filed due to the sensitive nature of the case, but this notation shall hereby render Lt. Cmdr. Worf ineligible for any further promotion or any permanent command position in Starfleet.

In addition, Worf's commanding officer, Capt. Sisko, has been instructed that Worf and Dax are never to be assigned to missions on their own again.

Personnel Update:
Starfleet Personnel Review Board, SD 52950

At the behest of Admiral Ross and Klingon Chancellor Martok, Lt. Cmdr. Worf has petitioned this board to allow him to conclude his service as a Starfleet officer and transfer to the Federation diplomatic corps in the position of Ambassador to Qo'noS. Worf's service record with Starfleet has been distinguished — and eventful to say the least — but certainly not spotless. A number of disciplinary notations and other dubious actions (e.g., resigning his Starfleet commission to fight in the Klingon Civil War of 2367-2368) necessarily limit his ability to advance much further in rank or responsibility in this agency. Bureaucratic considerations aside, though, he deserves high commendations for his crucial role in the Alliance victory over the Dominion, particularly his efforts to bridge the political gap between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. The Alpha Quadrant has much to thank Mr. Worf for.

Despite his conflicts and struggles over being a Klingon amongst human and other Federation cultures, he remains loyal to the UFP and its ideals. Plus, he has the respect of the Klingon people due to his defeat of the late Chancellor Gowron in a bat'leth fight. We believe the Qo'noS ambassadorship is the most ideal role for Worf to fulfill at this time. Therefore this board grants approval to Worf's transfer, and trusts that his presence on the Klingon homeworld will ensure a continued peace between our peoples. We wish him luck.
Jean Luc Picard
Disturbing Presence
Foul Appearance
Nurgle's Rot
Block (20k)
Rank: Captain
Current assignment: Commander, U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E
Full Name: Jean-Luc Picard
Date of birth: July 13, 2305
Place of birth: Labarre, France, Earth
Parents: Maurice and Yvette Picard
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2323-27
Marital status: Single
Children: None
Quarters: Formerly, Enterprise: Deck 9, Room 3601
Office: Enterprise: Deck 1 Ready Room, adjoining Main Bridge

Starfleet Career Summary

2333 – Assigned as commander and first officer on U.S.S. Stargazer, later promoted to captain after death of his superior in battle

2355 – Forced to abandon Stargazer after encounter with then-unknown Ferengi, with few casualties

2356 – Cleared of negligence in Stargazer loss by routine inquiry

2363 – Chosen to command relatively new Galaxy-class U.S.S. Enterprise-D

2364 – Offered but turned down promotion to admiral as commandant of Starfleet Academy

2366-7 – Declared missing in action during Borg invasion, later rescued from assimilation and returned to Enterprise command

2369 – Assigned to covert raid and captured by Cardassians on Celtris III, later returned to Enterprise command

2371 – Lost Enterprise-D at Veridian III while opposing El-Aurian scientist Tolian Soran

2372 – Chosen to command relatively new Sovereign-class U.S.S. Enterprise-E, SD 49827.5

2373 – Deflected Borg invasion of Earth; risked further contamination to restore Borg temporal sabotage of human first contact

Psychological Profile: Report of Ship's Counselor Deanna Troi Updated from Starfleet File Reports

An accomplished diplomat and tactician, Picard managed to surpass a 22-year career as first officer and later captain of the U.S.S. Stargazer with an even more impressive record as captain of the fleet's former flagship U.S.S. Enterprise. In the latter role he not only witnessed the major turning points of recent galactic history but played a major role in them as well, from surviving as the only human abductee of the Borg invasion in 2366, to becoming the chief contact point with the Q Continuum, to serving as arbiter choosing the current ruler of the Klingon Empire and exposing the Romulans as backers of his chief rivals, later helping a pacifist underground movement to gain a toehold there.

Owing to a single-minded drive since childhood for a Starfleet career, Picard has "never been a family man" and was long uncomfortable with the Galaxy-class starship's civilian family contingent; the orphaned son of Lt. Marla Aster again raised this concern, although his unease with children has dissipated since being stranded with three youths during a shipboard quantum filament crisis. His initial reaction to family is also reflected in the friction with his father and, later, his older brother over leaving the family business, a winery. However, when asked about having children of his own Picard once replied that "wishing for a thing does not make it so." The issue of lineage and his lack of offspring caused a sustained yet brief period of depression upon the sudden accidental deaths in 2371 of Robert and his nephew Rene, his only other family members. His outlook was also affected by the chance to experience a traditional family through an encounter in the Nexus in 2371, as recounted later, and after having relived 40 years of a Kataanan native's life three years earlier; in the latter case the decades of experience compressed into 30 minutes from a Kataanan archival probe was overwhelming.

Lingering throughout Picard's life is a series of unsuccessful romantic relationships, stemming in part from his introspective nature as a career officer and his self-professed desire to avoid long-term commitments. Significant adult romances have included Jenice Manheim in 2342, Capt. Phillipa Louvois in 2356, rogue archeologist Vash in 2366-68, and Lt. Cmdr. Nella Darren in 2369. In addition, he also had barely acknowledged feelings for Ens. Marta Batanides following their Starfleet graduation; the Kriosian metamorph Kamala; and the widow of his best friend Lt. Cmdr. Jack Crusher, Beverly — a Starfleet doctor, longtime friend and his chief medical officer on the Enterprise.

Aside from these feelings regarding children, family and women, Picard was even aloof with those he considered his close friends. Nevertheless, he has shown a willingness to stake his career for them — as when defending the inherent sentient's rights of first Data and then his daughter Lal against Starfleet confiscation, then acting as Worf's cha'dich before the Klingon High Council and stepping in on behalf of Crewman Simon Tarses during Adm. Satie's virtual witchhunt. Also, a Q-induced encounter in 2370 with a possible future timeline seems to have diffused this separation from friends somewhat. While he has had no more encounters with his best Academy mates, both of Picard's closest friends from his early career, Jack Crusher and Walker Keel, were killed in the line of duty.

Part of Picard's private nature includes a difficulty in confronting deep personal issues, which then tend to become suppressed. Philosophically, he sees life and death as more than two choices of eternal or momentary existence; in fact, he believes there is another concept yet beyond human understanding. Genetic engineering with its pre-determination disturbs him, saying it robs humanity of the unknown factor that makes life worth living. Having to be patient in the presence of mounting problems, even if it is unavoidable or even the best path to take, is unsettling to him; nevertheless, he has shown a clear skill in knowing when to solicit opinions and when to act decisively. His Enterprise operations officer, Data, once estimated only a 17% chance that Picard would be so indecisive in a crisis as to call Starfleet for instructions.

Though he often heatedly defends a strict interpretation of the Prime Directive, he has broken it numerous times when he felt it was warranted. For example, during his Enterprise career he allowed an Edo female to confront her "god" from space and brought a pre-spaceflight Mintakan leader aboard so as to undo the damage done by cultural contamination. (He later offered his life to a distressed Mintakan's arrow to prove he was no immortal himself.) He also chafes at the Starfleet directive banning captains from most away-team missions in uncertain or hostile situations.

Picard had few friends as a youngster and self-admittedly "skipped his childhood," due to his early, single-minded drive to be in Starfleet. Though shy, he took piano lessons only to please his mother; he hated public performance and soon quit — a move he now regrets. He did build airships in bottles when young, and like his nephew years later he wrote a ribbon-winning report on starships; reading of the ancient Bajorans in the fifth grade might have been another influence on his lifelong passion for archeology. Later he was school president, valedictorian and a star athlete.

Picard failed his first try on the Academy entrance exams but only required one more to pass. As a student athlete, he became the only freshman ever to win the Academy marathon — the event at Danula II marked the beginning of his friendship with Admiral Hanson — and he once out-wrestled a Ligonian in 14 seconds with a reverse body lift for a pin. He graduated at or near the top of his Academy class, even though he once failed an Academy class over a woman he refers to only as "A.F.," the initials he carved into gardener Boothby's prize campus elm tree; he was called at least once to the Academy superintendent's office, and he credits Boothby for helping him through an ordeal that saved his graduation. His lack of self-discipline as a young officer nearly led to his death in a near-fatal stabbing at Starbase Earhart in 2328 while awaiting post-graduation assignments. Picard went on as a lieutenant to meet Ambassador Sarek at the wedding of his son Spock.

Another mentor of those years was archeology professor Richard Galen, whose fatherly approach was a trait sorely missed by the son estranged from his true father. In fact, it was not until after his abduction during the Borg crisis that Picard ventured home, the first time in 20 years, and began to heal the rift with his brother Robert, who had been jealous of his high-achieving younger brother whom he viewed as getting away with spurning family traditions and responsibilities.

In an early highlight of his illustrious and fondly recalled years aboard the U.S.S. Stargazer, First Officer Picard took command of the bridge upon his captain's death and saved the ship, leading to his permanent promotion to captain. His command has abruptly halted in 2355 when the vessel was abandoned with relatively little loss of life during an encounter that, years later, was realized to be the first UFP-Ferengi contact; casualties would have been much higher had he not devised a deceptive warp-speed jump maneuver that today is still studied and bears his name. Even so, he endured a standard inquiry a year later but was cleared of all negligence.

It was only a year before the Stargazer's loss, in 2354, that Jack Crusher was killed on an away team, and he had returned the body to his widow at Starbase 32. That same year he visited Chalna; earlier, the Stargazer had barely eluded ambush while on an unsuccessful truce mission during the Cardassian border wars.

Picard assumed captaincy of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D on SD 41124, having hand-picked much of his senior staff — such as two young officers who impressed him enough upon first meeting to win a place in the senior staff: Geordi La Forge once piloted his inspection tour shuttle and stayed up all night to refit an engine part he'd made a passing comment on, and he witnessed Tasha Yar risk her life to save colonists amid a Carnelian mine field. Finally, he had picked Riker from among simple resumes as his first officer and promoted him to commander sight unseen, impressed by his record of independence. His command presence and ethics persevered even through the Satarran memory wipe—despite orders, he would not fire on unarmed people.

Within months of his Enterprise captaincy he was offered admiral's rank and the job of commandant of Starfleet Academy by Admiral Quinn but turned it down to retain his flagship. He also commanded the 23-ship blockade fleet to deter Romulan interference along the Klingon border during the empire's civil war of 2367-68, and undertook a covert raid in 2369 with two Enterprise officers on Celtris III to investigate a reported Cardassian metagenic weapons base, later found to be a hoax.

Following the loss of the Enterprise at Veridian III, Picard won command of the ship's next namesake, one of the new Sovereign class, in 2372 on SD 49827.5. While Lt. Cmdr. Worf chose to be the exception, Picard's entire senior staff and many junior officers made the transfer with their captain. That continuity proves fortuitous: less than a year later, Picard was ordered away from repelling a second Borg attack for fear of giving unwitting aid to the enemy, but after reconsidering he led a deflection of the main assault. From there, a risky time-travel gambit paid off to correct temporal sabotage involving human first contact.

Other mission performance highlights of his years on the Enterprises included his second meeting with Sarek, where at great personal risk he agreed to a mind-meld to save the Legaran conference in 2366 with the ailing ambassador; the legendary Vulcan had taken an interest in his career, calling it "satisfactory," but Picard was still awed by the UFP legend. They met again briefly as Sarek lay dying two years later as Picard was en route to another reunion with Spock, leading an underground pro-unification movement with Vulcan on Romulus.

Picard has also participated in first-contact encounters with the Borg, Ferengi, Edo, Aldeans, Tamarians, Jarada, Malcorians, Douwd, Mintakans, Paxans, Cytherians, the Ux-Mal, and Devidians, among others, and served as a negotiator and diplomat on missions including Acamar III, Rutia IV, Angosia III, Bajor, Talarians, Turkana IV, Pentaurus V, Ventax II, Kaelon II, Lenaria, Gemaris V, Dachlyd, and Krios-Valt Minor.

Picard keeps a healthy outlook on life with a wide variety of interests and recreational pursuits, including his near-professional pursuit of archeology, having studied the Iconian culture since his cadet days and addressed the Federation Archeological Council as keynote speaker on his oft-studied Tagus III ruins in 2367. He enjoys Terran literature in its written rather than holo-visual display, especially detective fiction such as Dixon Hill, and Shakespearean drama; oddly enough, while he enjoys role-playing the former in holo-programs, he avoids acting or any other performance art himself despite an interest in classical music and attending the shipboard concerts and plays on the Enterprise. Even so, he overcame his childhood dislike and began playing a Kataanan flute following his encounter with that culture.

Picard's interests go well beyond archeology and literature, however. The subject of planetary motion and physics is another; he kept up with the Atlantis Project on Earth through journals; and is fascinated to be the first to discover the spacefaring life form, communicate with the Crystalline Entity, and reveal an ancient Promellian battle cruiser. He has studied semantics and keeps his Latin fresh, but has no interest in politics, dance, small animals, or the Enterprise senior staff's poker game until his 2370 encounter with Q and an alternate future timeline.

Medical history: Report of Cmdr. Beverly Crusher, M.D., Enterprise CMO

Picard enjoys excellent health, thanks to a regimen carried over from his days as an athlete. He still finds time for fencing, racquetball and equine sports, usually by Holodeck, but he does show a tendency for overwork, avoids formal vacations, and has reported bouts of insomnia. His aversion to annual physicals must also be noted and dealt with.

Owing to a fatal stabbing through the heart in a brawl as a newly-graduated ensign in 2328, a cardiac device later found to be defective was implanted to save his life. The unit required replacement when it malfunctioned in 2365, overseen at Starbase 212 by then-CMO Dr. Katherine Pulaski. Four years later in a near-fatal Lenarian attack using compressed tetryon weaponry, it was damaged and replaced. He suffered head trauma to the right temple area in the same incident that led to Jack Crusher's death in 2355, and has sustained numerous injuries on occasion, none with long-lasting physical damage.

He was formerly declared dead by Adm. Hanson as a casualty of war after his assimilation by the Borg; the ruling was rescinded six days later, after he fought through the imposed Borg mind of Locutus and got back to his own identity following his recapture. Along with his physical recovery, the invasive incident took an enormous emotional toll and required several weeks of counseling. Picard followed a similar though less lengthy recuperation following his capture and torture by Cardassians in 2369.

Counselor's update: Report of Cmdr. Deanna Troi, 2373

Less than a year on our new ship and I find myself returning to the events of 2366-67 regarding our captain: the once-quelled ghosts of his Locutus experience and his former commands have returned. It has taken this second Borg experience to remind him of the existence of a "Borg Queen" who pursued him then, and his reaction to the bureaucratic Starfleet reaction on his involvement is an issue I am positive will be resolved by the caption's unusually strong self-ego. However, in dealing with reports by officers who were present, I have decided to focus future efforts on the subject's lingering anger toward his one-time captors in future, if any, Borg encounters.

This episode has also revealed a second and as-yet unexamined factor in the captain's command decision-making process to be considered in future crises: his command history itself. Certainly Picard has compiled an illustrious career and laudable accomplishments in both diplomacy and tactics, but the fact remains that he abandoned his first command — a decision cleared by court-martial review — and lost his second. While his quick accession to a new command betrayed any concern at Starfleet about his emotional fitness to lead a starship, it did play a factor in delaying his eventual decision surrounding the aborted abandonment and self-destruct of the new vessel to stop the Borg temporal invasion. In this case, thanks to the interference of a strong-willed contemporary associate of Zefram Cochrane, Picard was persuaded that self-destruct was his only option, then thankfully found other options that saved his vessel — including his unusually strong bond with longtime second officer Data.
William Riker
Disturbing Presence
Foul Appearance
Nurgle's Rot
Block (20k)
Rank: Captain
Serial number: SC 231-427
Current assignment: Commander , U.S.S. Titan
Full Name: William Thomas Riker
Date of birth: August 19, 2335
Place of birth: Valdez, Alaska, Earth
Parents: Kyle and Betty C. Riker
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2353-57, graduated eighth in his class
Marital status: Married to Deanna Troi
Children: none
Quarters: formerly, Enterprise: Room 0912, first Deck 8, then Deck 9

Starfleet Career Summary
2358 — As ensign, first assigned to U.S.S. Pegasus test project under Capt. Erik Pressman

2361 – As lieutenant, stationed with Starfleet detachment on Betazed

2362 – Assigned to U.S.S. Potemkin; decorated for rescue of ship's away team on Nervalla IV six weeks later and promoted to lieutenant commander, transferring from operations to command division. Named first officer of U.S.S. Hood under Capt. Robert DeSoto

2364 – Promoted to commander, named first officer of U.S.S. Enterprise by Capt. Jean-Luc Picard

2366 – Temporary field promotion to captain by Adm. Hanson during Borg crisis

2369 – (*) Accidental double, retaining rank of lieutenant from Nervala IV crisis, assigned to U.S.S. Gandhi and uses middle name "Thomas" 2370 — Temporarily detained due to earlier involvement with Pegasus project; charges dropped

2371 – (*) Riker "twin" resigns Starfleet to join Maquis, leads raid on Orias III in captured U.S.S. Defiant and is imprisoned by Cardassians upon capture

2372 – Transferred with remainder of Picard's senior staff to Sovereign-class U.S.S. Enterprise

2373 – During attempt to repair Borg temporal sabotage with Earth first contact, acts as replacement flight crew for Zefram Cochran's Phoenix warp test

Professional Assessment: Report of Starfleet Command Review Board

Enterprise Second Officer Data once estimated that Riker uses traditional tactics only 21% of the time. After winning admission to the Academy, Riker began acquiring this lifelong reputation for unorthodox solutions when, during a simulation, he figured out a Tholian ship's sensor blind spot for use as a hiding place. Riker finished eighth in his graduating class; one fellow cadet was Paul Rice, who would later fall victim to the computer weapons systems on planet Minos.

As an ensign on his first assignment, Riker had served with now-Admiral Pressman on the test ship U.S.S. Pegasus as and proved pivotal in defending his captain against a rare Starfleet mutiny before they and only a handful of others escaped, shortly after the ship's destruction during a test project. Only in 2370 was Pressman's renegade cloaking experiment unmasked, and Riker was detained briefly for complicity but cleared.

Later stationed on Betazed, his mission there ended in 2362 with a posting that would launch a rapid rise in his career. Sent to the U.S.S. Potemkin in 2362 as a lieutenant, he proved unorthodox again in avoiding a confrontation by hanging over a planet's magnetic pole to confuse an opposing ship's sensors. Only six weeks after coming aboard, though, he barely escaped from Nervala IV, where his rescue of crewmates led to a promotion and a switch from operations to command division, where he eventually became first officer of the U.S.S. Hood under Captain Robert DeSoto. During this stay he was offered his first command on the light cruiser U.S.S. Drake, but turned it down.

From there, he was promoted to commander and picked sight unseen from among 50 candidates by Jean-Luc Picard as his first officer on the new Galaxy-class U.S.S. Enterprise; in fact, the two had not met until he signed aboard at Farpoint Station, after he was dropped off by the U.S.S. Hood.

Riker grew so satisfied with his assignment under Picard, who quickly dubbed him "Number One" according to old Terran naval parlance, that he twice turned down two more commands of his own: once to the frontier scout ship U.S.S. Aries in 2365, and again to the ill-fated U.S.S. Melbourne a year later, although he temporarily had a field promotion to captain during the Borg crisis of 2366-67 during Picard's abduction. Ironically, he likely would have died on the Melbourne during the Borg massacre at Wolf 359 and would not have been present to play a major role during the Enterprise's last-ditch attack.

Knowledgeable on legal issues, he was pressed into presenting Starfleet's case against Data's independence at Starbase 173 in 2365 and, two years later, defended first Crewman Tarses and then even Picard before Admiral Satie's inquiry in 2367. He was the first human to serve aboard a Federation-Klingon exchange program in 2365, where he showed a keen knowledge of their culture and became one of the few to obtain Picard's "surrender."

He had been given temporary command of the U.S.S. Excalibur in Picard's blockading fleet against Romulan involvement in the Klingon civil war of 2367-68, but Admiral Nechayev passed over him by placing Captain Jellico in command during Picard's abduction by the Cardassians in 2369. Their budding disagreements led to Riker being temporarily relieved of duty until he was called back by Jellico for Cardassian negotiations.

Riker's latter tour years on the Galaxy-class Enterprise were filled with more surprises. Aside from being drugged and made nearly insane by the Tilonians, captured and nearly killed by the xenophobic Malcorians on a first contact recon gone bad, abducted by solanagen-based aliens, and revealed for his role in the Pegasus incident, he discovered
  • a duplicate of himself created as a transporter fluke from the Nervala IV mission.

  • Ironically, the two clashed in temperament, with the "found" Riker finding his own restless career on the Gandhi before resigning to join the Maquis rebels and his subsequent capture by Cardassians in a useless theft of the U.S.S. Defiant from Deep Space 9.

    Riker, meanwhile, again gave no thought to his own command and joined Picard and the other senior staff aboard the new Sovereign-class Enterprise namesake. Though the incident has been classified, Riker also has the satisfaction of having joined Chief Engineer Geordi La Forge in the cockpit of Zefram Cochrane's warp test vehicle Phoenix during efforts to repair temporal damage caused by Borg invaders in 2373.

    Psychological Profile: Report of Ship's Counselor Deanna Troi

    Although Riker has displayed a well-rounded personality and temperament throughout his rising command career, his mother's death when he was only 2 helped foster an acrimonious 15-year separation from his father Kyle Riker at age 15, when he left home. He had deeply missed his mother, but came to loathe the distance his father erected between them as his own means of grief. Their relationship resorted to an ongoing competition in activities such as fishing trips, and formally manifested itself in the martial art of anbo-jyutsu as way to work out their problems. The two began a tentative rapprochement in 2365 during a surprise encounter, where Riker discovered his father had nearly died in a Tholian attack in 2253. The family history includes a veteran of the Terran American Civil War, Col. Thaddeus "Iron Boots" Riker, who was wounded as commander of the 102nd New York at the Battle of Pine Mountain, serving in Gen. W.T. Sherman's march to Atlanta in 1864; he was carried for two miles from the front lines or would not have survived.

    Riker's knack for improvisation runs throughout his hobbies and interests as well. A master poker player and bluffer, he had learned the game during his brief stint on the U.S.S. Potemkin; his reputation won him the role as replacement Federation negotiator during the short-lived Barzan wormhole talks. He has also visited Quark's bar and casino on DS9, where in its first year of operation under Starfleet-Bajoran administration he was the only person to win a triple-down dabo.

    He can play keyboards, but his favorite musical instrument is the trombone. He especially loves jazz and has played for numerous shipboard functions and concerts; he displays it in his quarters — having loaned his old boyhood instrument to Thomas Riker — and also displays a Risian horga'hn Picard once brought him, as well as a fishing reel. Under Dr. Crusher's direction, his acting talents have increased greatly since "Something for Breakfast" in 2369 until his riveting "Frame of Mind" performance only weeks later. Cooking is another hobby, thanks to the necessity of a father who hated to do it, and his language skills include basic Ferengi as well as Klingon. Generally, he claims to be inept at organizing his time off and — predictably — prefers to let events happen unplanned.

    Riker has a strong libido and — aside from encounters made in the line of duty, such as on Angel I and Tilonia IV — has fostered several romantic relationships, including the enhanced holo-woman Minuet, the doomed assassin Yuta and colonizer Carmen Davila, and Soren of the normally androgynous J'naii, for whom he risked court-martial over Prime Directive charges. His encounters nearly cost him a murder sentence on Tanuga IV and, after a resort visit to Risa, the Ktarian takeover of Starfleet through a mind-control device. Additionally, he and Ensign Ro engaged in a love/hate working relationship, especially exposed during a memory blanking incident in 2368, and he offered to speak in her behalf when she was presumed dead later that year. (See addendum below).

    Despite his nominally robust outlook, Riker has been prone to short bouts of self-doubt regarding his perceived complacency toward ambition each time he debated and turned down his own ship command. His imposing physical presence has been an unintended impediment to effective communication with some in his command, especially junior officers, and he has taken steps to deal with it.

    Medical File: Report by Beverly Crusher, M.D., CMO

    Riker generally enjoys good health; an infectious plant on Surata IV proved nearly fatal but for a precise and direct neural-cortical therapy. Athletically, he still enjoys Parrises Squares, despite medical warnings; he also trains for the Klingon bat'leth with sticks and studies in Worf's mok'bara classes. While he does not care for equine events he does indulge mountain climbing and fishing holo-programs, having grown up in the great outdoors of Earth's Alaska.

    Psychological Profile Addendum by Beverly Crusher, M.D., CMO

    (Due to the conflict of interest, this entry is being entered by the chief medical officer rather than ship's counselor, who has been personally involved with the subject of the report.)

    Aside from his string of incomplete female relationships, Riker's major romance last involved Counselor Deanna Troi, who began calling him "imzadi," the native word for "beloved," after they met during his Betazed mission. He had last seen her there the day before he shipped out on the U.S.S. Potemkin in 2362, but it would be two years before they were reunited again as fellow officers on the U.S.S. Enterprise, unbeknownst to Picard. They had planned to get together six months after his departure, but the Nervala IV incident changed that; his early feelings for her at that time can still be seen in his twin "Thomas." Riker professed a warm friendship for Troi in later years that occasionally blossomed into romance, but they generally stayed platonic — although Worf's surprising courtship of her in 2370 seemed never to have settled well with him.

    Personnel File Addendum: Report of Capt. Jean-Luc Picard

    On a personal level, I was heartened to find Riker commanding the refit Enterprise as captain in 20 years, but disturbed to discover that he and my chief security officer Worf had clashed over their affections for Deanna Troi along the future timeline shown to me by the Q entity in late 2370. Owing to the tentative nature of this "future," I chose to share these developments among the officers involved with the conviction that this future was not immovable, in the hope they can avoid the problem.
James Tiberius Kirk
Disturbing Presence
Foul Appearance
Nurgle's Rot
Mid-level Biography Brief Mode
Final Rank: Captain
Full Name: James Tiberius Kirk
Date of birth: March 22, 2233
Place of birth: Riverside, Iowa, Earth
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2250-2254
Marital status: Single
Children: One son, David Marcus (2261-2286)
Date of death: 2293/2371*
Place of death: Enterprise-B in Nexus/Veridian III*
Serial number: SC937-0176 CEC
Quarters: On original Enterprise, Deck 5; on refit/1701-A, Deck 5/Room 0195

Starfleet Career Summary

2250 — As a first-year Academy student with ensign rank, assigned to U.S.S. Republic NCC-1371

2254 — Upon graduation, promoted to lieutenant and posted to U.S.S. Farragut under Capt. Garrovick

2264 — Promoted to captain, in command of U.S.S. Enterprise for five-year mission

2266 — Exonerated in wrongful death charge of Ben Finney, first captain ever to stand trial

2269 — Returned from five-year mission; promoted to admiral in charge of fleet operations at Earth

2271 — Demanded to relieve Capt. Will Decker, his choice as successor for the refit Enterprise, and dealt with V'Ger crisis before beginning second five-year mission

2277 — Accepts appointment to Academy faculty, moves into San Francisco apartment

2286 — Charged, convicted and reduced permanently to captain's rank by the Federation Council for theft of Enterprise a year earlier, after saving Earth from alien onslaught by securing two extinct whales via time-traveling; given command of U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-A

2287 — Explores center of the galaxy with Enterprise-A hijacked by Sybok

2293* — Spearheads initiatives leading to Khitomer Accords and exposes anti-peace conspiracy in Starfleet and Klingon Empire; dies while saving the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-B from an energy anomaly just minutes after its commissioning ceremony

2371 — Reappears in Nexus long enough to help Captain Jean-Luc Picard save planet Veridian III from destruction in the Nexus

As much as any other figure in Starfleet history, the tall tales about James T. Kirk's exploits over a 40-year career are as numerous as the official record — and probably closer to the truth in some instances. Kirk's renown began by becoming the youngest captain in Starfleet to date at 34 and the first captain to bring his starship back relatively intact after a five-year mission, having also gained a reputation as an independent whose success couldn't be argued even though he often bucked the system. He also has the distinction of being involved in 17 different temporal violations, a career record which still stands.

Kirk's ancestors pioneered the American frontier, and his Midwest roots tied him closely to American history, a lifelong interest. He had an older brother, George Samuel Kirk, although "Sam" and his wife Aurelan died at Deneva in 2267; their one son and Kirk's nephew Peter survived them. As a child of 13, Kirk witnessed the massacre of 4,000 people during a famine by the governor of Tarsus IV, nicknamed Kodos the Executioner.

A romantic at heart, Kirk never formed a lasting, romantic relationship due to his devotion to career — especially during his captaincy of the U.S.S. Enterprise. He did father a son with Dr. Carol Marcus, David, but was asked to avoid his upbringing and did not know he had matured into a scientific genius until 2285-86, when the young man was killed by Klingons on the Genesis planet he'd help to create. Kirk long grieved for the boy's death, and that he had only a few months to know his progeny. He also regretted not having married a woman named Antonia whom he dated for about two years, from 2282 to 2284.

A family friend named Mallory helped gain Kirk entry to Starfleet Academy, and he soon had the rare treat of earning starship duty as a first-year cadet with the brevet rank of ensign while aboard the U.S.S. Republic. There Kirk was close friends with Benjamin Finney, for whose murder Kirk was later tried, but was tormented by an upperclassman, Finnegan. As an older cadet he served as an instructor, where Gary Mitchell was one of his students and later his best friend, saving his life on Dimorus. His heroes included Abraham Lincoln and Captain Garth, whose missions were required reading in class, as were the works of Dr. Roger Korby. Kirk had the distinction of being the only cadet ever to beat the "no-win" Kobayashi Maru scenario; he had secretly reprogrammed the simulation computer, making it possible to win and earning himself a commendation for original thinking.

After graduation, Kirk's first assignment was the U.S.S. Farragut as a newly-promoted lieutenant, a tour distinguished by his command of a survey mission to Tyree's planet Neural in 2254 and his guilt-plagued discovery of the creature dubbed a "cloud vampire" which led to the deaths of his captain and 200 shipmates — although he realized that there was nothing he could have done to save them. Kirk once contracted and recovered from Vegan choriomeningitis, but still carries microorganisms of it in his blood.

Kirk's historically rapid rise to a captaincy and command of a loyal and respectful 430-member crew are reflected in the awards and commendations he had garnered by 2267, including the Palm Leaf of the Axanar Peace Mission, the Grankite Order of Tactics, a Class of Excellence award, the Prantares Ribbon of Commendation, First and Second Class, the Medal of Honor, a Silver Palm with Cluster, the Starfleet Citation for Conspicuous Gallantry, the Karagite Order of Heroism and several Awards of Valor.

It was on this Enterprise that he assembled a crew and forged friendships with fellow officers who would themselves become Starfleet legends: First Officer and Science Officer Spock, Dr. Leonard McCoy, engineer Montgomery Scott, Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov, Uhura. Even after the end of their five-year mission, it almost became a cliché that only Kirk and his crew could save the Federation from a new crisis — or at least Earth. That is exactly what happened in the case of V'Ger in 2271 and the whale-calling aliens in 2286.

Kirk had accepted a promotion to admiral in charge of fleet operations upon his initial return, but accepted a reduction to captain when he regained command of the Enterprise in 2271 to thwart V'Ger, relieving Will Decker after recommending him for the "center seat." Some 14 years later after another five-year command mission and a return to Academy teaching, he used Spock's cadet ship to thwart a grab by his onetime nemesis Khan Noonian Singh for the experimental Genesis device. That mission in turn set off a chain of events that led to Kirk's reunion with Carol Marcus and his son David, David's death, Spock's sacrifice to save the ship and his storage of his katra in McCoy's mind, and the discovery that Spock's body had regenerated on the Genesis Planet.

Bucking the odds once again, Kirk's loyal officers all risked their careers and lives to steal the Enterprise, retrieve Spock's body for refusion with his katra, and face down a Klingon crew in their way bent on taking Genesis — which included the destruction of Kirk's beloved starship. With the stolen Klingon Bird-of-Prey and Spock on the road to recovery, the officers opted to return to face punishment — but not before time-traveling to retrieve extinct whales to space Earth from an alien probe's onslaught while searching for them. Once again, Kirk was rewarded rather than punished, and given command of the all-new U.S.S. Enterprise-A that year.

Heavily involved with the beginning peace negotiations with the Klingons after spoiling an attempt by terrorists to destroy the proceedings, Kirk's actions helped bring about peace in the galaxy just prior to his retirement in 2293. While on the ceremonial christening of the U.S.S. Enterprise-B, Kirk disappeared into the Nexus, a temporal ribbon in which he has a timeless, perfect life, and pronounced dead. However, in 2371, Captain Jean-Luc Picard persuaded him, amid endless Nexus fantasies, to help him to save Veridian III from the possessed El-Aurian, Dr. Tolian Soran. They stopped the madman's plot, but Kirk was killed in the fight and buried in a plain grave on the rocky planet.
Mr. Spock
Disturbing Presence
Foul Appearance
Nurgle's Rot
Full Biography Mode
Rank: Captain, retired
Serial number: S179-276SP
Full Name: Spock (lineal Vulcan name unpronounceable)
Year of birth: 2230
Place of birth: Shi'Kahr, Vulcan
Parents: Ambassador Sarek and his wife Amanda Grayson
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2249-53
Marital status: Once married
Last whereabouts: Romulus

Starfleet Career Summary

2252 – As cadet, assigned under Capt. Christopher Pike, U.S.S. Enterprise

2253 – Commissioned as ensign, still aboard Enterprise under Pike

2265 – As lieutenant commander, named first officer and science officer under Capt. James T. Kirk aboard Enterprise; promoted to commander soon after

2269 – Retired from Starfleet

2271 – Reactivated commission during V'Ger crisis under Kirk on refit Enterprise

2277 – Promoted to captain, assigned to Starfleet Academy faculty and cadet training with Enterprise

2285 – Relinquish cadet-filled U.S.S. Enterprise to Kirk for rescue of Project Genesis team

2286 – Though uncharged, stands with Kirk and shipmates for theft of Enterprise charges

2287 – Accompanies Kirk aboard U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-A for Nimbus III mission

2293 – Envoy to UFP-Klingon peace accords, spurred by explosion of Klingon moon Praxis

Spock's mother, Amanda Grayson, was a human schoolteacher from Earth and his father, Sarek, was a respected diplomat. For most of his life, Spock was torn between his emotional human side and the stern discipline of his Vulcan half until his experience with the V'Ger machine-entity in 2271 and his later death and rebirth in 2286 broadened his perspective. As of 2267 he had earned the Vulcanian Scientific Legion of Honor, had been twice decorated by Starfleet Command and held an A7 computer expert classification.

As a child, Spock had a pet sehlat, which is a cuddly Vulcan bear-like animal with claws and fangs. His older half-brother, Sybok, who was ostracized from Vulcan because he rejected the way of pure logic, was killed in 2292 after battling an alien entity at the galaxy's center that claimed to be 'God.'

At age seven, Spock was telepathically bonded with a young Vulcan girl named T'Pring. The telepathic touch would draw the two together when the time was right after both came of age: once every 7 years all Vulcan males experiences pon farr, a powerful Vulcan mating drive which demands that they mate or die. In 2267, however, T'Pring chose Stonn, a Vulcan, over Spock, and the Vulcan returned to the U.S.S. Enterprise unwed. He did eventually marry in a ceremony attended by Lt. Jean-Luc Picard.

Because the young Vulcan chose to join Starfleet, he and Sarek opened an 18-year rift over Sarek's hope his son would attend the Vulcan Science Academy. Spock was the first Vulcan to enlist in the Federation Starfleet, serving aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise under Captain Christopher Pike as a lieutenant, and later for James T. Kirk.

After the conclusion of the U.S.S. Enterprise's five-year mission, Spock retired from Starfleet and returned to Vulcan to pursue the emotion-purging of the kohlinar discipline from the Vulcan Masters. Although he completed the training, Spock failed to achieve kohlinar because his emotions were stirred by the V'Ger entity in 2271. He then reentered Starfleet and was eventually promoted to U.S.S. Enterprise captain when that ship was assigned as a training vessel at Starfleet Academy.

Spock sacrificed himself in 2285 to repair plasma conduits that allowed the U.S.S. Enterprise and its crew to escape from the detonation of the Genesis Device by Khan Noonien Singh; his radiation-wracked body was consigned to space but landed on the newly formed Genesis Planet and began regeneration. Prior to his death, Spock had mind-melded with McCoy to transfer his katra, apparently intending for his longtime friend and sparring partner to return it to Vulcan and perhaps be fully regenerated in the fal-tor-pan or refusion process, conducted for the first time in generations.

In later years, Spock's work became more diplomatic than scientific, initially remaining a part of Starfleet. In 2293, he served as Federation special envoy to the Klingon government, paving the way for the Khitomer peace accords with Chancellor Azetbur. That peace came about with great difficulty and personal turmoil for Spock, in that a conspiracy to sabotage the talks through the assassination of Azetbur's father, Chancellor Gorkon, and the subsequent framing of Kirk and McCoy, involved his own Vulcan protégé, Lt. Valeris.

After decades as a civilian, in 2368, Spock secretly traveled to Romulus on a personal mission to further the cause of Romulan/Vulcan reunification — a mission which shook up the Federation so that Captain Jean-Luc Picard was sent undercover to determine his motives. On the same trip he was saddened to hear of the death of his father, Sarek, but Picard's presence allowed Spock a final last solace thanks to an earlier Picard-Sarek mind meld. Spock remained to work with the Romulan underground and in 2369, helped arrange the defection of Romulan vice-proconsul M'Ret to the Federation to pioneer an escape route for dissidents.

Spock carried a life-long interest in art, music, literature and poetry from many worlds, especially Terran, and played both tri-dimensional chess as well as the Vulcan lute or harp and a keyboard harpsichord.
Dr. Beverly Crusher
Nurgle's Rot
Report of Admiral Brooks, Starfleet Medical CMO Career Review and Proficiency

Doctor Crusher has consistently shown to be not only thorough but conscientious in her daily work and routine. She is a superior scientist in various fields of research medicine such as xenoimmunology, curing or treating the so-called Tsiolkovsky virus, the airborne virus known as Ligonese poison, and Barclay Syndrome, which she discovered and named after its first patient. Her contributions in practical forensic medicine have had galactic import, leading to improved trust with the Klingon Empire after her investigation of former Chancellor K'mpec's murder, and with the Ferengi Alliance regarding the murder of Doctor Reyga by the Takaran rival Jo'Bril. Unfortunately for this office, her unorthodox methods bordering on cultural insult proved quite troublesome at times in the latter case even though she was later exonerated.

Even so, Starfleet Medical applauds Doctor Crusher for her stand against a lack of concern for experiment research on patients while other treatments are still viable, citing her logs concerning Lieutenant Worf's spinal paralysis and Doctor Toby Russell's genotronic research. And her use of ship's phasers, of all things, to deliver a live-born spacefaring alien as large scale Caesarean section procedure is nothing short of ingenious.

UPDATE: SD 50900

In view of reports testifying to Doctor Crusher's actions to care for 21st century natives aboard her vessel during temporal maneuvers with possible Prime Directive implications, this office finds no fault with her performance in light of the greater temporal crisis at hand.

Psychological Profile: Report of Ship's Counselor Deanna Troi

Although suffering her share of life tragedies, Beverly Crusher brings to her work and her relationships a deep-rooted sense of ethics as well as a freshness and good humor that is infectious. Indeed, at times she has served as the glue to hold situations together, while at other times acting as the needler to provoke a necessary reaction or course.

Doctor Crusher spent her formative years with her grandmother, Felisa Howard, who raised her from an early age after her mother died. In fact, it was Felisa's knowledge of folk medicine which allowed the two Howards to be among the few survivors of the Arvada III colony disaster - inspiring the younger Crusher to choose medicine as her life's work. Unknown to her at the time, Felisa was involved with an anaphasic "lover" who derived life-affirming sustenance in return for the companionship - a secret stretching back through generations of the family which nearly consumed Doctor Crusher herself.

The discovery occurred only upon Felisa's death in 2370 on Caldos IV, where they had lived after Arvada III until Crusher left her to attend Starfleet Academy. Before those moves with Felisa, young Beverly had spent her earliest years on Earth's North America, which she still considers "home"; she studied tap and jazz dance there and won several awards in competition in St. Louis. Intimate relationships have been mostly healthy for Crusher, who suffered with typical human growing-up angst: getting a crush on a soccer player three years her senior, Stefan, at age 8, and dying her naturally red hair brunette at age 13 when she fretted over teenage popularity.

It was her marriage to Lt. Cmdr. Jack Crusher that provided the major trauma of her adult life when he died on an away team mission off the U.S.S. Stargazer under Captain Jean-Luc Picard in 2355. Before their wedding on July 20, 2348, during her medical schooling, the future Crushers had dated for several months until he finally proposed by sending her the book "How To Advance Your Career Through Marriage." The two had first been introduced by Walker Keel, who with Jack had been Picard's closest friend during their early years in Starfleet; ironically, her relationship with Jack followed an intense but brief affair that had already run its course.

The new couple and Picard became close friends during those years the men served on Picard's U.S.S. Stargazer. The captain later accompanied her to the Starbase 32 morgue to view Jack's corpse, but it was not until years later again - again, in 2370 - that Picard confirmed her suspicion that he too was attracted to her, thanks to a telepathic linkage while held as spies on Kesprytt. Picard had denied there would be any personal problems when she signed aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise as his CMO in 2364 at Farpoint Station, but in reality both knew they shared a latent interest in each other by the time of the Tsiolkovsky virus epidemic that brought it out only a few weeks later.

Her husband's death also left a void for their son, Wesley, who had been born a year after they married. A lieutenant at the time, Jack Crusher recorded the first and only entry in a series of holo-tape messages to his infant son, but she opted not to share it with Wesley until 2367. As a mother, Doctor Crusher raised a gifted, intense young man alone, never resorting to corporal punishment until suffering the effects of Sarek's bendaii syndrome. Astounded at the Traveler being's prognosis for his development in 2364, she fretted later that he was working too hard at the expense of a social life. His role in the Nova Squadron scandal at Starfleet Academy in 2368 shocked and saddened her without affecting their basic relationship until his departure with the Traveler two years later.

In her later years Dr. Crusher had another intimate yet short-lived relationship with the Joined Trill ambassador Odan, and had displayed affection for an evolving Zalkon called "John Doe" and visiting historian Berlinghoff Rasmussen - the latter only until his time-traveling story turned out to be a hoax.

Doctor Crusher, who often serves a night watch on the bridge, aided in the capture of the renegade Borg under Lore in 2370 with the strategic loss of their craft while in command of the Enterprise. She has not shirked from risk on away missions, as when exploring the Borg ship upon Picard's abduction in 2366. She was taken as a hostage by the Ansata terrorists to provide their medical care on Rutia IV earlier that same year, and was nearly captured by Cardassians with Worf on a covert raid on Celtris III with Picard, who was taken. Ironically, she almost died in a diminishing universe created from her own mind, thanks to a subspace warp bubble experiment of her son gone awry.

As can be seen from the theatre masks decorating the walls of her quarters, much of the doctor's well-rounded personality stems from her many interests in the stage arts. Although she hid her dance skills in later years to avoid the hated nickname of "The Dancing Doctor" that stuck in medical school, she has actively fostered her own acting class and theatre troupe here aboard the Enterprise. Among the productions she has directed are "Cyrano de Bergerac," "The Pirates of Penzance," "Frame of Mind," and "Something for Breakfast"; her students have included Lieutenant Barclay, a reluctant Commander LaForge, and even Commander Riker, whose halting first scenes improved dramatically under her coaching before culminating with his riveting performance in "Frame of Mind."

Beyond the arts, another hobby is ethnobotany, and she can more than hold her own in poker. She is fond of fine-weave metallic fabrics. She reports a mild fear of heights, although this counselor has not seen it detract from either her duties or recreation.

Counselor's update, SD 50950 review:

Having survived the second Borg invasion and its temporal repercussions, I am pleased to review logs revealing Doctor Crusher's clear-headed, quick-thinking actions to evacuate her patients and as Picard's temporary XO during the ship evacuation process.

I also admire how she overcame her long-time disinclination toward Emergency Medical Holograms to use it as a tactical tool during the crisis.

Beverly Crusher
Rank: Commander

Current assignment: Chief Medical Officer, U.S.S. Enterprise (detached service upon loss of vessel in 2371)

Full Name: Beverly Cheryl Howard Crusher

Date of birth: Oct. 13, 2324

Place of birth: Copernicus City, Luna

Parents: Paul and Isabel Howard

Education: Starfleet Academy and Medical School, 2342-50

Marital status: Widowed; married Jack Crusher 2348-55

Children: One son, Wesley Robert Crusher, born July 29, 2349

Quarters: Formerly, Enterprise-D: Deck 8/Room 2133

Office: Formerly, Enterprise-D: Deck 12/Room 1629

Starfleet Career Summary

2352 -- Medical internship under Dr. Dalen Quaice, Delos IV

2363 -- Passed Bridge Officers Examination

2364 -- As commander, named Chief Medical Officer, U.S.S. Enterprise, under Captain Jean-Luc Picard

2365 -- Headed Starfleet Medical one year

2366 -- Reassigned as Chief Medical Officer, U.S.S. Enterprise

2369 -- Temporarily relieved of duty amid Reyga incident, then reinstated

2372 -- Transferred with remainder of Picard's senior staff to Sovereign-class U.S.S. Enterprise

2373 -- Acted as first officer during attempt to repair Borg temporal sabotage of Earth's first contact with an alien race
Seven of Nine
Nurgle's Rot
Starfleet records indicate that Seven of Nine was formerly Annika Hansen. Annika's parents were last reported to be leaving a remote outpost in the Omega sector, headed towards the Delta Quadrant in a small vessel The Raven. It is possible that the Hansen family were the first humans to be assimilated by the Borg.

The Borg formerly known by the designation "Seven of Nine" has been disconnected from the Borg collective mind through the neutralization of the upper-spinal column neurotransceiver. In total, I have extracted eighty-two percent of her Borg hardware implants. The remaining bio-implants have been stabilized and remain critical to her life support. I have also stimulated her human metabolism and immune system, though the Borg Nanobots in her bloodstream will more than suffice until she has stabilized. Hair follicles have been repaired and stimulated. Left eyepiece has been replaced by an artificial organ replacement, simulating her own organic eye.


Seven of Nine
Species: Human, Cybernetic

Current assignment: U.S.S. Voyager : no formal assignment

Full Name at Birth: Annika Hansen

Place of birth: Tendara Colony, SD 25479

Marital status: Single

Introductory Medical Notes: EMH Doctor, AK-1
Deanna Troi
Nurgle's Rot
Block (20k)
Although actually of mixed human and Betazed heritage, Troi is one of many from her planet active in the Starfleet counselor corps and was ship's counselor for the U.S.S. Enterprise throughout its service life and now aboard its successor namesake. Troi's race is known for its inter-species telepathy and its emotional empathy with most other species whether on board the ship, in a ship at close proximity or on the planet below. While such a capacity has heightened her counseling skills, they have also aided her captain's command mission decisions on several occasions, including hostile encounters, negotiations, and first-contact missions. Most notably she recently took part in the temporal restoration of Cochrane's Phoenix flight and human first contact.

A lifelong interest in Ancient Western stories arose in childhood when her human father would read them to her and sing at bedtime, including her favorite "Down in the Valley"; she also recalled later how she'd check under her bed for "monsters" and carry her over muddy patches. He died when she was 7, and the grieving she and Lwaxana shared is also a vivid memory.

Sometime prior to that she had been "genetically bonded" according to Betazoid custom to Dr. Wyatt Miller, the son of her late father's best friend. The Millers expected to carry out the arranged marriage in 2364, but Wyatt realized the woman he'd been imagining was a Tarellian plague victim and he left to help her people instead.

Unbeknownst to Troi until 2370, she had a sister Kestra six years her senior who drowned in the nearby lake during a picnic when Troi was but a newborn infant. In grief and guilt her parents moved away, and upon Ian's death Lwaxana deleted all mention of Kestra in personal logs. Though exasperated at times by the bawdy Lwaxana, she gained new insight with that revelation, which added new meaning to her mother's lifelong and oft-detested nickname "little one" and came while relieving Lwaxana's metaconscious trauma. Among her childhood keepsakes, not recovered from storage until 2368, are a doll, a small teddy bear, necklaces, and two books; she'd once had a Betazoid kitten as a pet, but it never got along with her mother.

Following Academy graduation she returned to her homeworld for advanced psychology studies at the University there, where she befriended the troubled Tam Elbrun during his treatments for stress.

It was also during this period when she met and enjoyed a deep romance with her "imzadi," Starfleet Lieutenant William Riker. Aside from her intended mate Wyatt Miller, Riker is the only other person she felt had the capacity to share full telepathic contact. They had planned to reunite six months after he left Betazed for the U.S.S. Potemkin in 2362, but his rapid career rise negated that and she eventually cooled to him. Despite latent feelings and her occasional use of the "imzadi" endearment, their professional life has remained largely platonic yet warm since their surprise reunion on the U.S.S. Enterprise two years later.

Troi has shown no signs of negative reaction to Riker's occasional attractions to other women, including both Ensign Ro and the J'naii renegade Soren, and is even touched that he still confides in her. Even so, the appearance of the "old" U.S.S. Potemkin-era Riker in the form of Thomas easily swept her off her feet.

Romantic attractions of her own have included genetically bred Genome Colony leader Aaron Conner, the deaf mediator Riva, a brief dating relationship with fellow officer Worf, and an intense fling with negotiator Devinoni Ral.

Owing to concern about her lack of command expertise during a crisis stint as senior bridge officer on the U.S.S. Enterprise, she successfully completed the Starfleet bridge command exam in 2370. It is this training which contributed to the successful restoration of Cochrane's pioneer flight, when she helped minimize 24th century involvement and thus potential timeline contamination by acting as ground flight controller when the original crew was killed by time-traveling Borg.

She is also trained in languages and linguistics, often making her a valued first contact team member. Again, it was her skills in interpersonal contact which helped Cochrane adjust to her comrades' true story when trying to restart the known timeline after Borg temporal sabotage in 2373. During her original Enterprise posting she had preferred wearing non-regulation clothing as a calming influence on those about her, but following temporary commander Jellico's order to don a uniform in 2369 she began to make it habit.
Troi has been pregnant once, though the 2365 incident involved a speeded-up cycle brought on by an alien wishing merely to live the experience. The boy, whom she named after her father, resumed its normal noncorporeal form when his presence proved harmful to unstable cargo aboard and Troi felt the loss deeply.

She ran the gamut of emotions from anger to fear to helplessness when deprived of her empathic ability by nonsentient two-dimensional lifeforms two years later, becoming the so-called "patient from hell."

Her career and Betazoid empathy have put Troi at risk during her career many times. She was abducted in a forced shuttlecraft crash in 2364 by the malevolent entity Armus on Vagra II, then barely survived abduction and surgical alternation in 2369 to pass as a Romulan Tal Shiar agent aboard a warship to help that Empire's underground smuggle out two high-ranking defectors. And a year later she nearly committed suicide in the nacelle plasma stream when reacting to an empathic echo left by a murderous original builder of the Enterprise. Troi has also been telepathically assaulted by a troubled Ullian archivist, Jev, and later nearly died from hyperaging as the emotional dumping ground of the Lumerian envoy Ves Alkar.

Dessert is her favorite part of a meal, and one of her greatest favorites and weaknesses is chocolate. Paraphrasing Terran philosopher-humorist Will Rogers, she says "she never a chocolate she didn't like" - unless it might be the replicated variety; a Ktarian chocolate puff is her very favorite. She's also part of the officers' poker circle, and once beat Data at tri-dimensional chess.

Deanna Troi
Rank: Commander

Current assignment: Ship's counselor, U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701-E

Full Name: Deanna Troi

Date of birth: Terran equivalent: March 29, 2336

Place of birth: Near Lake El-Nar, Betazed

Parents: Betazoid Ambassador Lwaxana Troi and the late Starfleet Lt. Ian Andrew Troi

Education: Starfleet Academy, 2355-59; advanced study at University on Betazed

Marital status: Single

Children: One, deceased, via alien conception taking human form: Ian Andrew Jr., b/d 2365

Quarters: Formerly, Enterprise Deck 9/Room 0910

Office: Formerly, Enterprise Deck 8.

Starfleet Career Summary

2362 -- Educational leave for advanced career study, Betazed

2364 -- As lieutenant commander, assigned as ship's counselor, U.S.S. Enterprise under Capt. Jean-Luc Picard

2370 -- Promoted to commander; passed Bridge Officers' Exam

2372 -- Transferred with remainder of Picard's senior staff to Sovereign-class U.S.S. Enterprise
Lieutenant Uhura
Nurgle's Rot
Uhura served as communications officer aboard the Enterprise on its original five-year mission, under the command of James T. Kirk. It is not unusual to see her rewire or repair her own communications board during a crisis, or taking the helm.

In Swahili the name of Uhura, a striking black woman, translates to 'freedom,' and she speaks that language fluently. She also has a singing voice and was known to entertain members of the U.S.S. Enterprise crew, accompanying herself on the Vulcan harp. Uhura has shown some romantic interest in Scotty, but it was never pursued. After her memory was wiped in 2267 by the space probe Nomad, Uhura spent considerable time relearning the huge pieces of information the probe had destroyed.

Uhura served at Starfleet Command on Earth after the reassignment of the original U.S.S. Enterprise to Starfleet Academy in 2284, where part of her duty was to give lectures. Prior to the Khitomer peace conference, Uhura returned to her former post on the U.S.S. Enterprise-A at the request of Captain Kirk.


Rank: Commander

Date of birth: 2239

Place of birth: United States of Africa, Earth

Parents: Mother, M'Umbha

Education: Starfleet Academy, 2257-61


2266 -- Communications officer, U.S.S. Enterprise, under Capt. James T. Kirk

2271 -- Promoted to lieutenant commander, refit U.S.S. Enterprise under Capt. Will Decker

2277 -- Assigned to Starfleet Academy cadet training and Starfleet Command communications

2285 -- By now a commander, aboard U.S.S. Enterprise for rescue of Genesis development team

2286 -- Inquiry dismisses charges related to theft of U.S.S. Enterprise

2287 -- Oversees communications on new NCC-1701-A Enterprise
Yeoman Jancie Rand
Nurgle's Rot
Rand entered the Star Service as a crewmember in 2249. For the next several years, served on various merchant vessels, and eventually starships, earning an exemplary performance record.
Starfleet officer who served as Captain Kirk's yeoman during the early days of Kirk's first five-year mission aboard the original Enterprise.

Rand returned to serve aboard the Enterprise as transporter chief in 2270.

Rand subsequently served at Starfleet Command in San Francisco, where she assisted in directing emergency operations when Earch was threatened with ecological disaster by an alien space probe of unknown origin.

Lt. Commander Rand was later assigned as communications officer aboard the U.S.S. Excelsior under the command of Captain Sulu.


Rank: Lt. Commander

Date of birth: 2232

Place of birth: Earth

Parents: details not available

Education: Starfleet Academy, 2276-2278


2266 -- Yeoman, U.S.S. Enterprise, under Capt. James T. Kirk

2270 -- Transporter Chief, U.S.S. Enterprise, under Capt. Will Decker

2276 -- Entered special training at Starfleet Academy for two years, emerged as Ensign

2285 -- promoted to Lieutenant and transferred to duty at Starfleet Command on Earth

2286 -- instrumental in coordinating Earth rescue efforts against alien probe

2290 -- now Lieutenant Commander, requested by Captain Sulu to be the ship's Communications/Operations Officer and third in command of the Excelsior.
Nurgle's Rot
Block (20k)
Psychological Profile: Report of Ship's Counselor Deanna Troi

This female member of the scattered yet long-lived El-Aurian "Listener" race became the civilian hostess of the U.S.S. Enterprise's Ten-Forward lounge at Picard's invitation in early 2365, dispensing her trade's time-honored craft of advice while remaining mute about her own background. At Ten-Forward, she kept a selection of alcoholic beverages for special occasions in opposition to Starfleet's synthehol regulations and made herself available to anyone in need, especially the senior staff, as an informal counselor.

Well over 600 years old now, Guinan hid out from her father on Earth in AD 1893 as a mature adult and had an imaginary Tarcassian razor beast as a childhood pet -- and still finds time to "talk" to him. She herself has been married at least twice and has "a lot" of children. One of her offspring "wouldn't listen to anybody" -- a rarity in a species of listeners -- but he "grew out of it after several hundred years." Her family also includes her father, who is over 700 years old and had pursued her nearly 400 years earlier to come home, and a maternal-side Uncle Terkim, the "black sheep" of the family.

In the 2160s, Guinan first encountered the Q entity, and both mutually consider the other an implacable enemy -- though she went by a different name then. A century later she was not present when her people were attacked by the Borg and scattered from their home system thousands of light-years from Federation space -- though she was aboard the refugee-filled S.S. Lakul some 27 years later near Earth, in 2293, when part of her being was trapped in the same Nexus ribbon which destroyed her ship and a sister El-Aurian craft and caused the apparent death of Captain James T. Kirk. Following the incident, Guinan developed what otherwise would be dubbed a "sixth sense."

Though usually a calm and reasoned observer, Guinan's personal life proved fitful and she held long grudges against both Q and the Borg as enemies -- though even she relented against the latter when "Hugh" Borg proved civilized when cut off from the collective in 2368. She coyly says her relationship with Picard goes "beyond friendship and beyond family," and had earlier claimed she liked bald-headed men; she has vaguely spoken of "serious trouble" that she escaped thanks to the trust of Picard; in return, he once observed that "Guinan is very selective about whom she calls a friend."

No stranger to the phaser range, she once beat Worf on Level 14, firing left-handed, and she silenced a dream-deprived paranoid mob in Ten-Forward with an energy-beam rifle hidden behind the bar. She has also been coached in fencing by Picard, begun when she considered exercise to strengthen her arm in 2368.

Position -- Civilian lounge hostess

Species/gender -- El-Aurian female

Place of birth -- El-Auria

Marital status -- Single, twice married

Children -- Several

Former Quarters -- U.S.S. Enterprise: Deck 8, Room 3150

Former Office -- U.S.S. Enterprise: Adjacent to Ten-Forward lounge, Deck 10

Personnel File Addendum: Report of Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Guinan's knowledge of the universe due to her age and her "extrasensory perceptions" has aided my crew in a number of missions wherever she could be of assistance. Having explained to me that she had detected the original vortex that brought the alternate Tasha Yar to this universe, Guinan assured me of her conviction that Sela truly was somehow Tasha's daughter during the Romulan involvement in Klingon politics in 2367-68
Lieutenant Natasha Yar
Nurgle's Rot
Database Entry (Includes last Psychological Profile by Ship's Counselor Deanna Troi)

The original security chief under Captain Jean-Luc Picard on the U.S.S. Enterprise led a tragic yet heroic life until her death in the line of duty in 2364.

Yar was born on the failing colony world of Turkana IV in 2337, but both her parents were killed in the crossfire among the planet's cadre infighting just after her younger sister Ishara was born some 4 1/2 years later. After their foster care family abandoned them within months, the girls led a violent and harrowing life on the streets, eluding rape gangs and drug addiction while fending for themselves. One comforting companion amid the chaos at the time was a kitten.

Yar finally got off the world in 2352, at age 15 -- just about the time the colony broke all contact with the UFP. She invited Ishara to join her, but the younger sister refused, preferring the protection of her Coalition cadre there. The two never saw each other again, although Ishara learned of her sister's legacy from Enterprise officers in 2367.

Picard had asked for Yar aboard the Enterprise after he first saw her as she risked her life in a Carnelian mine field to save a colonist, and her current captain owed him a favor.

Despite a valiant effort by Dr. Crusher, on SD 41601 during a rescue mission on Vagra II she died as a result of injuries from an invisible energy bolt to her head by the malevolent creature Armus; it left a blotch on her jaw. A memorial service that featured a holographic recording of her last thoughts and thank-you's to her closest shipmates was held later.

Well-trained in martial arts and athletics, her favorite pastimes were aikido and Parrises squares, and she participated in ship-board competitions. Having grown up hardened to sentimentality, she found it a struggle to express her femininity -- although the Tsiolkovsky virus allowed her to share an intimacy with Data once -- an intimacy he treasured with a small hologram from her memorial tape, though he was forced to disclose the encounter during his trial for sentient rights a year later.

STARFLEET PERSONNEL FILE -- Yar, Natasha "Tasha" (deceased)
Rank -- Lieutenant

Last assignment -- U.S.S. Enterprise

Species/gender -- Human female

Year of birth -- 2337

Place of birth -- Turkana IV

Date of death -- 2364 (Stardate 41601)

Place of death -- Vagra II

Cause of death -- Head trauma from alien assault

Marital status -- Single

Historical File Addendum: Report of Capt. Jean-Luc Picard

As explained to me by Guinan, a highly-perceptive El-Aurian and my close friend, a duplicate Tasha Yar in a parallel time-line re-entered this universe in 2344 via a time vortex, aboard the Ambassador-class U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701- C. Unknown to outsiders, Yar was taken as a consort by a Romulan general aboard the ships that attacked and defeated that Enterprise without leaving a trace of it, and she gave birth a year later to his daughter, Sela. In 2349, when Sela was 4, she foiled her own mother's escape attempt and Tasha was killed, sadly, again.