11 coaches online • Server time: 07:39
Fleshpile Foulers
Disturbing Presence
Foul Appearance
Mighty Blow
Nurgle's Rot
Really Stupid
Guard (20k)
Currently the third incarnation of the vile beast Snotslurper.

Snotslurper - 53 SPP, 59 Consecutive games played for the Foulers. Snotslurper became increasingly disgustingly bloated and eventually cast off his putrid outer skin to reveal a new Snotslurper within. Snotslurper the Transformed played 13 games and racked up 14 SPP before it underwent yet another transformation, morphing into its current form.
Disturbing Presence
Foul Appearance
Nurgle's Rot
Block (20k)
Claw (20k)
Guard (20k)
Juggernaut (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Disturbing Presence
Foul Appearance
Nurgle's Rot
Block (20k)
Claw (20k)
Dodge (30k)
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Disturbing Presence
Foul Appearance
Nurgle's Rot
+ST (50k)
Block (20k)
Claw (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Wart was reanimated by the power of the Rot from the corpse of much-loved former player
Wart who was a staple of the team for 24 games despite limited production on the field.
Wart's Rot-powered strength is increasing by the game!
Disturbing Presence
Foul Appearance
Nurgle's Rot
+ST (50k)
Block (20k)
Claw (20k)
Juggernaut (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Nurgle's Rot
Block (20k)
Dodge (30k)
Nurgle's Rot
+AG (40k)
+MA (30k)
Block (20k)
Sure Hands (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Nurgle's Rot
Dirty Player (20k)
Sneaky Git (30k)
Wrestle (20k)
Boil is currently the oldest active Rotter on FUMBBL, the top active Nurgle fouler, and has never missed a game in 88 outings with the team.
Boil Si'ed two elves the first match after picking up DP.
Boil killed a Hobgoblin with a foul in game 35, who took up the Rot and joined the team. He also SI'd a Minotaur in the same match with the boot.
Boil SI'ed a human Blitzer in game 54
Boil killed an Amazon with a foul in game 55, who took up the Rot and joined the team.
Boil SI'ed a Flesh Golem with a foul in game 63
Boil killed a Chaos Warrior with a foul in game 64, who took up the rot and joined the team.
Boil SI'ed a human catcher with a foul in game 68
Boil SI'ed a minotaur with the boot in game 70, and cas'ed a Chaos Lineman with his hands for good measure!
Boil killed a Marauder with his hands in game 80, who took up the rot and joined the team.
Boil killed one Norse Runner with the boot in game 85, and SI'ed another!
Nurgle's Rot
Block (20k)
Dodge (30k)
Nurgle's Rot
Nurgle's Rot
Wrestle (20k)
Another one for the hall of irony.